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In the Army Now
The following weapons were used in the film In the Army Now:
Beretta 92FS
In one scene, the protagonists are eating in the mess hall when they see a group of Special Forces soldiers including Staff Sergeant Stern (Esai Morales) who is practicing field-stripping a Beretta 92FS while being timed.
In one scene, Libyan soldiers shown monitoring the protagonists with listening devices in their POW cell can be seen carrying holstered M1911A1 pistols.
LaFrance Specialties-converted AR-15 SP1/SPII Rifles
Throughout the film, the U.S. Army personnel are seen using civilian Colt AR-15 Sporter-1 and Colt AR-15 Sporter II rifles converted to automatic by LaFrance Specialties and fitted with M16A2-style hand guards. These weapons are meant to stand in for the M16A2, which was at the time the standard-issue U.S. service rifle, but the receivers of the weapons give away that they are not actually M16A2s. Some of the rifles in the movie have the forward assist, others do not (the early-model AR-15 Sporters lacked the forward assist, while later models (SPIIs) did have it). Ellis Mercantile supplied the weapons for this film. At one point, Private First Class "Bones" Conway (Pauly Shore) tries to use his AR-15 to kill a cobra but runs out of ammo after firing a few shots, resorting to using the rifle as a makeshift bludgeon instead, though the stray rounds strike an underground water source, saving the protagonists from dying of thirst. Bones and the rest of the protagonists can later be seen firing their AR-15s en-masse in an attempt to "scare off" attacking Libyan forces.
While the aforementioned Sporters are generally seen, there appears to be a single appearance of a genuine M16A2 in the film - In this case, it is seen slung on PFC Conway's back when he and the others first arrive in Chad. It may however also be an AR-15A2 HBAR (the civilian equivalent of the M16A2).
Norinco Type 56
The Norinco Type 56 appears as the primary weapon of the Libyan Army soldiers in the film, fitted with AKM-style slant compensators, with and without underfolding 'pig-sticker' bayonets. One Type 56 is commandeered by Private Christine Jones (Lori Petty) when the protagonists escape from a Libyan POW camp during the confusion created by an allied airstrike. One Libyan can also be seen with a Type 56-1 fitted with an AK-74-style muzzle brake.
Machine Guns
Browning M2HB
At one point in the film, a convoy the protagonists are a part of is ambushed by Libyan forces, the protagonists being strafed by a Libyan jeep mounting a Browning M2HB heavy machine gun, though the rounds only succeed in setting their already broken-down truck on fire, leaving the protagonists otherwise unharmed.
Another weapon used by the protagonists when engaging the Libyans is an M60E3 machine gun, PFC Conway using it to flip over a Libyan jeep. M60E3's can also be seen mounted on the front passenger seat of the desert patrol vehicles used by the protagonists near the end of the film.

Near the end of the film, the protagonists recover an airdrop intended for a Special Forces mission which includes a pair of desert patrol vehicles fitted with M60D machine guns for the back passenger.
Heavy Weapons
M197 Vulcan
After being captured by the Libyans, the protagonists are brought before the commander of the base where they are imprisoned, the base commander watching news coverage of the ongoing conflict (which in reality is stock footage from the first Gulf War), including a brief clip of an AH-1F Cobra armed with an M197 Vulcan cannon.
M230 Chain Gun
At the climax of the film, a group of Army helicopters arrive to save the protagonists from the Libyans, including several AH-64 Apaches complete with M230 chain guns as their secondary armament. The Apaches don't have to fire a single shot however, as the Libyans flee upon catching sight of the incoming gunships.
M136 AT4
There are two appearances of M136 AT4 rocket launchers in the film. The first is when the protagonists are in basic training and a Lieutenant Colonel sees Bones holding an AT4 backwards and corrects him on it. The latter appearance is when the protagonists are attempting to destroy a group of Libyan SCUD missiles that are about to be launched at U.S. bases in Chad. The first rocket Bones fires is fired backwards, repeating his mistake from basic training. He then tries again with one more rocket, this shot hitting home and destroying all the SCUD launchers in a series of chain-reaction explosions.
M67 Hand Grenade
During basic training, Bones is shown being trained how to use an M67 hand grenade, his Drill Sergeant instructing him to "drop the pin and throw the grenade", yet Bones does the exact opposite, causing the two to almost be killed when the grenade detonates.
M16 variant w/ Faux M203 Grenade Launcher
In promotional material for the film (such as the movie's poster), Paulie Shore can be seen wielding an unidentified M16 variant fitted with the same type of Fake M203 Grenade Launcher seen in Predator, Scarface, and Heartbreak Ridge, although it is not seen in the actual film.