Days Gone is a third person, post-apocalyptic open-world action adventure video game for the PS4 and PC. The game follows Deacon St. John, a drifter and bounty hunter, as he tries to survive on the road, 2 years after a worldwide pandemic turned most of the population into mindless zombie-like creatures called "Freakers."
Deacon's default pistol at the beginning of the game, simply named "9mm", appears to combine the frame of a Beretta 92FS with a slide bearing certain design features of the SIG-Sauer P226R and Norinco QSZ-92; said slide is also abnormally tall and thin. It's in pretty poor condition, only coming in a "junk" version. Various NPCs in the northern region can be seen using this pistol, but in the southern region it becomes less common, being replaced by the P226R detailed below.
Two versions of the Beretta 92FS appeared in trailers and pre-release screenshots for the game, but were cut from the final release. The model can be found in the game files, but it has no texture.
The FN Five-seveN appears in the game as the "PDW" (presumably a reference to its 5.7x28mm cartridge shared with the FN P90). It can be bought from the Wizard Island gun merchant at trust level 3. It has the highest magazine capacity of all handguns in the game at a correct 20 rounds, while an optional extended mag that ups it to 30 rounds can be bought at the Wizard Island gun merchant.
A pistol vaguely resembling the IMI Desert Eagle Mark XIX appears in the game as the "Eliminator" and is unlockable from the Wizard Island gun merchant at trust level 2. Skizzo carries one as his sidearm.
The Palmer Cap-Chur Short Range Projector appears in the game as a tranquilizer pistol. It is used by Deacon in one mission to capture a Newt alive and is never seen again afterward.
The SIG-Sauer P226R appears in the game as the "SAP9" (presumably a shorthand description of the pistol as Semi Automatic Pistol, 9mm). Available right away (trust level 0) from the Hot Springs encampment gun merchant, it serves as a direct upgrade over the game's base pistol.
A revolver resembling the Dan Wesson PPC appears as "The Sheriff." It is "Iron" Mike Wilcox's preferred weapon. It is unlocked for Deacon upon completing the "We've All Done Things" storyline.
The Taurus Judge appears in the game as "The Mayor." Colonel Garret, the fanatical leader of the Deschutes County Militia, carries it as his sidearm. The Judge becomes unlocked for player use upon completion of the "Law And Disorder" storyline.
The Brügger & Thomet MP9 appears in the game as the "SMP9". It becomes available from the Lost Lake gun merchant at trust level 3, but a better quality one can be unlocked earlier as part of the Horde Killer storyline.
The Heckler & Koch MP5A2 appears in the game as the "SWAT 10". It is modeled with a rail system and a straight magazine. It serves as the standard weapon carried by NERO soldiers in the game, replacing the Honey Badger seen in pre-release images. The MP5 is unlockable for player use from the Lost Lake encampment at trust level 2. If one is able to kill a NERO soldier (which is only possible indirectly by planting explosives and luring one to them), they will drop a uniquely named "NERO SWAT 10," but it appears to be no different gameplay-wise from the standard one.
The PPSh-41 appears in the game under its real name. Although it is equipped with a drum magazine, it holds only a mere 30 rounds. A more realistic choice would be the 35-round "banana" box magazine.
The Reising M50 submachine gun appears in the game as the "M50 Reising". It can be bought from the Lost Lake gun merchant at trust level 3. For some reason it is placed in the category of rifles in the game.
The M1921AC Thompson appears in the game as the "Chicago Chopper". It is unlocked for purchase at the Wizard Island gun merchant at trust level 3. As expected from a video game, it is modeled with a 50-round magazine that holds 55 rounds, with the possibility of increasing to 80 without any changes of magazine size. Its high damage per shot, maximum magazine capacity, and low recoil make it arguably the best weapon to use when combating hordes.
NERO personnel can be seen holding an AAC Honey Badger with a shortened version of the later Q Honey Badger SD's MLOK handguard in the first trailer, but in the game they use MP5s instead. The Honey Badger remains in the game under the name "Rock Chuck", but as an unlockable for completing the Marauder Camp storyline to 100%. As in real life, it is integrally-suppressed, meaning Deacon doesn't need to use oil filter suppressors for stealthy shots.
The "SAF" in the game is an AKM, though the smooth wooden handguard and the shape of the front sight are closer to those of an AK-47. It is the most abundant assault rifle, being used by almost every NPC until the southern area of the map is unlocked where most Deschutes County Militiamen can be seen using M4A1s. In the game, it is shown with a 20-round magazine that holds 25 rounds, although the HUD icon shows it with a 30-rounder. Its world model has wooden furniture, while its inventory image for some reason has polymer furniture instead.
