Homefront: The Revolution is a 2016 first-person shooter for Windows PC, PS4, and Xbox One. It was mostly developed by Crytek UK before being sold off to publisher Deep Silver following financial problems at Crytek: Dambuster Studios was formed from ex-Crytek UK staff working on the project who had not already quit over Crytek's failure to pay them. It is not a direct sequel to Homefront, but rather a reboot with a similar premise. Rather than the original game's premise of North Korea rather randomly becoming a global superpower, it is set in an alternate history timeline where the digital revolution occurred in North Korea instead of the West. Following the collapse of the United States economy in 2025, Korea invaded: the game is set in 2029, four years into a brutal occupation, in the city of Philadelphia.
The player takes on the role of Ethan Brady, a new Resistance member, and must take the fight to the Koreans in a semi-open-world environment rather similar to that of the 2009 Wolfenstein.
Three story DLC packs, The Voice of Freedom, Aftermath and Beyond the Walls, were released, respectively in September 2016, November 2016 and March 2017. This leads to a more than slightly ridiculous 63.9 gig install on Windows PC.
The following weapons appear in the video game Homefront: The Revolution:
Homefront: The Revolution uses a very strange variant of limited inventory system in singleplayer mode, wherein the player character can carry a pistol, a main weapon, an RPG (later on in the game) and pick between four types of grenade (incendiary, explosive, distraction and "hack") each of which has four subtypes (default which is either timed or impact depending on the grenade, proximity, remote and mounted on an RC car) with the subtypes drawing from the main type's ammo pool. All of the main weapons and the pistol have two additional "conversion" upgrades that swap out the upper or equivalent portion to turn them into totally different weapons: for example, the assault rifle can be turned into a light machine gun or a sticky grenade launcher. Conversions typically use a different ammo pool from the base weapon. As a result of this, the system effectively allows six main weapons to be equipped if the player has the relevant conversions unlocked, and sixteen (!) types of grenade. There is a Crysis-style on-the-fly customisation system for weapon accessories (not all accessories will fit on all weapons), and this is also used to apply conversions. Each conversion has its own accessory settings and limits, and "remembers" the accessories that have been applied to it when it is selected and will still have them when switched to again, except for the Battle Rifle which likes to forget it has a scope fitted.
Actually setting this nonsense in motion is linked to two currency systems: the first, dollars, are acquired by looting bodies, completing objectives and feeding random items referred to as "valuables" into cupboards with guns in them (shades of Far Cry 2's diamond-eating computers, there) and are used to purchase base weapons, level upgrades for weapons, weapon accessories, and "gear" which upgrades the player character's abilities. It is not possible to simply pick up weapons in the game world: this is handwaved as the KPA guns using biometric ID locks, which fails to explain why it is not possible to pick up weapons dropped by Resistance members either.
The other currency system is "KPA Tech Points," which are acquired by capturing KPA-held areas and completing certain other tasks in the game world, and are used to buy weapon conversions and the non-default grenade subtypes. There is also a rather superfluous crafting system which is used exclusively to make grenade ammo.
Beretta M9 modified
Beretta M9 "Pistol"
The Beretta M9 once again appears as the sidearm of the resistance fighters, now with a M9A3-style rail attached to the underbarrel dust cover, a rather oversized and pointed beavertail, no hole in the hammer, and a rather strange slide. Oddly, the weapon artist's portfolio model of this weapon shows it had a normal Beretta slide when he handed it in, someone at Crytek UK apparently later deciding to change it into having a weird M1911-like slide.
It is the base weapon for the "submachine gun" and "pneumatic pistol" conversions. In its base form, it can be fitted with a laser module and / or a suppressor.
For reasons that are not entirely clear, the special skins in the DLC "Wing Skull Pack" and "Revolutionary Spirit Pack" put a Desert Eagle barrel with a threaded muzzle and a Desert Eagle slide with a strange toy-like sliding fire selector on the Beretta.
The "submachine gun" the player character can use is actually a fictional pistol-to-carbine kit which seems to be based loosely on the FAB Defense KPOS. Attaching this replaces the weapon's slide, and somehow turns the weapon from a semi-automatic 9mm pistol into a fully automatic .45 ACP submachine gun without changing anything in the lower.
The M4A1 carbine is Brady's weapon of choice. It begins with an undersized carrying handle as the standard rear sight, but Aimpoint T1, ACOG, and EOTech sights can be purchased. It is the base weapon for the "light machine gun" and "limpet launcher" conversions.
An early version of the Ares Shrike, the EXP-1, appears in the game as the "Light Machine Gun", and is available as a conversion upper receiver for the M4A1; unlike most of the weapons in this game, this is actually possible. Slightly less realistic, however, is the weapon's reciprocating charging handle, which would be liable to bash out its operator's teeth. Bizarrely, it still retains the M4A1's carrying handle when iron sights are in use; rather than attaching a separate front sight to line up with this, the front sight post is inside the carrying handle with the rear sight, which would yield a sight radius that would be considered insufficient on most pistols, let alone a light machine gun.
