Love and Bullets is a 1979 British crime drama directed by Stuart Rosenberg and starring Charles Bronson as Phoenix PD Lt. Charlie Congers, who is sent by the FBI to Switzerland to retrieve American Jackie Pruit (Jill Ireland), a former mistress of crime boss Joe Bomposa (Rod Steiger).
The following weapons were used in the film Love and Bullets:
One of Farroni's henchmen who attacks Charlie Congers holds a snub nose revolver. Richi Huntz (Paul Koslo) takes the gun from a dead gangster. The revolver is not seen very clearly, but it definitely has an open extractor rod. This feature and the general shape allows to guess that it's a compact Colt revolver, most likely a Colt Detective Special.
During the hunt for Congers and Jackie in the Swiss mountains, one of Farroni's henchmen carries a pistol that appears to be a Smith & Wesson 39 (or maybe, but less likely, a Smith & Wesson 59).
Strangely, the pistol of said henchmen switches to another one that looks like a Browning Hi-Power, but appears to be a mockup or rubber prop upon close examination.
A Sterling SMG is used by one of Farroni's henchmen during an assassination attempt in the funicular. Several FBI and French special service agents are armed with Sterlings in Geneva.
Two mobsters who guard Jackie Pruit in a Swiss chalet are armed with double barreled shotguns. Congers (Charles Bronson) disarms one of them and uses a captured shotgun.
A semi-auto rifle with a sniper scope and sound suppressor is used by one of Farroni's henchmen during the assassination attempt on the train. In Geneva, Huntz (Paul Koslo) uses what appears to be the same rifle. Generally, the rifle resembles an M1 Carbine, but it has a shorter stock and a different barrel.
In one scene, one of Farroni's henchmen is armed with what appears to be a "Suadanese" type ArmaLite AR-10. One of the FBI or French special service agents in Geneva can also be seen with this rifle.