Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fringe (2008-2013)
The following weapons were used in the television series Fringe :
Glock 17
Second generation Glock 17 pistols are used by the members of the FBI, most notably Charlie Francis (Kirk Acevedo ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Glock 17 2nd Generation - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agent Francis advancing on a suspect.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lobe with a Glock, it looks like a Glock 17, but it's never seen clearly.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A criminal with a Glock.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agent Scott (Mark Valley ) unholsters his Glock and places it on the bed during a "memory" in "The Transformation" (S01E13). This is a continuity error with the pilot, where he used a SIG-Sauer P228.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agent Dunham picks up Agent Scott's Glock in the "memory".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Special Agent Francis (Kirk Acevedo ) with his Glock 17 Gen 2 in "Unleashed" (S1E16).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Special Agent Charlie Francis (Kirk Acevedo ) draws his Glock 17 Gen 2 in "Unleashed" (S1E16).
Glock 19
A Glock 19 is Phillip Broyles (Lance Reddick ) sidearm, although he rarely uses it. It is also seen very briefly in the hands of NYPD in one episode, and by Mitchell Lobe (Chance Kelly ) before he is disarmed and taken into custody. At the beginning of Season 1, Agent Dunham (Anna Torv )'s standard weapon is a Glock 17, with a Glock 26 as a BUG (as seen in episode 2). Midway through the season, she switches to the Glock 26 full-time.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Glock 19 2nd Generation - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dunham holds her Glock on Grant, unaware he's been shot.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dunham and Francis hold an assassin at gunpoint.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agent Dunham enters a building with her Glock 19 at the ready in "The Same Old Story" (S01E02).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dunham holds a doctor at gunpoint, note good trigger discipline.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dunham holds her Glock 17 on the doctor and hands her Glock 26 that she took out of an ankle holster to Peter. Though strangely she says the safety's on the right, Glock doesn't have a safety.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Broyles (Lance Reddick ) with his Glock 19, looking very confident.
Agent Dunham with her Glock 26 and Broyles with his Glock 19
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agent Francis appears to have a Glock 19 in S1E5.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing This shot clearly shows Francis with a Glock 19.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another shot.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agent Amy Jessup (Meghan Markle ) carries a Glock 19 in "A New Day in the Old Town" (S02E01).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agent Jessup firing her Glock 19 at a suspect.
Glock 26
Olivia Dunham's (Anna Torv ) sidearm is a sub-compact Glock 26 . The same sidearm is also used by Nick Lane, a man who is psychically linked to Agent Dunham causing him to have the same routines and habits, likely prompting use of the same firearm. Agent Dunham's Glock 26 is borrowed once by Peter Bishop, who doesn't routinely carry a gun himself.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Glock 26 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Initially Agent Dunham carried a Glock 19 as her primary weapon, and a Glock 26 as a back up gun in an ankle holster. Here she is seen giving her back up Glock 26 to Peter in "The Same Old Story" (S01E02).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agent Dunham firing her Glock 26 in "Safe" (S01E10). This is the first episode where she carries this pistol as her primary weapon.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agent Dunham clears an apartment with her Glock 26.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Nick Lane retrieves his Glock 26 from his desk drawer.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Then loads it. Note the white dot sights, something Dunham's Glock is never shown clearly to have.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lane aims his firearm at Dunham on the rooftop, then gives it to her to shoot him with.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agent Dunham holds Nick Lane's Glock 26 on the rooftop.
Agent Dunham kills Shapeshifter Charlie with her Glock 26.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dunham Shoots at a van carrying brain-thieves as it attempts a getaway. S2Ep10.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The shot hits the driver in the temple. Not bad at all. S2Ep10.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dunham approaches the van after it makes its abortive attempt at a getaway. S2Ep10.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dunham aims her Glock at the van.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Peter fires Dunham's Glock 26 after being run off the road.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dunham fires her Glock 26 at the Sheriff of Edina and his deputy.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An unconscious Peter holds Dunham's Glock.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Peter with Dunham's Glock 26 moments before firing it.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing From Season 3, episode 2. Dunham uses her Glock to shoot past Peter and to make him "temporarily" go deaf. At this distance one wonders if his hearing loss would be permanent
SIG-Sauer P228
A SIG-Sauer P228 is seen used by both Olivia Dunham and John Scott in the Pilot. Peter Bishop buys and uses a SIG-Sauer P228 in S2E21.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SIG-Sauer P228 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Scott with his SIG just before the bombs go off.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dunham's SIG is seen clearly to have a rounded trigger guard.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dunham jams her SIG into Stieg's face.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Different angle.
