Error creating thumbnail: File missing Double Impact (1991)
Double Impact is a 1991 action film that focuses on a pair of twins who are raised in separate countries and environments after their parents are killed in an ambush. Reunited in Hong Kong, the twins join forces to take down the man responsible for their parents' deaths and stealing their rightful inheritance. Jean-Claude Van Damme portrays both Chad, a French-raised karate instructor fond of short-shorts and the color pink, and Alex, a low level crook raised in Hong Kong and fond of cigars and leather jackets.
The following weapons were used in the film Double Impact :
Beretta 92FS
Alex Wagner (Jean-Claude Van Damme ) uses a Beretta 92FS during the raid on the warehouse, chambering it upside down after a dive roll into combat. He later draws his second Beretta and dual-wields them for the duration of the warehouse shootout.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beretta 92FS - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Alex (Jean-Claude Van Damme ) uses a Beretta 92FS during the raid on the warehouse, chambering it upside down.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Alex dual-wields the Berettas John Woo -style. (This film was pre-Hard Target )
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Alex with his dual Berettas.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Alex picks up the Beretta out of his arsenal.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Alex racks the slide of the Beretta, and the round that was already in the chamber is lost.
Desert Eagle Mark VII
A Desert Eagle MK VII fitted with a Laser Aim LA 1000 laser sight mounted on top is held by a Triad in the drug factory shootout. Judging by the size of the bore, it was most likely a .357 Magnum version (being the most popular version in movies released in the early 1990s).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Desert Eagle MK VII - .357 Magnum. This is the most commonly seen Desert Eagle pistol in films before 1999.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Triad pulls his Desert Eagle MK VII fitted with a Laser Aim LA 1000 laser sight on Chad.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Triad holding the Desert Eagle (for what seems to be an inordinate amount of time) fitted with the laser sight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Look at the size of the bore. Very small considering the actor isn't a big man either.
Colt M1911A1
A Colt M1911A1 is used by Alex in the abandoned hotel room. Chad claims it will not work, and Alex responds by firing it in excess of ten times into a window.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt M1911A1 - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A M1911A1 is held by Chad, who claims it will not work.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Alex takes up the pistol. Notice that the shorter trigger and the trigger finger relief cut indicate this is a M1911A1-style pistol, not the original M1911.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Alex shows that the pistol works.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Alex with the empty M1911A1. Judging from the tapered barrel this could be a 9mm blank gun.
Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless
A nickel-plated Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless is used as the sidearm of Nigel Griffith (Alan Scarfe ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Nickel Plated Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless - .32 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Nigel Griffith (Alan Scarfe ) seen briefly with his Pocket Hammerless.
Kongsberg M1914
A Kongsberg M1914 , a Norwegian copy of the Colt M1911, is seen in the hands of Frank Avery (Geoffrey Lewis ) during the opening shootout.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kongsberg M1914 - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Frank with his Kongsberg takes cover by the car.
Inglis Hi-Power
An Inglis Hi-Power is taken out of the glove compartment and used by Paul Wagner (Andy Armstrong) in the opening shootout.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Inglis Hi-Power - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Paul Wagner (Andy Armstrong) fires his Inglis Hi-Power. His poor grip can result in serious thumb injury if the Hi-Power is live-firing!
Smith & Wesson Model 27
A Smith & Wesson Model 27 revolver is pulled by a Triad to coerce Chad into going with them.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 27 - .357 Magnum
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Smith & Wesson Model 27 revolver is pulled by a Triad to coerce Chad into going with them.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Looks like a medium frame with a huge trigger guard.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Chad is threatened by the S&W. Note the writing on the barrel. (not a warning but a manufacturer name - back then people read the manuals)
Smith & Wesson Model 29
A Smith & Wesson Model 29 is used by Triad gangsters, and also used by Frank alongside his Kongsberg during the opening shootout.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 29 - .44 Magnum.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Frank fires his captured revolver.
Smith & Wesson Model 60
A Smith & Wesson Model 60 Ladysmith is held by a smuggler on the boat to threaten Alex.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Older version Smith & Wesson Model 60 Ladysmith - .38 Special.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Alex has a Smith & Wesson Model 60 put to his cheek. Some may ask, how is the trigger back that far and a round not have gone off? Note that the hammer is cocked, and the revolver is now in single-action mode. Therefore, the trigger SHOULD be that far back, and NOT a movie mistake.
Walther P38
A Walther P38 is used by one of the Triad members in the opening shootout.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther P38 - 9x19mm Parabellum
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Walther P38 is used by one of the Triad members in the opening shootout.
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
Heckler & Koch MP5A3s are seen in the hands of Triad members at the drug warehouse, and are also used by Chad during the raid. It is fitted with a telescoping stock, and a slimline forearm. Interesting to note that the sound used to dub the MP5 gunshots is switched with the Uzi halfway through the film.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with Slimline Forearm - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Chad fires his MP5A3.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Close-up of the MP5A3.
Full size Uzis are used by Triad members in the drug lab shootout.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Uzi - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Triad gangster fires his Uzi.
Mini Uzi
Mini Uzis are seen in the hands of Triad members in the drug lab shootout.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mini Uzi - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Mini Uzi is seen in the hands of a Triad member in the drug lab shootout.
Micro Uzi
A Micro Uzi is used by one of the Triad members who attack the abandoned hotel.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Micro Uzi with 20 round magazine - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Micro Uzi is used by one of the Triad members who attack the abandoned hotel.
The MAC-10 is seen in Alex's arsenal.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ingram MAC-10 open bolt submachine gun - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The MAC-10 on the left.
Remington 870
The Remington 870 is used by the Triad assassin Moon (Bolo Yeung ) to kill Wagner couple at the beginning of the film.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington 870 Police Magnum Riot Shotgun - 12 Gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Triad hitman Moon (Bolo Yeung ) with his Remington 870.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The trigger guard and side profile are definitely those of the Remington 870.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A view of the shotgun's underside reveals the very familiar follower of the Remington 870.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Left side view of Moon's Remington 870.
Initially carried on Alex's boat for protection, a CAR-15 is later used by Frank for the duration of the film. It has a birdcage style flash-hider.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing CAR-15 with birdcage flash-hider - 5.56x45mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Alex keeps a CAR-15 on the boat for protection.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Frank fires the CAR-15 to detonate two cars pushed into the water.
CAR-15 with M203 Grenade Launcher
A CAR-15 fitted with an M203 Grenade Launcher is used by a Triad at the beach hotel to fire tear gas grenades.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing CAR-15 with M203 Grenade Launcher - 5.56x45mm NATO / 40x46mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Triad hitman with his CAR-15/M203.
An M16A1 is used by Triad gangsters during the beach hotel attack, some with Vietnamese style short magazines. One is recovered and used by Chad. Distinguishable as an A1 due to the triangular foregrip and old-style pistol grip.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M16A1 - 5.56x45mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An M16A1 is held by Chad.
The smugglers during the boat shootout are armed with AK-47s .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Type III AK-47 - 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smuggler fires an AK-47 at Alex.
Steyr SSG
A Steyr SSG is used by Frank (Geoffrey Lewis ) at the warehouse. Fitted with a massive scope.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Steyr SSG 69 PI - 7.62x51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Frank (Geoffrey Lewis ) with his scoped rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Frank holds his rifle.
M67 Hand Grenade
M67 hand grenades are seen in Alex's arsenal.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M67 hand grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M67 hand grenades on the left.