Two Flintlock Pistols are used by the character Dr. Maximillian Roivas in 1760 AD, called the "Flintlock Pistol" in game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingTower Sea Service Flintlock Pistol used by the Royal Navy.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Dual Flintlocks pistols for those who wish to fight "akimbo" style. The French Flintlock Holster pistol was in use from the 1680s. As a muzzle-loaded pistol, its rate of fire is rather low, but it packs a powerful punch."
Error creating thumbnail: File missingSmith and Wesson Model 637 Airweight - .38 SpecialError creating thumbnail: File missing"This is a Smith & Wesson Model 637, one of the smaller revolvers in the Smith & Wesson family. This double-action revolver is capable of firing .38 Special ammunition, which allows for extra stopping power."
Colt M1911
A Colt M1911 is used by the character Dr. Edwin Lindsey in 1983 AD, called the "Automatic Pistol" in game. Paul Augustine also uses this pistol in a brief cutscene at the beginning of the chapter.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingOriginal Colt M1911 - .45 ACPError creating thumbnail: File missing"Since 1907 this weapon has been a trusted sidearm to U.S. armed forces. Through two World Wars, Korea, and Vietnam, the Colt M1911 Automatic Pistol has proven itself to be a reliable firearm with good stopping power."
Chamelot-Delvigne Mle. 1874
A Chamelot-Delvigne Mle. 1874 is used by the character Peter Jacob in 1916 AD, called the "Revolver" in game. Oddly enough, the game describes its as Mle 1892.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingChamelot-Delvigne Mle. 1874 Officer Model - 11x17.8mmR. Model 1874 has fluted cylinder, contrary to Model 1873.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"This Lebel Modele 1892 Revolver was introduced prior to World War One. A double-action pistol with a six-shot swing-out cylinder chambered for 8mm French Service ammunition." The gun itself completely refutes this description, demonstrating the loading gate and the ejector (also located on the wrong side, making this image is a mirrored).
Enfield Mk1 Star Revolver
An Enfield Mk1 Revolver is used by Dr. Edward M. Roivas in 1952 AD, called the "Revolver" in game.
Although the Enfield's description correctly identifies it as being chambered in .380/200, its ammunition comes in the same boxes as the .38 Special rounds from Alex's time.
This Remington M870 is used by the character Dr. Edwin Lindsey in 1983 AD, called the "Shotgun" in game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingRemington M870 with USMC configuration - 12 GaugeError creating thumbnail: File missing"A Remington M-870 Shotgun, slightly modified with an extended tube magazine, choke barrel, rifle sights, and bayonet lug. This is the same shotgun used by the U.S. Marine Corps since 1970."
Ithaca Auto & Burglar Model A
An Ithaca Auto & Burglar Model A double-barreled shotgun is used by Dr. Edward M. Roivas in 1952 AD, called the "Double Shotgun" in game.
A Winchester Model 1300 Ranger is used by Alex Roivas in 2000 AD, called the "Shotgun" in game. It is described as "Defender", but in fact this is a field "Ranger" variant.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingWinchester Model 1300 Ranger - 12 GaugeError creating thumbnail: File missing"The Winchester Model 1300 Defender is quite possibly one of the finest pump-action shotguns available. The unique slide action operates a rotating bolt, and unlocking is recoil-assisted, making it very fast and smooth to cycle."
Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I
A Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I is used by Peter Jacob in 1916 AD, called the "Rifle" in game. In the game, this is described as the corresponding Mk.III model, but the rifle itself seems to be based on a later No.4 Mk.I.
A Holland & Holland Double Rifle chambered for .500 Nitro is used by Dr. Edward M. Roivas in 1952 AD, called the "Elephant Gun" in game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHolland & Holland 'Royal' Double Barrel Rifle - various calibresError creating thumbnail: File missing"The Holland and Holland Double Rifle fires an enormous .50 x 3" nitro slug, quite capable of stopping a rhino or elephants dead in their tracks. Only a crazy man would feel comfortable facing a "Holland and Holland.""
A H&K OICW is used by Michael Edwards in 1991 AD, called the "Assault Rifle" in game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingXM29 OICW - 5.56x45mm / 20mmError creating thumbnail: File missing"The Objective Individual Combat Weapon (OICW) is a Heckler & Koch G-36 rifle mounted under a 20mm grenade cannon. It is commonly assigned to Special Forces units. The rifle uses a 30-round clip and is chambered for 5.56mm NATO ammunition."