Framed is a 1975 American crime neo noir, the final directorial work of Phil Karlson, starring Joe Don Baker and Conny Van Dyke. A professional gambler Ron Lewis (Baker) returns home at night when someone fires at his car. A police officer confronts Lewis as he arrives at home, showing clear intentions to kill Ron, but he himself dies in the ensuing fight. Despite all Ron's claims that it was self-defense, he is sentenced to prison with the strange inaction of his lawyer. His girlfriend is being assaulted and threatened into not giving Ron any help. After being released from prison after four years, Ron returns home with the intention of finding out who framed him and why.
Frank (Paul Mantee), one of the thugs hired to kidnap Lewis, is armed with a Colt Python with 4" barrel. Ron Lewis (Joe Don Baker) disarms Frank and then uses the Python till the final of the movie.
Snub nose Colt Pythons are used by Lewis' former cellmate Vince Greeson (Gabriel Dell), the second of the two hitmen (both uncredited) who broke in Lewis' house, and a mysterious man who fired at Lewis' car in the opening scene (later it is revealed that this character is SPOILER! Highlight to see description)Senator Tatum (Walter Brooke)).
Smith & Wesson Model 15 revolvers are service sidearms of most police officers, including Lt. Tad Bundy (John Larch), Sgt. Sam Perry (Brock Peters), Deputies Haskins (Roy Jenson) and Wilson (Lloyd Tatum). Frank (Paul Mantee) is armed with an S&W Model 15 when he and Dewey assault Susan Barrett.
Frank's accomplice Dewey (Hunter von Leer) is armed with a snub nose Smith & Wesson Model 10HB revolver. The first of the two hitmen (both uncredited) who broke in Lewis' house holds a revolver that is also supposed to be an S&W Model 10HB Snub Nose. Sgt. Nate Bickford (H.B. Haggerty) carries a snub nose revolver in holster. His revolver also seems to be a snub nose Model 10 but with wide grips, unlike Dewey's and the hitman's guns.
Frank's accomplice Gary (Les Lannom) is armed with a Smith & Wesson Model 36 revolver. Vince Greeson (Gabriel Dell) holds an S&W snub nose revolver when he meets Lewis in his house (in the following scenes Vince uses a snub nose Colt Python that he brought for Ron). Vince's gun is seen only in distance but seems to be a Model 36 rather than a Model 10HB Snub Nose.