SIG-Sauer P239
In "The Ghost Network" (S01E03) the assassin uses a SIG-Sauer P239 with a an Advanced Armament Corp. Black Box suppressor to kill Grant (Peter Hermann ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SIG-Sauer P239 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The assassin kills Grant.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The assassin runs.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Assassin is cornered.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing He puts down his gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Assassin places his pistol in the ground, it's pretty clear that it's a SIG-Sauer P239.
Heckler & Koch USP
An F.B.I. Agent in "In Which We Meet Mr. Jones" (S01E07) uses a Heckler & Koch USP .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch USP - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The agent with his USP.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A look at the rear end exposes distinct USP features.
Walther PPK
Mitchell Lobe (Chance Kelly ) can be seen with a Walther PPK in "The Equation (S01E08). A henchman in "The Transformation" (S02E13) also uses a PPK.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther PPK - .380 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The henchman in "The Transformation" threatens Peter with his PPK
Smith & Wesson 1076
A S&W Automatic is seen in "The Dreamscape" (S01E09) being held by a man that Peter beats up. It is a compact size, double action only pistol with a stainless steel single stack frame meaning it is either a Smith & Wesson 1076 , or possible a Smith & Wesson 4576 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson 1076 - 10mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Peter picks up the S&W automatic.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Peter sticks the gun into the man's face, showing a distinct S&W forend.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Peter aiming the S&W showing the third generation rear sight and lack of a safety catch.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Peter drops out the magazine...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...gets rid of the chambered round...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ..and then proceeds to walk away looking pretty badass.
Kahr K9
Mitchell Lobe (Chance Kelly ) uses a black, suppressed Kahr K9 to execute the member of his bank robbery team who gets stuck in the vault in "Safe" (S01E10); the Kahr is never seen with the slide forward, even when "fired." Mitchell's wife Samantha (Trini Alvarado ) retrieves his Kahr K9 in stainless from a closet in order to try to kill Agent Dunham in "Bound" (S01E11). Mitchell seems to have a thing for the K9. A K9 is also carried by one of the weapons dealers in "The Transformation" (S01E13).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kahr K9 Blued - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kahr K9 Stainless - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mitchell (Chance Kelly )'s Kahr K9 w/ suppressor. Note locked back slide, a mere instant before the silenced pistol SFX plays.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Samantha Lobe retrieves her husbands off-duty gun, a Kahr K9 from the shelf in a closet.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Samantha Lobe (Trini Alvarado ) aims the K9 at Dunham before firing.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Samantha misses by about ten inches. Poor shot at that range, even for one with minimal firearms training.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gavin (Armando Riesco ) lays his Kahr K9 on the table in "The Transformation" (S01E13). The pistol is later picked up by Agent Dunham.
Walther P99
Agent Dunham picks up a Walther P99 whils escaping captivity in "Bound" (S01E11).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther P99 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agent Dunham loading the P99 she has taken from a guard.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agent Dunham firing the P99.
Beretta 92FS
Beretta 92FS pistols can be seen in several episodes being used by police and bad guys alike.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beretta 92FS - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A henchman in "The Transformation" (S02E13) drawing his Beretta.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A side view of the henchman's Beretta.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A police officer draws his Beretta in "Fracture" (S02E03).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A wounded cryonics security guard draws his Beretta on the escaping shapeshifters.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Good clean view of the security guards Beretta 92FS. You can see light reflecting off the slide mounted safety, so there is no question about this being a genuine Beretta.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The security guard shoots the shapeshifter.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Keeps firing until the shapeshifter goes down with a lucky shot to the head.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A number of police officers in "Of Human Action" (S02E07) carry Berettas when attempting to arrest a pair of kidnappers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A telepath forces one of the police officers to shoot themselves
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Peter (Joshua Jackson ) holding a Beretta under the influence of a telepath.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An injured police officer reaches for his Beretta. Also: HULU! It's in the way of more shots than you think!
