Doomsday is a 2008 science fiction action film written and directed by Neil Marshall, who wrote and directed the 2002 film Dog Soldiers. As is customary with many British filmmakers, Marshall utilized actors from his earlier movie to star in his current one, evidenced by the fact that nearly the entire cast of Dog Soldiers appears in this movie.
The following weapons were used in the film Doomsday:
Major Eden Sinclair (Rhona Mitra) uses a custom suppressed Walther P38 as her main handgun during the capture of the slaver's ship. Later on Eden's Walther P38 is used by Sol (Craig Conway) during the highway chase scene.
DDS soldiers are shown using a modified version of the Vektor CP1 pistol. Their version has an extended ported barrel, making the pistol resemble the FN Five-seveN, and a module under the barrel which holds both a light and laser. The laser turns on when the trigger is depressed, but this is most clearly seen when Eden uses it during daylight.
During the assault on the slaver ship a guard carries a Armscor BXP submachine gun. This weapon was selected due to the scene being filmed in South Africa and being readily available to South African Armorers. The weapon is only briefly seen.
L85A1 assault rifles are used by British soldiers during the initial outbreak of the Reaper Virus (circa 2008) which would almost be correct (they would have the upgraded L85A2s). Upon close inspection, the rifles seem to be Umarex Airsoft rifles with the muzzle flashes, bolt movement, and flying brass casings digitally inserted later, but they did a good job on many of the scenes. What is odd is that the L85A1 rifles have a tiny Union Jack flag sticker on them which usually only appears on the airsoft guns.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingL85A1 with SUSAT scope - 5.56x45mmError creating thumbnail: File missingBritish Soldier in his chemical warfare suit and obsolete S6 Respirator prepares to shoot at an infected man in Scottish territory with an L85A1 assault rifle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBritish Soldiers fires their L85A1 rifles. If this was a CGI effect, as some believe, it was an excellent job.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBritish soldiers line up on the wall to repel the rampaging Scots with their L85A1 rifles. The SUSAT scopes are clearly visible, which would be mounted on South African Vektor CR-21 rifles later in the film. Note the British Union Jack stickers on the receivers, which seem to be only on the airsoft guns.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother veteran of the film Dog Soldiers, Katherine Sinclair (Emma Cleasby) begs the evacuating British soldiers to take her little girl who has been wounded in the eye. In this shot there is a view of the L85A1 rifles.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe heroic British Soldier Johnson (Stephen Hughes) who gives up his seat so that the little girl can get evacuated on the helicopter, uses his L85A1 rifle to stop the mobs from rushing the Huey.
Customized L42A1 Sniper Rifle
A British sniper stationed on the wall snipes an infected man with an L42A1 bolt action sniper rifle in a plastic thumbhole stock with a elevated cheek rest and fitted with a Parker Hale bipod.
Most of the DDS agents carry Vektor CR-21 assault rifles fitted with sound suppressors, flashlights, and laser sights. In the early part of the film, DDS agents carry CR-21 rifles with the original South African optical sight. During the mission in the badlands of Scotland, the DDS Soldiers use CR-21s that have SUSAT optical sights mounted.
Soldiers at the Government Headquarters in London are seen with Double Eagle Airsoft Heckler & Koch G36C rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeckler & Koch G36C - 5.56x45mmError creating thumbnail: File missingGovernment Soldier holds a Double Eagle airsoft G36C with the cheap red dot sight that it usually comes packaged with fitted to the top rail.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSeveral government security officers walk with Airsoft G36C rifles from a distance.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOne of Canaris' (David O'Hara) guards holds a Airsoft G36C Rifle with two magazines clipped together. Note that the barrel and flash hider is longer that than a real G36C's, This shows it's a cheap Double Eagle or similar company's airsoft G36C, the flash hider is usually Safety Orange but was painted black for the film.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn a behind the scenes shot, an assistant to the director clearly holds one of the Airsoft G36C rifles from the weapons table. Again we see two 30-round magazines clipped together. Marshall and his wife, Axelle Carolyn, are to the right.
Browning BPS
A blonde woman, bathing in the cast-iron tub aboard the ship, uses an Browning BPS shotgun with extended magazine tube and pistol grip.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBrowning BPS with high-capacity tube and two barrel set - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingBathtub Blonde (Lily Anderson) reacts negatively to being interrupted from her soak in the tub and grabs and racks the action on her shotgun. Visible is the magazine tube end cap and mount that attaches the tube at the end of the barrelError creating thumbnail: File missingNot just another excuse to show a woman in a bathtub, this shot clearly shows the forearm and where it ends at full forward position. This also shows an integral muzzle device.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBathtub Blonde (Lily Anderson) shows an almost Terminator style ability to NOT blink nor flinch during the firing of multiple shotgun blasts indoors.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBathtub Blonde (Lily Anderson) continues to fire her shotgun. At this different angle it now seems to have changed to shorter shotgun with a different foregrip and lacks a muzzle device.
