Identification Marks: None (Osobykh primet net)Identification Marks: None (Osobykh primet net) - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesIdentification Marks: None (Osobykh primet net)
Identification Marks: None (Russian title Osobykh primet net, Polish title Znakow szczegolnych brak) is a Soviet-Polish-East German 1979 (filmed 1978) two-part historical drama directed by Anatoliy Bobrovskiy and based on the novel "Goreniye" ("Burning") by Yulian Semyonov. The movie portrays an episode of the biography of Felix Dzerzhinsky in 1902-1905, including his prison break and participation in revolutionary movement in Warsaw. The movie is the first part of dilogy, followed by Krakh operatsii "Terror" (1981).
The following weapons were used in the film Identification Marks: None (Osobykh primet net):
Nagant M1895 revolvers used by Russian police, notably Gendarmes Lt. Col. Gleb Vitalyevich Glazov (Andrey Mironov). Polish revolutionary Maciej Grybas (Andrzej Wasilewicz) uses a Nagant in shootout with police. The movie was mostly filmed in Poland, so the Nagants are possibly of Polish version.
Gendarmes Lt. Col. Gleb Vitalyevich Glazov (Andrey Mironov) owns a bright nickel plated pocket pistol. He gives it to Vladimir Karlovich Notten (Jerzy Matalowski) who it turn passes the pistol to Helena Gorowska (Danuta Kowalska). The pistol resembles FN Model 1905 or Colt Model 1908 Vest Pocket but some detail differ, and the pistol is more likely a Spanish or French clone of basic FN/Colt gun.
Russian Imperial cavalry, dispersing the demonstration in Warsaw, carry Mannlicher M1888-90 rifles (the correct weapon would be Mosin Nagant M1891 Dragoon rifles).
The final scene of the movie contains footage, depicting the Moscow uprising of 1905. While it is presented as documentary, more likely the scene is taken from some 1920s-1930s Soviet movie (or movies).
Nagant M1895
A Nagant M1895 is seen in hands of a revolutionary during the fighting of the barricades.
Russian police personnel carry holsters for Smith & Wesson No.3 Russian Model revolvers, the correct weapon for early 1900s, but the revolvers, used by police, are Nagant M1895s.