A Mossberg 590 with a ventilated rib is available. It is the base weapon for the "automatic shotgun" and "inferno launcher" conversions. This is achieved by simply yanking the barrel, forend and end of the magazine tube off and putting something else on the front instead. This should not in any way be confused for something that would work.
Because so little of the gun is actually changed when it is modified, it is always Mossberg 590: the conversions just give it a heat-shielded barrel, a vertical grip forend and a drum magazine shoved into the loading port, or a very large break-open barrel and an odd diagonal foregrip.
A Springfield Armory M1A SOCOM 16 is seen used by the resistance, and is referred to as the "Battle Rifle". It's shown with a stainless steel finish, black Vltor M1S-style stock system fitted with a marksman stock, underside and side rails on the stock, and a long rail mounted over the action. It feeds from something that looks suspiciously like an oversized 20-round 5.56mm STANAG magazine, which due to logic gives it a capacity of 15 rounds, and like a real SOCOM 16, it is semi-automatic only. There are also a couple of oddities regarding the bolt; namely, it doesn't reciprocate when the weapon is fired, and when it is pulled back during an empty reload, it clips through the back of the receiver. It is the base weapon for the "marksman rifle" and "freedom launcher" weapons.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM1A SOCOM 16 - 7.62x51mm NATO (.308 Winchester)Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Battle Rifle in hands.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Battle Rifle with mods in hands.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBattle Rifle sights.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReloading the Battle Rifle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEthan holds up his SOCOM 16 as he prepares to customise it: note the short barrel, showing this is not a standard M1A. Despite having three rails at the front, it can still only mount one accessory thereError creating thumbnail: File missingLater, he finds himself having to deal with his SOCOM 16's habit of forgetting it has a scope equipped, somehow sliding the ACOG scope onto the rail with the quick-release levers in the locked position and then having it just stay in place by itself. Note also the bipod accessory, which decreases recoil despite always being folded, and the muzzle brake, which apparently "allows the use of more powerful ammunition" (which is the same ammunition that was in the magazine beforehand) and so adds to the damage but also increases recoil. Presumably in Homefront's world you apply the brakes to make your car go faster.
Remington 700 Export "Marksman Rifle"
Most of a Remington 700 Export appears, curiously, as an optional conversion upper receiver for the SOCOM 16, under the moniker "Marksman Rifle," with a paltry 3-round magazine capacity. Going by the ammunition pickup text ("12.7x99mm"), this is because it is supposed to be chambered in .50 BMG (!).
Rebels use a fictional cobbled-together rocket launcher roughly the same shape as a Panzerfaust 3, the main component of which appears to be an FGM-148 Javelin launch tube assembly. The KPA instead use a launcher based on their common rifle grip.
The primary weapon used by KPA forces is a fictional bullpup rifle, seemingly based loosely on the SAR-21 with some Saritch-ness thrown on for good measure. The KPA in-game have a whole series of weapons based on the same common grip design, which includes every weapon aside from their pistol and shotgun, right up to their RPG.
The KPA's shotgun is a top-loading design which loads like an FN P90 and appears to be mostly based on the Kel-Tec KSG.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKel-Tec KSG with Magpul RVG foregrip - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingTwo KPA soldiers armed with the shotgun (foreground) and the KPA assault rifle (background) in an image from the reveal trailer. Note how the front of the shotgun is triangular as if it still has the KSG's dual magazine tubes, despite that it is not even supposed to work that way.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA closer view of a KPA member's shotgun.
Timesplitters 2 Weapons
At the end of the game, you can find a slot machine with an arcade game. There is a game "Timesplitters 2" in this slot machine. You can play normally. The game has two missions.
At the end of the introductory sequence, a group of Resistance fighters are seen preparing to attack a KPA patrol. One of them has what appears to be an AK-74 with polymer furniture and a Kobra reflex sight.
During the introductory animation, American soldiers are seen holding FN P90s with HK-style front sights manufactured by the fictional North Korean APEX company as they react to a nuclear attack on Riyadh. Precisely who did this or why is never really established.
The advertising for the Beyond The Walls DLC shows a rather undersized M1911 of some sort with a non-factory hammer and an odd extended barrel being handed over. It does not appear in the game itself.
A Phalanx CIWS installation can be seen on the distant carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt during the introduction.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingPhalanx Block 1 CIWS - 20x102mmError creating thumbnail: File missingA Phalanx installation is visible on the distant USS Theodore Roosevelt as the Koreans press the on / off switch for the US military following America's refusal to explain what an Apache was doing at a naval parade.