Bring Me the Head of Alfredo GarciaBring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesBring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia
Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia is a 1974 is a crime film by Sam Peckinpah. It stars Warren Oates as Bennie, a loser piano player who is offered $10,000 to bring the head of the man who impregnated a powerful Mexican landowner’s daughter. His journey to dig up and decapitate the titular Alfredo Garcia only result in tragedy which leads to a deadly shootout at the landowner’s home.
Critics initially panned the film (some even saying it was one of the worst films ever made), but it has made a resurgence along with Peckinpah’s other films as of late. It, along with Cross of Iron, are considered to be the director’s last truly great films.
The following weapons were used in the film Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia:
Bennie (Warren Oates) draws a full-size M1911A1 when shooting into the air while driving through Mexico with Elita. After this, he is seen only with the 9mm Colt Commander. Based on the diameter of the barrel, this particular M1911A1 is chambered in 9x19mm. As .45 ACP blanks were unreliable when this film was produced, a Star Model B would often stand-in for a .45 ACP M1911 as it would save money.
Bennie (Warren Oates) uses a Colt Commander throughout the film. Judging from the muzzle it appears to be chambered in 9mm which was more reliable at cycling blanks than the .45 ACP at the time.
Johnny Quill (Gig Young) uses a Thompson M1921 (minus the rifle stock and carried with a sling) to mow down the members of Garcia's family who confront Bennie about the head. One of El Jefe's bodyguards fires at Bennie's car with one in the finale.