The Man in the High Castle - Season 3The Man in the High Castle - Season 3 - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesThe Man in the High Castle - Season 3
Members of the Imperial Japanese Army and the Kempeitai, including Chief Inspector Takeshi Kido (Joel de la Fuente) and Sergeant Nakamura (Akie Kotabe) continue to carry the Nambu Type 14 as their main sidearm.
The Walther P38 is the default sidearm used by various police and military armed forces of the GNR. Suppressed P38s are also seen in the hands of GNR Lebensborn operatives.
A suppressed Walther PPK is used by Joe Blake (Luke Kleintank) during covert assassination operations. Hagan (Michael Hogan) also dual-wields PPKs in "Baku".
A nickle-plated Chamelot-Delvigne Model 1873 is seen in possession of Ed McCarthy (DJ Qualls) and Robert Childan. Childan notes that it was a product of the Belle Époque period of gunsmithing.
What appears to be the Smith & Wesson Model 64 with a 3" barrel is used by several characters in the third season. This is anachronistic since the Model 64 wasn't introduced in our time line until 1972; the 3" barrel version not until the 1980s.
GNR Military Police, Gestapo agents, SS soldiers and even resistance fighters continue to carry the Heckler & Koch MP5A3 sub-machine guns with curved magazines and slim forearms as their primary sub-machine gun.
Arisaka Type 38 rifles are used by Kempeitai and Imperial Japanese Army soldiers as their main battle rifle with many instances of them being equipped with the Type 30 bayonet.
Ceremonial guards outside the office of Reichsmarshall Lincoln Rockwell and the SS Honor Guard of Führer Heinrich Himmler are seen wielding Karabiner 98k rifles.
M1 Carbines are seen in the hands of resistance fighters thoughout the show. The carbines are seen with post-war bayonet lugs and adjustable sights; while the setting takes place in an alternate 1960s, this would seem unlikely given the defeat of the Allies unless the carbines were upgraded during the invasion of the US (which took place after 1945 in the show's continuity).
An unknown rifle is used in "Jahr Null" in an assasination attempt. Based on the shape of the scope, it appears to be German in origin and possibly a Karabiner 98k Sniper.
The Howa Type 64 is seen with the Imperial Japanese Army and Kempeitai throughout the show, being pushed into service as a replacement for their Arisaka bolt-action rifles.
The rifles used in the show are airsoft replicas made by S&T Armament, a Hong Kong-based airsoft manufacturer as the Type 64 and other post-war weapons are banned from export under Japanese law. For many of the long distance shots, the show cast high quality hard rubber replicas of the Type 64.
The H&K G3 continues to be seen as the standard service rifle for Greater Nazi Reich soldiers. In "The New Colossus", a Lebensborn trainee is seen using one fitted with a Hensoldt 4x24 optical sight.
G3A3ZF with Hensoldt 4x24 optical sight - 7.62x51mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingA close reciever shot of a G3 being fired by a Lebensborn trainee in "The New Colossus". Note there seems to be an additional battery case on the Hensoldt 4x24 optical sight.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe trainee removes the magazine, then empties the chamber by pulling and locking the bolt back of his G3 with Führer Heinrich Himmler observing from behind. Trigger discipline is frighteningly absent despite the presence of his Führer, a minor detail which is actually correct for the 60s setting.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEarly Heckler & Koch G3 rifle with wooden handguard and buttstock - 7.62x51mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingThe trainee puts down his scoped G3 alongside an unscoped G3 rifle and two MP5A3s at either sides.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA GNR border guard wearing the helmet is seen with his shouldered G3 rifle in "Kasumi (Through the Mists)".Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother border guard raises his G3 rifle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJuliana Crain (Alexa Davalos) picks up a fallen guard's G3 rifle and fires several rounds from the hip.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe G3 rifle is discarded later.
The leader of the motorcycle gang in "Sabra" carries a holstered Over and Under Shotgun (O/U) that appears to be sawn-off.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis is a photoshopped image of what the Sawn-Off Over/Under Shotgun - 12 gauge could look like, with the exception that the foregrip is still attached.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe gang leader brandishes a sawn-off O/U shotgun at Ed when he tries to argue.
Unknown Trench Shotgun
A trench shotgun of unknown make is used by resistance fighters in "Imagine Manchuria".
The Browning M2 is seen used by GNR guards in fixed positions.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBrowning M2HB on M3 tripod - .50 BMG.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA alternate timeline reel shows a SS guard manning a mounted Browning M2 at the coal mine entrance in "Now More Than Ever, We Care About You". In later scenes of the actual place, the same position is manned by a guard with a MG42 instead.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn an alternate timeline memory of Juliana, she sees the same scene of the mine entrance with more clarity in "Sensô Kôi".Error creating thumbnail: File missingA GNR Border Guard mans a Browning M2 at a border checkpoint in "Kasumi (Through the Mists)".
Browning AN/M2
A Browning AN/M2 is seen in historical newsreels, being fired from an American bomber.
A DShK is seen mounted on a Imperial Japanese border patrol vehicle. DShKs are also mounted atop of Wehrmacht Heer T-55 main battle tanks, the Nazis apparently having adopted a Soviet tank design in the alternate universe of TMITHC.
Japanese Kempeitai soldiers appear to be using a Norinco Type 67 machine gun to eliminate civilians during one of their many acts of reprisals. This would be anachronistic even for the show's alternate history, although this weapon might have been a stand-in to the Sumitomo NTK-62.