Bone Tomahawk is a 2015 Horror-Western directed by S. Craig Zahler (Dragged Across Concrete) and stars Kurt Russell as Sheriff Franklin Hunt, Patrick Wilson as Arthur O'Dwyer, Richard Jenkins as Chicory, and Matthew Fox as John Brooder. Of particular interest for Western enthusiasts is the fact that Peter Sherayko (who provided weapons for Russell's 1993 film Tombstone) was brought on as armorer and producer for this film.
The following weapons were used in the film Bone Tomahawk:
Buddy (Sid Haig) and Purvis (David Arquette) both carry Remington 1890 pistols in the opening of the film, distinguishable by the lanyard rings on the butts and the grip shape (distinct from Colts).
Sheriff Franklin Hunt (Kurt Russell) uses two different Smith & Wesson Schofields during the movie. First he carries a blued 5" barrel Schofield similar to the "Wells Fargo" variations. Later he carries a full-length nickel-plated Schofield with ivory grips.
Arthur O'Dwyer (Patrick Wilson) uses a Merwin, Hulbert & Co. First Model Frontier Army throughout the movie. It is differentiated from other later models by the lack of a top strap. It is nickel plated. Rare to see these in movies, and even more rare to see one reloaded in a movie, which O'Dwyer does towards the end!
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMerwin Hulbert SA First Model Frontier. Early production. Manufactured c. 1876Error creating thumbnail: File missingO'Dwyer with his Merwin & Hulbert. Best view I could find of the gun.Error creating thumbnail: File missingO'Dwyer with his Merwin & Hulbert in his holster. This version has the earlier "square butt" rather than the "skull-crusher."Error creating thumbnail: File missingO'Dwyer with his Merwin & Hulbert, visible in its holster at the bottom of the frame.Error creating thumbnail: File missingO'Dwyer with his Merwin & Hulbert. Oddly, in this screen cap it looks like it has a top strap over the cylinder and looks blued rather than nickel. Maybe a different gun used for the shot, or simply a trick of the lighting.Error creating thumbnail: File missingO'Dwyer reloading his Merwin & Hulbert. The static screen cap doesn't do it justice; it's the only time I've seen one of these reloaded in a film. Pretty cool.
Winchester Model 1873
John Brooder (Matthew Fox) carries a very distinct engraved and nickel-plated Winchester Model 1873 carbine in the film. It is another choice that I am sure was influenced by Peter Sherayko. Very unique version of the gun, very fitting of Brooder's high-falutin' character.
Sheriff Hunt also carries what appears to be a Winchester Model 1892 carbine while they are out tracking. Since the film takes place in the 1890s (at least, according to the tombstones seen earlier), this is one of the rare instances of the appropriate use of an 1892. It is never fired.