Bravo Two Zero
DVD Box Art
Bravo Two Zero is a 1999 Gulf War film that originally aired on the BBC. The film chronicles the heroic mission of British SAS troopers dropped behind Iraqi lines during the First Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm 1990-1991). This unit later became the most highly decorated British Military Patrol unit since the last Boer War (1899-1902). Sean Bean starred in the film as SAS sergeant Andy McNab.
This was second dramatization of the Bravo Two Zero mission, following ITV's 1996 adaptation of Chris Ryan 's account, The One That Got Away .
The following weapons were used in the film Bravo Two Zero :
Assault Rifles
Colt AR-15 Sporter-1
Baz (Ian Curtis ) carries a Colt AR-15 Sporter-1 fitted with a Cobray CM203 flare launcher. At various points in the film the rifle has the standard M16 front sight, no sight, or an AKM type front sight mounted to the gas block. It is possible that the rifle was damaged during production, and an AKM front sight was added from one of the many Vektor R4s mocked up as AK-47 type rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt AR-15 Sporter-1 - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Baz reaching for his rifle when someone stumbles upon the patrol's OP. At this point the rifle lacks any sort of front sight having a bare gas block.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The patrol ready their kit and weapons after they are compromised. The rifle is now fitted with an AKM type front sight despite the fact that it had no sight in the previous shot.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Baz aiming his rifle during the desert skirmish.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A closer shot of the AKM type front sight on the rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Baz firing his rifle during the firefight at the border.
Colt M16A1
Ray (Jamie Bartlett ) carries an M16A1 fitted with a Cobray CM203 flare launcher.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt M16A1, fitted with CM203 flare launcher - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ray relaxing in the OP. Note that his rifle has a forward assist, but lacks the brass deflector of the later A2 model rifles used by other patrol members.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ray taking cover behind a berm with his M16A1 at hand
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ray firing his M16A1 during the desert skirmish
Colt M16A2
Andy McNab (Sean Bean ) and Chris Ryan (Kevin Collins ) both carry Colt M16A2 rifles fitted with under-slung M203 grenade launchers. The rifles feature a camouflage paint scheme, and McNab has a compass attached to the side of his weapon.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt M16A2, fitted with M203 grenade launcher - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Chris Ryan prepares to fire the 203 on the range.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing McNab aiming his M16A2 after their OP is compromised.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing McNab aims his M16A2 at approaching Iraqi troops.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ryan aims his M16A2 at approaching Iraqi troops.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing During the desert skirmish the Sporter-1 carried by Baz (Ian Curtis ) briefly changes to an M16A2. From the mark at the rear right side of the handguard this rifle can be identified as the same one which is normally carried by Ryan, as illustrated above.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing McNab and Ryan advance as a pair on Iraqi troops, both with their M16A2s fitted with M203s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing McNab firing his M16A2 during the firefight at the border.
Heckler & Koch G3A4
Heckler & Koch G3A4 rifles can be seen being carried by Saudi Arabian soldiers during a piece of stock footage at the end of the film, showing the Iraqi surrender.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch G3A4 - 7.62x51mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A number of Saudi Arabian soldiers secure a surrendering Iraqi soldier.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Saudi Arabian soldier guards a number of Iraqi captives, with his G3A4 at the ready.
Vektor R4 (mocked up as an AK-47)
The majority of the Iraqi forces in the film carry Vektor R4s mocked up to resemble AK-47s , a common practice for films shot in South Africa. They can be distinguished from genuine AK-47s by their straighter 5.56x45mm magazine, the more slanted bottom edge of the milled receiver and the shape of the lightening cut above the magazine well. They are mocked up as both solid, and folding stock variants.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Vektor R4 - 5.56x45mm NATO.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing McNab kicks a Vektor away from an Iraqi soldiers body. Note the large magazine release which is found on a Vektor but not on an AK-47.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A pair of Iraqi soldiers are gunned down at a vehicle checkpoint.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A soldier patrolling the border with his Vektor slung across his chest.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Although most of the dressed up Vektors are fitted with solid stocks, several are fitted with underfolding stocks as seen here on the right.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The best view of the AK-47 mock up in the film, showing the angled bottom of the receiver and lightening cut which are indicative of a Vektor.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing After capturing McNab, Iraqi soldier fire their Vektors into the air in celebration.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close up view of the side of one of the rifles showing the Vektor magazine.
