Mississippi Burning is the 1988 drama directed by Alan Parker (Midnight Express) that follows two FBI agents who travel to Mississippi to investigate the disappearance of three civil rights workers in the summer of 1964 and subsequently encounter the prejudices of the community. The cast included Gene Hackman, Willem Dafoe, Frances McDormand, and Brad Dourif. The film, which was loosely based on a real-life FBI investigation, would go on to be nominated for six Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress and Best Director.
The following weapons were used in the film Mississippi Burning:
Throughout the film, FBI Special Agent Rupert Anderson (Gene Hackman) carries a Smith & Wesson Model 10 revolver with a 4 inch heavy barrel.
Smith & Wesson Model 36
Throughout the film, FBI Special Agent-in-Charge Alan Ward (Willem Dafoe) and other FBI agents carry Smith & Wesson Model 36 Chief's Special revolvers with round butts.
Colt New Service
Throughout the film, Deputy Clinton Pell (Brad Dourif) carries a Colt New Service revolver with bone-carved grips.
Röhm RG-38
Frank Bailey (Michael Rooker) is seen pulling a Röhm RG-38 revolver when confronting the civil rights workers at the film's beginning.
Colt Python Snub
When Deputy Pell surrenders is Colt New Service revolver a short barreled Colt Python is also shown laying next to the New Service. It appears to have Herret grips on it. In 1964 both the Python snub-nosed revolver and Herret grips were available.