The Colt Model 1855 Revolving Carbine appears in the game as "The Cowboy" and is unlockable from the Wizard Island encampment's gun merchant at trust level 2. Quite expectedly, in the game it functions as a modern gun, having a swing-out cylinder reloaded via the speedloader.
Trespasser warning signs in the game world have silhouettes of FN Model 1949s with extended magazines.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingFN Model 1949 - 7.92x57mm MauserError creating thumbnail: File missingA rather curious choice for a sign in the US, where the FN-49 is neither common nor particularly well-known. And considering this relative obscurity, it's very likely the resemblance is a sheer coincidence rather than an intentional choice by the developers.
Hawken Rifle
The statue of Peter Skene Ogden standing outside Pioneer Cemetery can be seen holding what appears to be a Hawken Rifle. Odgen was a real-life Canadian fur trader and explorer who explored parts of Oregon, Washington, Nevada, California, Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming.
The "IDF Pup" is a strange amalgamation of the IWI Tavor TAR-21 and FAMAS G1. It is unlocked upon completing 50% of the Horde Killer storyline and holds 45 rounds in a 30-round magazine.
The Deschutes County Militia's flag features a pair of crossed rifles vaguely resembling M1 Garands on it. Although it can't readily be seen, Deacon's 10th Mountain Division tattoo on his hand features two crossed Garands, as well.
The M4A1 Block II appears in the game as the "US556" and can be unlocked from the merchant in the Hot Springs camp at Trust Level 3. It doesn't start appearing in the hands of NPCs until the player reaches the Crater Lake region, which doesn't become accessible until later in the game. Pre-release screenshots showed the M4 lacked any sights at all, but it is equipped with foldable rail-mounted iron sights in the finished game. It starts out with an incorrect 35-round magazine, while an upgrade purchasable at the Hot Springs increases it to a still-incorrect 50 rounds.
The M14 appears in the game under its own name and is unlockable from the merchant at Iron Mike's camp at Trust Level 1. It is limited to semi-automatic fire and is modeled with a 20-round magazine, but holds only 10 rounds while the extended mag accessory increases it to a still-underloaded 16 rounds.
The Nock Gun appears in the game as the "Nock Volley." It functions highly incorrectly as a breach-loaded break-action that reloads with a revolver-style speedloader, and is classified as a shotgun. Thankfully, it at least does one thing right and fires all seven barrels at once.
The Steyr AUG A3 appears in the game as the "MWS" (presumably standing for "Modular Weapon System") and is unlocked from the Hot Springs camp gun merchant at Trust Level 2.
The Winchester Model 1892 Saddle Ring Carbine appears in the game as the "Badlands Big Game". Its in-game model incorrectly has a Yellow Boy-style brass frame, although its inventory image has a proper steel frame. It is also shown with a cut-off buttstock in the style of Mare's Leg for no apparent reason, though this may have been done to adapt to the game's common holding animation with other rifles. It can be bought from the Wizard Island encampment's gun merchant at Trust Level 3. It is a one-shot kill on many enemies. It also seems to be Iron Mike's preferred primary weapon as he's seen with one (also sporting the iron frame) slung across his back in "Riding Nomad Again," although he's never shown using it. Copeland's copy of the US Bill of Rights also has two crossed Winchesters on its header.
As if the notion of a hand held M134 Minigun wasn't ridiculous enough, a shoulder-fired version with shortened barrels, a buttstock and pistol grip known as "The Growler" can be found in certain challenge maps. The minigun does not appear in the main story mode (although it can be added via Mods on the PC version), likely because it would make clearing out hordes far too mundane a task.
The Heckler & Koch MG4 appears in the game as the "MG45". It is unlockable from the Lost Lake camp's gun merchant at Trust Level 3, but can be seen wielded by some friendly NPCs and looted from Ripper heavy gunners before that. It feeds from a 55-round belt-box.
The Mk 43 Mod 1 appears in the game as the "MG55". Although it fires a larger cartridge than the MG4, it has a much larger belt of 115 rounds. It becomes unlocked at 60% completion of the Horde Killer storyline.
The RPD appears in the game under its own name and is unlockable from the Wizard Island encampment gun merchant at trust level 1. It has a 65-round drum rather than the real-life 100-round non-disintegrating belt drum.
The Benelli M4 Super 90 appears in the game as the "Liberator". It can be bought from the Lost Lake gun merchant at trust level 3. It starts with a civilian 5-shell tubular magazine but can be upgraded to a military 7-shell magazine.