Unidentified AK-47 Variant
An unidentified AK-47 variant (possibly a replica) is seen in the background in some shots. It can be differentiated from the blank firing Vektor R4s used during the majority of the film by the curvature of its 7.62x39mm magazine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing AK-47, type III - 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The unidentified AK-47 is held by the soldier standing on the right. The 7.62x39mm magazine is visible in this shot, differentiating it from the 5.56x45mm Vektor rifles dressed up as AK variants used in the rest of the film.
Machine Guns
FN Minimi (Prototype)
Dinger (Steve Nicolson ) carries the prototype version of the FN Minimi . It can be identified as such by the downward sloping skeleton stock, the unhooded front sight, the more rounded and tapered handguard, and the FN FAL type carry handle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FN Minimi Prototype - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dinger in the OP with his Minimi.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A closeup of the Minimi prototype as Dinger takes aim when the patrol is compromised.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Minimi prototype is at the bottom of this frame as the patrol take up position to ambush pursuing Iraqi armor. It can be recognized by its distinctive sloping skeleton stock.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dinger laying ready with his Minimi
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tony (Rick Warden ) can briefly be seen with the Minimi prototype during the first skirmish in the desert. Although his face is not visible in this shot, he can be identified by the two respirator pouches on his beltkit.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dinger firing his Minimi during the running firefight across the desert.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dinger running for cover after he and Baz are tagged by a spotlight at the border.
FN Minimi (Unidentified Variants)
Two different variants of the FN Minimi light machine gun are used by members of the patrol. Tony (Rick Warden ) carries what appears to be a standard early model Minimi fitted with a Canadian C9 type front sight. The Minimis carried by Mark (Richard Graham ) and Stan (Robert Hobbs ) have the same C9 type front sight, but have the grooved M249 type handguard (although the top heat-shield is not present) and the same rear sight as found on the Minimi prototype shown above.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FN Minimi 5.56x45mm with 200-round ammo drum
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mark test firing his Minimi at the range.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stan test firing his Minimi at the range.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A view of the 3 Minimis at the range, the front and back weapons have M249 handguards with prototype rear sights whilst the middle weapon has standard FN Minimi furniture and rear sights.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tony sleeping in the OP with his Minimi.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mark aiming his Minimi after the patrol's position is compromised.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tony scanning a ridge-line with his Minimi at the ready.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stan laying prone with his Minimi as the patrol wait for the approaching armor.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tony opens fire with the Minimi.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stan fires on the Iraqi vehicles from a berm, whilst Ray pulls extra linked ammunition from a respirator pouch on his belt kit. Even though Ray carries a magazine fed M16A1, all members of the patrol carry linked ammunition for the Minimis.
Browning M2HB
A Browning M2HB is prominently seen mounted on the roof of an Iraqi BTR-60 APC (in place of the KPVT -equipped turret). One can also briefly be seen mounted on the roof of an SAS LSV at the Allied base on Saudi Arabia.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M2HB - .50 BMG
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The LSV (possibly a Longline) at the door has an M2HB mounted on the roll-cage.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An Iraqi BTR-60 driving into position.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An Iraqi soldier firing the roof mounted M2HB.
An RPD light machine gun can be seen mounted in the front firing port of an Iraqi APC.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing RPD Light Machine Gun - 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Although only the front portion of the weapon is seen and the bipod is missing, the weapon can be identified as an RPD by its gas block, front sight and the handguard.