Desert Eagle Mark XIX
A pair of chrome plated .50AE Desert Eagle Mark XIX pistols are requisitioned by Agent Dunham to kill the monster in "Unleashed" (S01E16). Walter (John Noble ) requests .50 caliber incendiary rounds in order to kill the creature, probably meaning a .50 caliber machine gun. Walter is surprisingly the one to kill the monster with two shots from his Desert Eagle. In the next shot, we can see that the gun has jammed after those two shots. A black Desert Eagle with a suppressor was also used by the assassin sent by the Observers in the episode "August" (S2Ep8).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Desert Eagle Mark XIX - .50 Action Express
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agent Dunham's weapon case with two Desert Eagle XIX's, and two spare magazines. Note the four visible holes in the side of the magazine which confirm that these are .50AE magaines (.44 magazines have five holes, and .357 magazines have six)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Peter (Joshua Jackson ) releases the safety and cocks back the hammer on his Desert Eagle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agent Dunham (Anna Torv ) chambers her Desert Eagle in the sewer, just before it is taken by Walter (John Noble ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walter's Desert Eagle jams after only two shots; it's a good thing those two were enough.
Taurus PT92AFS
One of the henchmen in "The Road Not Taken" (S01E19) uses a Taurus PT92AFS
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Taurus PT92AFS - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
SIG-Sauer P229R
A two tone SIG-Sauer P229R fitted with a suppressor is used in the attempted assassination of Nina Sharp in "The Road Not Taken" (S01E19).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Two-tone SIG-Sauer P229R - 9x19mm (The one used in the film has no rail.)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Assassin with suppressed SIG P229R.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Security footage of the assassination attempt is seen in "There's More Than One of Everything" (S01E20).
Beretta Cougar
A shape shifter (Roger R. Cross ) in "Momentum Deferred" (S02E04) carries a Beretta Cougar along with a two tone Walther P99 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beretta 8000 Cougar F - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The shape shifter draws his pistols, the Cougar is on the left.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A guard fires his Beretta Cougars at the cryonics facility security.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A side view of the Cougar.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing What looks like a pair of Beretta Cougars are dropped by the guard in the black van. S2Ep10.
Walther P99 (Two Tone)
A shape shifter (Roger R. Cross ) in "Momentum Deferred" (S02E04) carries a two tone Walther P99 along with a Beretta Cougar .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther P99, stainless steel slide - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The shape shifter draws his pistols, the P99 is on the right.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A guard fires his pistols at the cryonics facility security, the P99 is on the left.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The shape shifter climbs into the van with the P99 tucked into his waistband.
Colt M1911A1
An old-looking M1911A1 is used by a young woman under psychic possession by a Navy Officer. She retrieves it from his house.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt M1911A1 - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The young woman retrieves the 1911 from a keycode locked case...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...and aims it at the Navy Officer's wife.
The Observer's Pistol
The Observer uses a pistol in S1E4 "The Arrival" to tranq Peter (Joshua Jackson ). It looks a bit like a Walther PPK or a Detonics Pocket 9 in S2E8 "August" the Observer pistol is shown to also fire sonic shock wave like the minority report Sonic Gun. it implied that is a advance weapons because Phillip Broyles said that the tech's can't get it to work.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther PPK stainless - .380 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Detonics Pocket 9 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Observer's pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Observer fires.
SIG-Sauer P226
All F.B.I. Agents who don't have actual roles appear to use SIG handguns, like P226s
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SIG-Sauer P226 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Circled in red, I know it's not clear, but if you watch the episode you can clearly see it's a SIG.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing It's not all that clear in this shot, but if you look at the rear part of the gun, it's definitely a SIG.
Beretta Px4 Storm
A Beretta Px4 Storm is carried by agent Peter Bishop in year 2026, noticeably during his talk with "Walternate". we could assume that Beretta Px4 Storm is Fringe Division main side arm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beretta Px4 Storm - .40 S&W
FN Five-seveN
The FN Five-seveN is the model for the futuristic sidearm of Fringe Division on the other side. In the parallel universe, this pistol is referred to as the "Model 76" handgun and was designed by William Bell (Leonard Nimoy ). In "Over There, Part II" (S2E23), Bell wields the 'Model 77' at one point which looks like it is merely another 5-7 with some different dress up components added to make it look different.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FN Five-SeveN USG (U.S. Government) - 5.7x28mm. This is the most common version of the Five Seven in channels of commerce. It has a frame mounted safety and integral rails. No FN Five-seveN is issued with a threaded barrel, however, threaded barrels for sound suppressors are commercially available as an aftermarket item.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing In "Over There, Part I" (S2E22), Captain Lincoln Lee draw his pistol while engaging the two "terrorists" on the Central Park bridge.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing In "Over There, Part I" (S2E22), the parallel universe Olivia Dunham, aka "Fauxlivia" (Anna Torv ), firing at the "prime" Walter with her Five-seveN.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing "Prime" Olivia" firing her "Model 76" at alternate univ. Fringe agents in "Over There, Part II" (S2E23).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing In "Over There, Part II" (S2E23), William Bell showing Dunham the 'Model 77' after blowing up a car (which looks suspiciously similar to the Model 76 prop).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing In "Over There, Part II" (S2E23), Bell taking cover with the 77.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing In "Over There, Part II" (S2E23), William Bell (Leonard Nimoy ) firing at the alternate univ. Fringe agents showing off the strange attachment differentiating the 77 prop from the 76.
