Old Henry is a 2021 Western film written and directed by Potsy Ponciroli. It stars Tim Blake Nelson as the titular character, a widowed farmer in 1906 Oklahoma, with Scott Haze, Trace Adkins, and Stephen Dorff in supporting roles. One day, Henry gives shelter to an injured man with a satchel of cash. He claims to be the sheriff, wounded and pursued by a gang. But when a group of strangers comes for this person, they claim themselves to be the lawmen. Henry has to decide who to trust, but his decision leads to the disclosure of his own dark past.
The following weapons were used in the film Old Henry:
Single Action Army "Civilian" Model revolvers are used by Henry MacCarty (Tim Blake Nelson), his son Wyatt (Gavin Lewis), Curry (Scott Haze), and Branigan (Brad Carter). Curry's revolver with the matte grey finish, brass backstrap and trigger guard, and plain wooden grips is an Uberti Cattleman Hombre New Model replica (the Old Model has a safety screw in the front section of the frame that is absent on Curry's revolver). Henry's revolver that he owns from his outlaw days also has plain wooden grips and brass parts but a different finish. It is probably another Uberti model, possibly the Cattleman Charcoal Blue.
One of Ketchum's hired guns is armed with a Single Action Army "Artillery" Model revolver. Judging by the matte grey finish and brass backstrap and trigger guard, this revolver is probably another Uberti replica.
Single Action Army "Artillery" Model Non-Firing Replica
Non-firing replicas of SAA "Artillery" revolver, likely Denix production, are also seen in the hands of Ketchum's hired guns.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingFor reference: Denix "Cal.45 Peacemaker 5 1/2", USA 1873" (model 1106/G) replica of Single Action Army "Artillery" Model. Note the grey surface and thick wooden grips with large screw. Screen guns are similar but have different finish.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA revolver is seen in the dead hand of a hired gun whom Henry killed with an axe. Such a glossy black surface is more common for non-firing replicas.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother view of the same scene.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA hired gun, credited as Cowardly Gunslinger (Kent Shelton, who is also the film's armorer), holds his revolver.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe shape of the firing pin reveals this gun to be a non-firing replica.
One of Sam Ketchum's (Stephen Dorff) guns is a Colt Official Police revolver. The film is set in 1906, a little early even for the Colt Army Special, the direct predecessor of the Colt OP.
Two of Ketchum's hired guns are armed with Colt 1851 Navy revolvers, heavily archaic for 1906. Only one of these revolvers is seen firing, and the muzzle flame is obviously a CGI effect. This particular revolver has the brass frame that can be seen on a number of replicas, both firing (Pietta) and non-firing (Denix).
Stilwell's second revolver is a Smith & Wesson Military & Police. Judging by the combination of the early grip and the supported ejector rod, the revolver is the 2nd Model of 1902.
A short-barreled version of the Remington 1875 is used by Ketchum (Stephen Dorff). It is likely a Uberti/Cimarron 1875 "Outlaw" or "Frontier" with 5.5" barrel.
Henry MacCarty (Tim Blake Nelson) owns a Winchester Model 1894 carbine which he retrieves and uses during the final shootout. The exact screen gun is an Angle Eject Carbine version that was introduced only in 1982. It is identified by the configuration of the receiver top.
A Denix replica of the Winchester Model 1892 Carbine, identified by the dull grey receiver, is seen in the field camp of the gang. Possibly the same gun is later seen in Ketchum's saddle holster.
Henry MacCarty (Tim Blake Nelson) holds a Double Barreled Shotgun in several scenes. In the final scene, the gun is used by Wyatt (Gavin Lewis). In 1906, a shotgun with exposed hammers would be a more suitable choice for a simple farmer.