Commandant of the Bird Island (Komendant Ptichyego ostrova)Commandant of the Bird Island (Komendant Ptichyego ostrova) - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesCommandant of the Bird Island (Komendant Ptichyego ostrova)
Commandant of the Bird Island (a direct translation of the original title Komendant Ptichyego ostrova) is a Soviet 1939 B&W adventure movie, directed by Vasili Pronin. In late 1930s a Japanese vessel on a spy mission, disguised as a fishing schooner, is captured by Soviet patrol boat off coast of Kamchatka Peninsula. During the following storm the schooner crashes, and seven Japanese and Kositsyn, a sailor from the boarding team, manage to reach a small uninhabited island.
The following weapons were used in the film Commandant of the Bird Island (Komendant Ptichyego ostrova):
Soviet border guards, including Sailor Kositsyn (Leonid Kmit) and both officers of the patrol boat Smeliy (Brave) (Nikolai Dorokhin and Nikolay Gorlov), carry Nagant M1895 revolvers with pre-1930 rounded front sights.
A Hotchkiss machine gun is secretly mounted on Japanese schooner. The shape of the barrel allows to identify it as Hotchkiss M1900 that was adopted by Japanese Imperial Army as Type 35 (the main Japanese machine gun in Russian-Japanese war) and Type 38.