Vektor CP1
A black Vektor CP1 with a suppressor was used by a shape shifter In S3EP4
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Vektor CP1 - other side - 9x19mm
Battlestar Galactica sidearm
In the Season 2 Ep. 20 Brown Betty the Watcher hitmen (the Observers) carry what looks like the dressed up revolver used as the Colonial sidearm in the Battlestar Galactica mini-series.
The colonial sidearm seen in use in the mini-series
Astra Terminator
Brian Dempsey (Chris Bauer ) uses a stainless steel Astra Terminator in "The No-Brainer" (S01E12).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Astra Terminator - .44 Magnum
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agent Dunham watching herself get kidnapped on a security monitor.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Note the shape of the ejector rod housing, trigger guard and cylinder release latch.
Smith & Wesson Model 10
The scientist who responds to the silent alarm at the genetics facility in "Unleashed" (S01E16) is armed with a Smith & Wesson Model 10 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 10 - .38 Special
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The scientist enters the lab with his Model 10.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Scientist with his Model 10.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The scientist with his Model 10.
Smith & Wesson Model 10HB
A Smith & Wesson Model 10HB is pulled by a store clerk (Philip Cabrita ) in "Of Human Action" (S02E08), which is taken and used by one of the bad guys.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 10 HB - .38 Special
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Unknown revolver
in the S2E20 "Brown Betty" private eye Dunham carries a revolver going with the 1940 Noir look of Walters story in the episode. It looked a bit like a Ruger GP100, although you only see it once, in a bad angle.
Mossberg 500
A Mossberg 500 is seen in the car of the state trooper who picks up Teddy in S2Ep12.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mossberg 500 - 12 Gauge.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The business end of the state trooper's Mossberg 500.
Winchester Model 1912
The Sheriff of Edina (Michael O'Neill ) and his deputy carry Winchester Model 1912s in S2Ep12. They can be most easily identified by the large ejection port on the right side of the gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Winchester Model 1912 Riot - 12 Gauge.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Sheriff of Edina and his deputy load their Winchesters. Look at some of the shells in the box, and you will notice that a few of them have been used already.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Sheriff fires his Winchester from a police cruiser while the deputy drives.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Sheriff fires his Winchester at Dunham and Peter.
Unknown pump-action shotguns
In Season 2 Ep. 21 Northwest Passage Peter buys a shotgun when he believes the shapeshifters are after him.
In "Letters of Transit" (S04E19), the Loyalist security forces can be seen using the UTAS UTS-15 pump action shotgun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing UTAS UTS-15 - 12 gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
FBI SWAT officers can be seen armed with Heckler & Koch MP5A3 's with Navy trigger groups, some of them also having Surefire dedicated forend weaponlights in the pilot and S2Ep7.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch MP5A3 9x19mm with Navy trigger group
A SWAT member with an MP5A3 and Agent Dunham with her Glock 26
Heckler & Koch MP5A3 9x19mm with Navy trigger group and Surefire dedicated forend weaponlight
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A SWAT member with an MP5A3, Dunham's SIG is also seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another angle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Yet another angle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing 2 SWAT members with an M4 and an MP5.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Note good trigger discipline.
Heckler & Koch MP5SD3
A Heckler & Koch MP5SD3 can briefly be seen being carried by one of the SWAT team members guarding the plane in the pilot episode (S01E01).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch MP5SD3 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The distinctive handguard and silencer of the MP5SD is visible on the right of the screen. Although not visible in this shot, it appears that the weapon in question does not have a solid stock meaning it is most likely the MP5SD3 variant.
Jianshe 9mm
JS 9mm submachine guns are used by the hybrid shape shifters in "Enemy of My Enemy" (S04E09), and one is later picked up and used by Peter (Joshua Jackson ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jianshe 9mm - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
FN P90
Loyalist security personnel are armed with P90s throughout Season 5.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FN P90 - 5.7x28mm FN
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Loyalist with a P90.