Sawn-Off IZh-27 Over & Under Shotgun
Richter (Jeremy Crutchley), the trafficker in Scottish slave labor, uses a sawn-off Russian IZh-27 Over & Under double barreled shotgun to kill his business associates (whom he thinks betrayed him) and to hold DDS Agent John Michaelson (Tom Fairfoot) hostage.
A NeoStead 2000 shotgun fitted with a flashlight is used by Chandler (Rick Warren) and then Eden Sinclair (Rhona Mitra) during the sweep of the abandoned hospital. The shotgun is used to blast a hole in the elevator ceiling and cut the cable. In the DVD extras, the director Neil Marshall claims that this is the only movie so far that has featured this unusual South African Pump Shotgun.
Miller (Chris Robson) uses a Cobray Street Sweeper during the crashed APC scene. What makes this confusing is that this scene was filmed in South Africa and one would expect the armorers to favor the better made Armsel Striker shotgun over the low-end Cobray Street Sweeper. One theory is that it is an older version of the Striker which had a key style that was eventually copied by SWD/Cobray for the Street Sweeper, but as far as the film goes, the shotgun more closely resembles what we now know to be the Street Sweeper and not the Striker, despite the fact it's in South Africa pointing towards the Striker.
Instead of the British Army issued L7A2, the trooper on the top of the armored vehicle is using a Vektor SS-77 GPMG. This is because the sequence in question was filmed in South Africa so armorers used what was at hand.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingVektor SS-77 General Purpose Machine Gun - 7.62x51mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingBritish soldier manning a Vektor SS-77 GPMG, standing in for a more appropriate L7A2. Since the first plaque in the film is heavily implied to take place in or near the year 2010 (with the rest of the film taking place 25 years later in 2035 AD, the use of the L7A2 would still be correct.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBritish soldier about to fire on rioters. This shot offers a good back view of the Vektor SS-77.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBritish soldier fires on panicking civilians with a Vektor SS-77 machine gun.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter gunning down dozens of innocent people, the British soldier is attacked by an enraged mob and beaten to death. Visible is his Vektor SS-77 machine gun.
Twin Barreled Sentry Guns
The British army in the story, abandons manning the wall about five years after the northern lands were sealed off and have been using motion sensor activated Sentry Guns to destroy anything that moves. Sgt. Norton mentions that the guns only wreak havoc on the 'local wildlife' since they haven't had a human target for twenty years, just as the guns focus on and destroy a rabbit. The guns themselves are just fabricated props and not based on any real world firearm or auto cannon.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMotion sensors move the roving Sentry guns with bright searchlights mounted beneath the barrels.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSentry guns search the landscape. It is hard to gauge an approximate caliber due to the fact that there is nothing familiar that is close enough for scale.
Vektor MG-4
During the hospital scene, the DDS troops pass a Vektor MG-4 version of the Browning M1919A4 machine gun. It's mounted on what looks to be an anti-aircraft tripod and the debris of twenty five years of neglect.
A mock-up of a General Dynamics GAU-19/A gatling gun is mounted on the door Super Frelon chopper and seen prominently when the helicopter flies away carrying Dr. Ben Stirling (Darren Morfitt) and Cally (MyAnna Buring).
British soldiers fire CS gas and smoke grenades at the crowd from atop the quarantine wall. Though difficult to clearly see, they are single shot launchers with twin pistol grips, strongly resembling the Defense Technologies 37mm Gas Gun.
Sci fi prop "Silicon Foam" grenades are used during the escape from the hospital to enable the DDS soldiers to survive an elevator drop by encasing them in foam. Miller (Chris Robson) refers to them as "Silicon Foam Grenades" during the initial meeting with Major Eden Sinclair.
A fabricated Prop Sci Fi Fragmentation Grenade is used when Carpenter releases on inside the APC after his throat has been slashed by a savage starved girl.
Bandoleers of these long silver fabricated HE grenades are seen on the armory table and also carried by Sgt. Norton throughout the film. They are most prominent during the castle escape when Norton retrieves his bandoleer from the castle armory and starts blowing things up. The grenades are fabricated Sci Fi Props.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingSgt. Norton (Adrian Lester) always carries a bandoleer of HE grenades during the mission. Here he retrieves them from the castle armory and uses them to blow apart rooms in the castle.