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Day of Defeat
The following weapons are used in the multiplayer World War Two Half-Life modification; Day of Defeat:
Colt M1911A1
The Colt M1911A1 is the sidearm for all of the American classes.
M1 Garand
The M1 Garand rifle is the primary weapon of the American Rifleman class. It has a secondary function allowing the swinging of the buttstock to bash enemies.
M1 Carbine
The M1 Carbine is the primary weapon of the the American Staff Sergeant class.
M1A1 Carbine
The M1A1 Carbine is the primary weapon of the the American Paratroopers Staff Sergeant class.
M1A1 Thompson
The M1A1 Thompson sub machine gune is the primary weapon of the American Master Sergeant class.
M3 "Grease Gun"
The M3 "Grease Gun" is the primary weapon of the American Sergeant class.
M1903A4 Springfield with M82 Scope
The M1903A4 Springfield sniper rifle is the primary weapon of the American Sniper class. The scope appears to be a model M82.
M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle
The M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle is the primary weapon of the American Support Infantry class. It can be fired and reloaded normally, or the bipod can be used and it can fired and reloaded whilst deployed.
M1919A4 Browning Machine Gun
The M1919A4 Browning machine gun is the primary weapon of the American Machine Gunner Class. In game it features a deployable bipod similar to a M1919A6 variant, but features no buttstock. It can be fired normally, or can be deployed and fired, it can only be reloaded whilst it is deployed.
M1A1 Rocket Launcher "Bazooka"
The M1A1 Rocket Launcher "Bazooka" is the primary weapon of the American Bazooka class.
Mk.2 Fragmentation Hand Grenade
The Mk.2 Fragmentation Hand Grenade is the American hand grenade availabe to the Rifleman, Staff Sergeant, Master Sergeant, Sergeant, and Support Infantry classes.
Webley Mk.IV Revolver
The Webley Mk.IV Revolver is the sidearm for all of the British classes.
Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I
The Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I is the primary weapon of the British Rifleman class. It has a secondary function allowing the use of its bayonet. The Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I (T) variant is availabe for the British Marksman class.
Sten Mk.II
The Sten Mk.II Submachine Gun is the primary weapon of the British Sergeant Major class.
Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I (T)
The Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I (T) is the primary weapon of the British Marksman class.
Bren Mk.2 Light Machine Gun
The Bren Mk.2 Light Machine Gun is the primary weapon of the British Gunner class. It can be fired normally or has a secondary function where it can be deployed using its bipod on various obstacles or when lying in the prone position.
Projector, Infantry, Anti Tank (PIAT)
The Projector, Infantry, Anti Tank (PIAT) is the primary weapon of the British PIAT class.
No.36 High Explosive Fragmentation Hand Grenade "Mills Bomb"
The No.36 HighExplosive Fragmentation Hand Grenade "Mills Bomb" is the British hand grenade availabe to the Rifleman, Sergeant Major, and Marksman classes.
Luger P08
The Luger P08 is the sidearm for all of the German classes.
Karabiner 98 Kurz
The Karabiner 98 Kurz is the primary weapon of the German Grenadier class. It has a secondary function allowing the use of its bayonet. The Karabiner 98 Kurz with scope is availabe for the German Scharfschütze class.
Gewehr 43
The Gewehr 43 is the primary weapon of the German Stosstruppe class. It has a secondary function allowing the swinging of the buttstock to bash enemies.
Maschinenpistole 40
The Maschinenpistole 40 is the primary weapon of the German Unteroffizier class.
Sturmgewehr 44
The Sturmgewehr 44 is the primary weapon of the German Sturmtruppe class.
Karabiner 98 Kurz with scope
The Karabiner 98 Kurz with scope is the primary weapon of the German Scharfschütze class.
Fallschirmjägergewehr 42 Zweibein
The Fallschirmjägergewehr 42 with bipod is the primary weapon of the German Paratroopers Fg42-Zweibein class.
Fallschirmjägergewehr 42 ZFG42
The Fallschirmjägergewehr 42 ZFG42 is the primary weapon of the German Paratroopers Fg42-Zielfernrohr class.
Maschinengewehr 34
The Maschinengewehr 34 is the primary weapon of the German MG34-Schütze class.
Maschinengewehr 42
The Maschinengewehr 42 is the primary weapon of the German MG42-Schütze class.
Raketenpanzerbüchse 54/1 "Panzerschreck"
The Raketenpanzerbüchse 54/1 "Panzerschreck" is the primary weapon of the German Panzerjäger class.
Model 24 Stielhandgranate