Assault Rifles
A number of soldiers in Iraq carry what appear to be AKMS rifles in the pilot (S01E01).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing AKMS - 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The soldier behind peter is carrying a folding stock AK rifles, and based on its narrow front sight base it appears to be an AKMS.
M14 Rifle
A soldier in Iraq is seen with what looks like a M14 rifle fitted with an Aimpoint red dot sight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M14 rifle - 7.62x51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Soldier's rifle.
A M16A4 rifles are seen on a number of occasions generally being carried by US soldiers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M16A4 the first version - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A guard at St. Claire's mental institution with an M16A4.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A pair of US soldiers carrying M16A4s fitted with Aimpoint red dot sights can be seen in "The Cure" (S01E06).
Colt Law Enforcement Carbine
Colt Law Enforcement Carbines are frequently seen in the show being the main weapon used by the FBI HRT, and police SWAT teams.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Law Enforcement Carbine - 5.56 x 45mm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An FBI HRT member with a Colt Law Enforcement Carbine in "The Cure" (S01E06).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Several FBI HRT members clearing the research laboratory in "The Cure" (S01E06).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SWAT team equipped with Colt Law Enforcement Carbines.
SWAT (Vladimir Troitsky) with Colt Law Enforcement Carbines.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing NBC soldiers storm the quarantined building.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The NBC soldiers with their Colt Law Enforcement Carbines.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing 2 SWAT members with an Colt Law Enforcement Carbine and an MP5.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Note good trigger discipline.
Norinco QBZ-97B
Norinco QBZ-97Bs are carried by prime universe Fringe Division tactical teams in the year 2026.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Norinco QBZ-97B 5.56x45mm
Sniper Rifles
Remington 700
Remington 700 sniper rifles are commonly used by SWAT teams.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington PSS 700 - .300 Winchester Magnum.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing In the pilot, a sniper stands on a roof during the arrest of Richard Stieg.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing In "Of Human Action" (S02E07) three SWAT snipers use Remington 700s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Promotional image from "Of Human Action" (S02E07).
Blaser R93 LRS2
John Scott (Mark Valley ) can be seen with a Blaser R93 sniper rifle during a "memory" in "The Transformation" (S01E13).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Blaser R93 sniper rifle - .338 Lapua Magnum
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Promotional image
Galil Sniper Rifle
A Galil Sniper Rifle is used by alternate-universe Olivia to shoot down an enemy sniper in "Everything in its Right Place" (S4E17).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Galil Sniper - 7.62x51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Machine Guns
M249 SAW
An American soldier in Bagdad is seen with what appears to be an M249 SAW in the pilot episode (S01E01).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FN Minimi 5.56x45mm with 200-round ammo drum.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The soldier with the SAW.
Browning M2HB
A Browning M2HB can be seen mounted on the roof of a US Army Humvee in Baghdad in the pilot episode (S01E01).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M2HB on vehicle mount - .50 BMG
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Other Weapons
Shockwave Gun (Tippmann A-5)
In S1E4, a man looking for the cylinder uses a "Shockwave Gun" on multiple different people. It appears to be built from a Tippmann A-5 paintball gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tippmann A-5 Paintball Marker - .62 caliber
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The man's gun, kind of looks like a Heckler & Koch UMP .
Palmer Cap-Chur Short Range Projector
Palmer Cap-Chur Short Range Projectors are seen in several episodes where tranquillizer pistols are used.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Palmer Cap-Chur Short Range Projector
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the FBI agents in "Bound" (S01E11) uses this pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Agent Francis uses a Cap-Chur pistol to subdue a suspect in "Midnight" (S01E18)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Peter and Olivia both use a Cap-Chur pistol in "Midnight" (S01E18).
General Dynamics M197 Vulcan
A General Dynamics M197 Vulcan can be seen mounted in the nose turret of an AH-1 Cobra attack helicopter during a television news broadcast in
Error creating thumbnail: File missing General Dynamics M197 Vulcan - 20mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
General Dynamics M61 Vulcan
A General Dynamics M61 Vulcan can be seen mounted in an F-16 during a demonstration of a holographic flight simulator in "Of Human Action" (S02E07).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing General Dynamics M61 Vulcan Cannon - 20mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
M26 Taser
M26 Tasers are used by Broyles (Lance Reddick ) and Dunham (Anna Torv ) tonon lethally subdue people under telepathic control in "Of Human Action" (S02E07).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M26 Taser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing