Cruelty Squad is a tactical first person shooter created by Finnish indie developer Consumer Softproducts, set in a dystopian biopunk future where the player is a member of a corporate assassination squad.
The following weapons appear in the video game Cruelty Squad:
The "Parasonic D2 Silenced Pistol", stated by a developer to be "some SMG" that was "mangled into a pistol", appears to be a Heckler & Koch MP5KA1 with a PTR 9KT-style handguard, a narrowed receiver, a suppressor, and no magazine, magazine well, or charging handle. It is part of the starting inventory, and is frequently used by the Security on almost every level. It has an integrated laser sight despite there not being a visible emitter on the model. It uses the "10x25mm Subsonic" round, presumably a subsonic version of 10mm Auto.
The USFA ZiP .22 appears as the "Zippy 3000". While it initially appears useless, having only a one-third chance to actually fire (the other two outcomes are for it to jam or to damage the player), it is not entirely a joke weapon, as it is one of the most powerful and accurate weapons in the game (funnily enough for a pistol in .22 LR). It only appears in the level "Casino Catastrophe" with a 1/500 chance of it spawning with one of the machines in the level. On that same level, a rare fish called the "Zippy 3000 (Broken)" can be caught.
The VAG-72, a prototype pistol designed by Soviet engineer Vladimir Alekseevich Gerasimenko, appears as the "BAG-82". Despite only one being known to have been made in real life, multiple enemies carry them, being most common in the secret level "Miner's Miracle". It fires the "7.62 Rancid" ammo in-game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingGerasimenko VAG-72 - 7.62mm Gerasimenko caselessThe menu icon of the "BAG-82".A VAG-72 on the ground. Note that the weapon's textures appear to have been referenced from the image above (noticeable through things like the lighting).Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe pistol in first-person.
Nambu Model 60
The Nambu Model 60 appears as the "New Safety M62". It is frequently used by the Cult of Order police officers; its description also states that it has been the standard police sidearm for over a hundred years, rather obviously referencing its continued use by Japanese police over sixty years after its introduction. It fires the ".38 Suspicious" round in-game and is very powerful, capable of gibbing lower-tier enemies with one shot.
The Heckler & Koch SMG I appears as the "K&H R5" (presumably referencing the same company's MP5, from which the prototype SMG I and II were derived). It is one of the weapons in the starting inventory, and can still be frequently found again later. It fires the "9x19mm Corporate" round in-game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeckler & Koch SMG I with 30-round transverse drum (concept art) - 9x19mm ParabellumThe menu icon of the "K&H R5".Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe "K&H R5" in first-person......and in third-person. Note the odd magazine; aside from the creepy face, this sideways drum was a real proposal for the SMG I's magazine, though there is no record of it actually being built.
Minebea PM-9
A suppressed Minebea PM-9 appears as the "Minato M9". Like the "Parasonic D2", it has a green laser sight that has no visible source. It fires the "9x19mm Goreforce" round in-game.
The Black Aces Tactical Peacekeeper, a short-barreled, pistol-gripped Remington Model 1100 derivative, appears as the "Raymond Shocktroop Tactical". It only appears in the secret level "House".
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBlack Aces Tactical Peacekeeper - 12 gaugeThe menu icon of the "Raymond Shocktroop Tactical".The "Raymond Shocktroop Tactical" in first person.The "Raymond Shocktroop Tactical" in third person.
Daewoo USAS-12
The Daewoo USAS-12 appears as the "Precise Industry AS15".
A heavily modified Colt ACR appears as the "Bolt ACR", intended to be an energy weapon that emits gamma radiation. It lacks a magazine, is painted red, has an M16A2 carry handle, and has had its sighting rail duplicated several times around the barrel in a seeming attempt to produce a more "sci-fi" appearance.
The Heckler & Koch G11K2 appears as the "K&H X20". Its description text states that "K&H" stands for "Karl & Heinrich". It is locked to fire in three-round bursts.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeckler & Koch G11 K2 - 4.73x33mmThe menu icon of the "K&H X20".Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe G11 on the ground. Note that the fire selector is actually pointed at full-auto, despite the three-round bursts it is locked to in-game.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe G11 in first-person. The two spare magazines that are stored to the sides of the one feeding are always present and serve no actual function.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming down the scope. The two red lines that aren't directly horizontal will rotate round the screen, for whatever reason.
Interdynamics MKR
The carbine variant of the Interdynamics MKR appears as the "Spectacular Dynamics MCR Carbine".
A suppressed Mauser SP66 appears as the "Mowzer SP99". It is said that one of the game's factions, the Eternal Swamp Cult, claim to receive divine messages through the weapon; accordingly, they are the most frequent user of the weapon. It fires the "7.62x51mm Executive" round in-game.
The SKS appears as the "ZKZ Transactional Rifle". It has the unique (and rather bizarre for a Soviet weapon) feature of having its damage depend on the player's financial holdings in the stock, organ and fish markets - the more holdings you have, the more damage it does. This makes it capable of becoming the weapon with the highest damage in the game.
The Steyr ACR appears as the "Stern M17". Its in-game designation, along with its description which states that it won the ACR program, implies that it succeeded the M16 in US service. It fires the "5.56x45mm Sabot" round in-game.
A fictionalised MG3 that fires depleted uranium rounds appears as the "AMG4". It is wielded by the Necromech enemy, who will carry two of them but only drop one when killed. It fires the "7.62x51mm DU" round in-game.
The LPO-50 flamethrower appears as the "RPO-80 Sanitization System"; the in-game version lacks a backpack, and instead features two bright red tanks on top of the receiver that presumably contain fuel and propellant gas.
The RGS-50M appears as the "Riot Pacifier", firing fictional corrosive gas grenades. The implementation of the weapon is rather odd; it has a 5-round "magazine" that has a reload animation trigger between each shot, but actually reloading the weapon (filling up the 5-round "magazine") doesn't have a special reload animation like the rest of the weapons.