One Chance in One Thousand (Odin shans iz tysyachi)One Chance in One Thousand (Odin shans iz tysyachi) - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesOne Chance in One Thousand (Odin shans iz tysyachi)
One Chance in One Thousand (Odin shans iz tysyachi) is a Soviet 1969 adventure war movie directed by Leon Kocharyan. In Summer 1943 Soviet commando group under the command of Capt. Migunko (Anatoliy Solonitsyn) operates on Black Sea coast, occupied by Nazi Germany. In order to get valuable documents about German spy ring, Migunko impersonates SS officer and infiltrates the headquarters that is disguised as a resort for officers.
The following weapons were used in the film One Chance in One Thousand (Odin shans iz tysyachi):
Sgt. Sokolov (Vladimir Marenkov) holds a TT-33 when disguised as a German officer. Lt. Osyanin (Aleksandr Fadeyev) holds his TT during the action on the German airfield. In the final scene Capt. Migunko (Anatoliy Solonitsyn) gives his TT to Nina (Zhanna Prokhorenko). TTs in the movie are of correct pre-1947 version.
German officers, including SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer Weiseing (Viktor Pavlovsky) and Maj. Kracht (Oleg Savosin), use Luger P08 pistols in several scenes. Other officers and NCOs, including SS-Sturmbannfuhrer Schirach (Grigoriy Shpigel) and warrant officer Glotke (Pavel Vinnik) are seen carrying holstered Lugers. Capt. Migunko (Anatoliy Solonitsyn) also uses a Luger when he impersonates Weiseing.
Dvigubskiy (Nikolai Kryukov) and Luftwaffe Lt. Col. von Bulow (Voldemar Akuraters) use Walther P38s during the duel. In the final scene Col. Koester (Gurgen Tonunts) draws a P38 from his pocket (not a best choice for pocket pistol).
Soviet commandos, including Capt. Migunko (Anatoliy Solonitsyn), Sgt. Sokolov (Vladimir Marenkov), Harri Hatzel (Harri Schweitz), Kartsev (Oleg Khalimonov) and twin brothers Igor and Seraphim Semernin (both - Arkady Svidersky), are armed with MP40 SMGs. In the final scene Nina (Zhanna Prokhorenko) fires the MP40, taked from wounded Migunko. MP40s are also used by German soldiers.
Several German officers, including SS-Sturmbannfuhrer Schirach (Grigoriy Shpigel), Maj. Kracht (Oleg Savosin), and Lt. Col. von Bulow (Voldemar Akuraters), carry Double Barreled Shotguns during the deer hunt. Denis Korneevich Prokhorenko (Nikolay Grinko) uses a double barreled shotgun in the final scene. All shotguns have exposed hammers.
KPV heavy machine guns in 2M-5 twin mounting are mounted on Project 123K torpedo boat, standing for German S-class torpedo boat. Sokolov (Vladimir Marenkov) mans the machine gun during the attack of German plane.
German soldiers use stick hand grenades in the final scene. They appear to be mockups, resembling Model 24 Stielhandgranate hand grenades. The mockups look similar to ones, used in Otryad osobogo naznacheniya, filmed on same studio.