Midsomer Murders - Season 13Midsomer Murders - Season 13 - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesMidsomer Murders - Season 13
Blank firing replicas of Quick-Draw Single Action Army revolvers are seen in hands of various participants of Wild West show in "Blood on the Saddle" (S13E3), including Jack Fincher (David Rintoul) and Faye Lennox (Emma Cooke). In the final scene Det. Sgt. Ben Jones (Jason Hughes) loads one of these revolvers with a live .44-40 rifle cartridge and fires it (a technically impossible feat).
In the final scene Adam Burbage (Daniel Ryan), finally going insane, imagines himself as Billy the Kid and Tom Barnaby as Wyatt Earp. "Wyatt Earp" (also played by John Nettles) carries two nickel plated Quick-Draw SAA revolvers with pearl grips.
Adam Burbage (Daniel Ryan) carries a Cavalry Single Action Army revolver both during the Wild West show and in the showdown. His revolver fires live ammunition. Adam's revolver is incorrectly called "Buntline" in one scene.
Winchester Model 62A small caliber pump action rifles are seen in "Blood on the Saddle" (S13E3) when Chief Inspector Tom Barnaby (John Nettles) and Mrs. Barnaby (Jane Wymark) fire these rifles in the shooting range on Wild West show.
In the opening scene in "Blood on the Saddle" (S13E3) Jack Fincher (David Rintoul) carries a rifle. The moves of his hands when he readies the rifle shows that it's a pump action one.
A Winchester Model 1873 (supposedly an Uberti replica) is used by Adam Burbage (Daniel Ryan) in the showdown in "Blood on the Saddle" (S13E3). In one scene the bullet, fired from Adam's rifle, is identified by the police expert Dr. Bullard (Barry Jackson) as .44-40 caliber, and Bullard says that the most possible rifle that fired this bullet is "Winchester 73". "The gun that won the West", - replied Tom Barnaby.