Depth is a 2014 PC first person shooter that pits divers against sharks. Players choose to play as either Divers searching for underwater treasures or play as 20 foot sharks whose objective is to destroy the intruders into their territory. Gameplay is asymmetrical, with Divers playing a First-Person Shooter in an underwater environment where they can dive in all directions, shoot at sharks, and deploy defensive gadgets, and the Sharks playing a third-person "predator", using their much stronger speed, senses, and close-range assault to obliterate their prey. Victory is achieved when either side drains all respawn tickets of the other team, when the Divers protect their loot robot named "S.T.E.V.E." (Submersible Treasure Extraction Vehicle) until it cracks open all the safes in the area and extracts, or when the Sharks destroy S.T.E.V.E.
Depth provides a unique array of underwater firearms for Divers to utilise and explores a unique avenue in terms of weaponry. Screenshots on this page are all taken with HUD disabled in order to provide a clearer image for the weapons.
A spin-off battle royale game, Last Tide, was released in 2018. Last Tide features mostly the same arsenal as Depth, and adds two new weapons: an M79 grenade launcher under the name "Lobber", and a Gyrojet pistol under the name "UPR-12 Gyro Pistol".
The MasterPiece Arms MPA30DMG pistol was added in the Armament update. It is referred to as the "AAP-8", and functions as an underwater machine pistol, despite the real weapon being neither fully-automatic nor designed for underwater use. Unlike other pistol-category weapons, it cannot be dual-wielded.
The APS Underwater Rifle is the cheapest rifle option for the Divers. By default, it has an incorrect capacity of 30 rounds compared to the real 26. Upgrading the weapon with Heavy Barrel gives it a massive damage boost, limits its rate of fire, and somehow restricts the magazine size to 20 rounds.
The ADS Amphibious Rifle is the most expensive rifle option for the Divers. It has the same damage per round as the APS but has a faster rate of fire, and does not have a Heavy Barrel upgrade option.
The Gyrojet Carbine is added post-release in the Meltdown update, named the "UPR-17 Gyro Rifle". It is described as a newly-made Russian weapon on the update page and in-game description in contrast to the real Gyrojet. Its price is intermediary between the APS and ADS, and has longer range but a lower magazine capacity of 10 rounds, which can be increased to 20 rounds with an extended magazine upgrade, both are which are still larger than the real weapon's 6-round magazine.
The spear pistol is included in the pistol category in-game. It is one of the more expensive pistol options at $700, only beaten out by the "AAP-8" added post-launch. Being spear weapons, they have high damage but are single-shot only, though they can be dual wielded like pistols and unlike other spear weapon options. Its model appears to be based on the Pneu Dart Model 179B CO2 Pistol.
The Spear Gun is a high-damaging single-shot weapon that can kill smaller sharks in one shot and grievously injure larger sharks. Compared to the Harpoon Gun, it reloads slightly faster, and is cheaper at $2200.
The Harpoon Gun is an extremely powerful single-shot weapon capable of one-hit-killing just about every shark type in the game, dealing even more damage than the Spear Gun. It also has some extra mods that give it even more killing power, such as penetrating harpoons and explosive harpoons that travel slower but explode. It is the most expensive weapon available for the Divers at $4500.
The "LJ-10 Volleyjet" spear gun appears to be the receiver and stock of an early-model Gyrojet carbine (as opposed to the later-model carbine above) mated to the barrel cluster and foregrip of a Colt Defender prototype revolving shotgun (not to be confused with the Colt Defender semi-automatic pistol), all loaded with sharp projectiles called "lancejets". Every trigger pull fires a ring of five lancejets, and the weapon can be shot twice before reloading. It costs $3000.
A handheld spar torpedo, AKA a "Bang Stick", is one of the available options for Divers in-game. The spar torpedo was the predecessor to the modern torpedo (at the time called the "automotive torpedo") and consisted of an explosive charge on a long standoff rod to protect the ship or submarine that was using it. This version is handheld, rather like the anti-tank "lunge mines" used by Japan during WW2 (though these devices were explicitly understood to be suicide weapons). In-game, it is powerful enough to kill several types of sharks in one hit, at the cost of (understandably) limited range, something which isn't ideal when fighting giant angry sharks.
The Net Gun is a non-lethal but very useful equipment that fires a large net, trapping any sharks caught in it and allowing other Divers to easily finish off the trapped shark.