Besa Tank Machine Gun
A Besa tank machine gun can be seen being used by Iraqi soldiers as the SAS patrol attempts to cross the border.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Besa tank machine gun - 7.92×57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A pair of Iraqi soldier manning a Besa machine gun at the border, as observed through an SAS night sight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The border guards open fire on the SAS soldiers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Besa hanging back on its mount after the crew is killed.
Tokarev TT-33
A Tokarev TT-33 is used by one of the Iraqi interrogators to threaten McNab.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tokarev TT-33 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The interrogator draws his Tokarev.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The interrogator turning to threaten McNab with the pistol.
Webley .38 Mk IV
An Iraqi civilian can be seen with a Webley .38 Mk IV . The revolver is never clearly seen, but it appears to be a shorter barrelled "duty" or "pocket" model.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Webley Mk IV, 4" barrelled "Duty" model - .38 S&W
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The grieving civilian draws his Webley.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Iraqi soldiers step in to stop the man from executing Dinger.
Cobray CM203 Flare Launcher
Cobray CM203 flare launchers are seen mounted under the Colt AR-15 Sporter-1 carried by Baz (Ian Curtis ) and the M16A1 carried by Ray (Jamie Bartlett ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cobray CM203, mounted under an M16A1 - 37mm flare
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ray blowing the dust from the action of his M16A1, showing the side mounted charging handle of the CM203.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Baz readies his SP1 fitted with a CM203.
M203 Grenade Launcher
M203 grenade launchers are seen mounted under the M16A2s carried by Andy McNab (Sean Bean ) and Chris Ryan (Kevin Collins ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M203 grenade launcher - 40x46mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Chris Ryan (Kevin Collins ) firing his M203 at the target range.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Andy McNab (Sean Bean ) check a bearing on his compass showing the receiver of his grenade launcher confirming that it is a genuine M203 rather that a Cobray CM203 . Also note that the trigger guard has been removed, and the weapon correctly has the safety on.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing McNab aiming his M203 with the leaf sights.
M72 LAWs are carried by all members of the SAS patrol, and are most prominently used to halt the advance of attacking Iraqi armor, knocking out a BMP and a truck during a brief skirmish.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M72 LAW - 66mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The SAS patrol loading their kit before the mission, with a line of LAWs visible on the right.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mark (Richard Graham ), Tony (Rick Warden ) and Baz (Ian Curtis ) leaving the OP after the patrol is compromised, all with LAWs under the lids of their bergans.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Andy McNab (Sean Bean ) turn at the sound of Iraqi armor, with his LAW under the lid of his bergan.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ray (Jamie Bartlett ) grimacing after missing his target.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tony (Rick Warden ) extending his LAW.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Baz takes aim at a BMP-1
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A LAW is fired by Tony to destroy an Iraqi troop truck.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dinger (Steve Nicolson ) firing his LAW during the running battle across the desert.
Other Weapons
2A28 Grom
A 2A28 Grom 73 mm low pressure smoothbore gun can be seen as the main armament of a BMP-1 IFV which pursues the SAS patrol across the desert
Error creating thumbnail: File missing 2A28 Grom - 73mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A BMP-1 takes up a firing position to bombard the SAS patrol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The BMP-1 fires its 2A28 Grom cannon. Also note that the launch rail for the BMP-1's AT-3 Sagger missile is visible atop the base of the gun, but the missile itself is absent
AZP S-60
A number of S-60 57mm anti-aircraft cannons are used by the Iraqi forces to bombard the SAS patrol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing AZP S-60 - 57×348 mm. SR
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The two near weapons are S-60s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close-up shot of the muzzles of the S-60s as they open fire on the patrol.
Bofors 40mm
A number of Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft cannons are used by the Iraqi forces to bombard the SAS patrol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bofors 40mm L/60 AA gun in a wheeled trailer mounting - 40×311mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Iraqi forces open fire.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A front view of the Bofors.
See Also