Ffolkes (US release title) or North Sea Hijack (original UK release title) is a 1979 British action movie directed by Andrew V. McLaglen and starring Roger Moore as eccentric freelance counter-terrorism consultant Rufus Excalibur ffolkes (with two lower case f's).
The following weapons are seen in the movie Ffolkes:
Robert Ackerman (Anthony Pullen Shaw), one of Kramer's men, is armed with M1911A1 pistol in one scene (later it switches to Inglis Hi-Power). When Rufus Excalibur ffolkes (Roger Moore) covertly infiltrated the ship he is also armed with M1911A1 pistol.
Harold Shulman (Michael Parks), the second-in-command of hijackers, is armed with Smith & Wesson Model 19 revolver with a six inch barrel. In several scenes he changes it to SIG P210 pistol and back.
A Webley revolver is seen in hands of Rufus Excalibur ffolkes (Roger Moore) when he is preparing his bag for a trip to London. It is hard to identify the revolver for sure but most likely it is Mk VI.
When Rufus Excalibur ffolkes (Roger Moore) went to negotiate with the hijackers, he had a pocket pistol hidden inside his naval cap. This pistol is a Spanish Llama Model XVIII .25 calibre pistol.
F-1 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenadeError creating thumbnail: File missingRufus Excalibur ffolkes (Roger Moore) demonstrates the grenade to his disciples. While the grenade is intended to be live, it lacks the fuse.
Aerial bomb
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe aerial bomb was planned to be dropped from a helicopter on the hijacked ship if ffolkes' plan failed. The inscriptions on the bomb are completely fictional.