The Benelli Supernova appears in the game as the "Auto Shotgun" (although it functions as a pump-action in-game) and can be unlocked as part of the Horde Killer storyline. It feeds from a drum magazine like the AA-12, which would not be possible in real life, and holds 16 rounds.
Two versions of a lever-action franken-shotgun appear in the game, both with cut down barrels and stocks. Its design itself is very strange: receiver is taken from a Remington 870 (without ejection port), forearm seems to be taken from a ordinary single barrel shotgun without any visible magazine tube, and the lever is reminiscent of the Winchester Model 1887. One version, called the "Sawed Off", occupies the primary weapon slot, while the other, called "Lil Stubby", is somehow even smaller (about the size of a Serbu Super Shorty) and occupies the handgun slot.
A Mossberg 500 Cruiser appears in the game as "Boozer's Shotgun". Oddly enough, its magazine and forend seem to be taken from Remington 870. As if this was not enough, it also has a receiver of a semi-automatic shotgun, although it clearly functions as a pump action. It is used briefly by Deacon at the beginning of the game until it's returned to its owner, but is unlocked permanently upon completion of the mission "I Could Use a Hand".
The TOZ-194 appears in the game as the "RSF60". Although it is equipped with an extended tube, by default it holds only a 5 rounds, instead the corresponding 7+1. However, this capacity can be reached with an extended mag upgrade.
The Heckler & Koch MSG90 appears in the game as the "C8 Rifle" (not to be confused with the Diemaco/Colt Canada C8 Carbine, an M16 variant). It can be bought from the Lost Lake gun merchant at trust level 2. Of note is that the MSG90 also appeared under the name "C8 Rifle" in Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain, which was also developed by SEI Bend Studio. In fact, collectibles and easter eggs found in Days Gone make several references to the Syphon Filter series, including mentioning series protagonists Gabriel Logan, Lian Xing, and Teresa Lipan by name.
The "BND-150" sniper rifle resembles a Heckler & Koch SR9 with the addition of the clubfoot buttstock of the Heckler & Koch HK21E machine gun. It was automatically placed in Deacon's gun locker with the 1.50 patch, can fire four types of ammunition (bullet, poison gas, electrocution, and explosive), and holds 5 rounds in a drum magazine.
The Remington 700 appears as the "M40". It apparently has a broken box magazine, making it a single-shot bolt-action. Copeland owns one that he briefly lends to Deacon while giving him a completely unneeded tracking lesson during the mission "It's a Rifle, Not a Gun".
The SVD Dragunov appears in the game as the "SSR". Deacon first finds one in Skizzo's cabin at Lost Lake and uses it to cover Boozer during the assault on the dam in Iron Butte, but loses it at the beginning of his fight with Ripper leader Carlos. It is unlocked in Deacon's gun locker upon completion of the "Keep Your Friends Close" storyline.
Deacon is seen using a crossbow in various gameplay videos. Two versions of the crossbow are present in the game, with the first (featuring green synthetic furniture) located in Deacon's gunlocker from the start of the game. The Drifter Crossbow appears to have wooden furniture and has increased damage and accuracy over the base crossbow, and is unlocked in Deacon's gun locker upon completion of the "Gear Up For The Ride" storyline.
Some Marauders in the Crater Lake region can be seen with M2 Flamethrower wands, with fuel apparently supplied by a small tank on the right side of them rather than the real thing's backpack tanks. They cannot be used by Deacon.
A fragmentation grenade somewhat resembling a hybrid of the Mills Bomb and the Mk 2 Hand Grenade can be looted from human enemies as well as bought from gun merchants.
Collecting all pieces of "IPCA Tech" in the game enables Deacon to construct the IPCA Stun Gun. This is yet another Syphon Filter reference found in the game. Shooting an enemy with it and holding down the trigger button will result in said enemy literally bursting into flames, something which no stun gun that this editor is familiar with is capable of doing.
Deacon can acquire land mines which can be used to set traps, being particularly effective against groups of Freakers in confined spaces. They notably resemble a land mine used in the Halo video game series.
The Deschutes County Militia have MATADOR missile launchers at their disposal. Deacon must disable these as part of a task for O'Brian, who refers to them as "RPGs". The MATADOR is not used in any capacity by the United States military, but unlike the MG4 above, it's plausible that they could have found their way up from Mexico, which uses the weapon IRL, via some form of military smuggling.
It was originally intended to be usable under the quite erroneous name "Panzerfaust", but was ultimately cut. It can be re-enabled via mods on the PC version of the game, but is glitchy.