Exit Wounds is a 2001 action film starring Steven Seagal as a disgraced Detroit police detective who uncovers a criminal enterprise involving drug dealers and corrupt cops in the precinct he's been reassigned to. The film was directed by Andrzej Bartkowiak, who used many of the same actors and firearms in his other films Romeo Must Die and Cradle 2 the Grave.
The following weapons were used in the film Exit Wounds:
Detroit detective Orin Boyd (Steven Seagal) carries the Colt Officers M1991 A1 Series 80 with custom grips as his main sidearm throughout the film. Boyd is seen firing his Colt at the helicopter, but the sound effects and editing make it appear that he's firing a fully automatic weapon as well as being able to get a close enough grouping to blow it up.
The Glock 17 is carried by several Detroit officers in the film including Officer George Clark (Isaiah Washington) and Frank Daniels (Bruce McGill). In a scuffle, Lantrell (DMX) ends up with Clark's Glock 17.
The Glock 18 is seen being fired by Boyd in a continuity error during the opening shootout. The Glock 18 also is seen (in what appears to be a continuity error) in the hands of Officer George Clark (Isaiah Washington) and Frank Daniels (Bruce McGill) during the laundry shootout. The Kidnap Driver (Chris Chin) uses dual Glock 18s during the attack on the Vice-President.
Lantrell Walker (DMX) carries a SIG-Sauer P220 Sport when cornered by Detroit officer George Clark (Isaiah Washington). In a scuffle, Clark ends up with Lantrell's SIG. Boyd is also seen handling a SIG Sport when he's kidnapped by some of the corrupt cops.
The snub version of the Smith & Wesson Model 66 is seen in the waistband of one of the car thieves that attack Boyd after his anger management meeting.
Boyd is seen taking a Micro-Uzi from one of the terrorists in the opening attack on the Vice President. Boyd is supposed to be returning fire with this automatic weapon, but the weapon changes to a Glock 18 in one of the film's many continuity errors.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMicro Uzi - 9x19mmError creating thumbnail: File missingBoyd is seen taking a Micro-Uzi from one of the terrorists in the opening attack on the Vice President. Boyd is supposed to be returning fire with this automatic weapon, but the weapon changes to a Glock 18 in one of the film's many continuity errors.
Beretta M12
A corrupt cop is seen using Beretta M12 during the final shootout.
Detroit SWAT is seen carrying the Heckler & Koch MP5A3 submachine guns fitted with Surefire foreends as they enter the stairwell.
Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with Surefire 628 dedicated forend weaponlight and safe-semi-two round burst trigger group - 9x19mmError creating thumbnail: File missingSWAT members are seen carrying MP5A3's.
Heckler & Koch MP5K
The Secret Service Agents guarding the Vice-President in the opening ambush are armed with Heckler & Koch MP5K's.
Boyd uses a short barrel variant of the Benelli M1 Super 90. Though he carries an M3 at the beginning of the raid, Chief Hinges appears to use this shotgun (in what is probably one of the many continuity errors) at one point because he fires four to six shells without pumping and does not reload afterwards. Boyd later gives the shotgun to Lantrell Walker (DMX) to use. Lantrell is seen tying his belt to the trigger and firing it by tossing it up in the air (perhaps a homage to the Chow Yun-Fat action film Tiger on the Beat).
Useldinger (Matthew G. Taylor) uses a Benelli M3 Super 90 during the parking garage ambush. He uses Frag-12 Shotgun Ammunition and blows up 3 cars semi-automatically. Chief Hinges (Bill Duke) also uses this shotgun.
The CAR-15 is seen carried by Detroit plainclothes officers that accompany Boyd and Chief Hinges (Bill Duke) in the raid.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingCommercial CAR-15 semiautomatic Rifle - 5.56x45mm. This is strictly a semiautomatic civilian copy of the XM177 style of rifles. The flash hider is a smaller diameter copy of the XM-177 and has no sound suppression qualities and is permanently welded onto the barrel to make it legal length for over the counter gun store sales.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Car-15 is seen in the hands of one of the Police officersError creating thumbnail: File missingA Detroit Police Officer fires a Car-15.
Heckler & Koch G36K
Matt Montini (David Vadim) uses a Heckler & Koch G36K during the parking garage ambush. Other corrupt cops are seen firing it in the final shootout.
The door gunner in the terrorists' Bell 212 fires what appears to be an M60 built up to resemble the M60E3 machine gun in the attempted kidnapping of the Vice President. The M60's barrel is thing of M60D new version. Note the Helicopter is painted with the smiley face and the slogan "Have a Nice Day".
An M26 Taser is used in one scene set in the police locker room, where the officers present hold a bizarre contest in machismo to see who can take an extended shock from the weapon's "Drive Stun" mode without collapsing. The Taser model is depicted with a fictional voltage selector, a feature which is not found on real-life Taser weapons since their electrical parameters are already fixed in place by the manufacturer for maximum effect in the field.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Advanced Taser M26Error creating thumbnail: File missingMontini uses the M26 on Useldinger. This is clearly an effects-enhanced shot, because in reality, if both electrodes of a stun gun are in full contact with a target, no electric arc forms in the air and thus no light or sound would be emitted.Error creating thumbnail: File missingMontini:Go easy on the first time. Give him twenty-five. Taking a cue from Montini's wink, Useldinger instead sets the Taser's voltage to 50,000. In actuality, 50,000 volts is the standard voltage used for Taser weaponry.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBoyd takes the Taser challenge from Useldinger. Despite collapsing after 10 seconds of exposure, Boyd quickly recovers and manages to press the Taser's electrodes into Useldinger's neck to make him collapse quickly. Pushing a Taser to the neck of a target is actually recommended by the real Taser International when the weapon's "Drive Stun" mode must be used.