Bodycount is a 2011 first-person shooter video game for the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, developed and published by Codemasters using the proprietary Ego engine. While touted as the spiritual successor to Black, the lead designer of the latter game, Stuart Black, departed Codemasters partway through production. The plot concerns a soldier called "The Operative" who works for an agency known as "The Network," as he goes on a series of missions in war-torn nations to take down an enemy simply known as "The Target."
The following weapons appear in the video game Bodycount:
Bodycount features a standard two-weapon system, though with the twist that the player cannot simply pick up weapons they find; the only way to get new weapons is at drop points typically located at the start of each level. Weapons are unlocked as the player progresses through the story, with more powerful guns becoming available in later levels.
The game features a single generic pickup for all types of ammunition; precisely how this is possible is never gone into. As with Black, the "iron sight" function actually just zooms the screen in slightly without using the sight itself; in Bodycount's case there are no exceptions to this rule, since the game features no weapons with scopes or working iron sights.
SIG-Sauer P226R
A suppressed SIG-Sauer P226R is the fourth weapon available to the player and the only suppressed weapon in the game. It is shown with a 15-round magazine, and follows the common videogame "magic slide" rule of having the slide lock open by itself when the magazine is released.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingSIG-Sauer P226R - 9x19mmError creating thumbnail: File missingSelection icon for the P226R. Apparently deals low damage to flesh and surfaces, presumably leaving it only useful if you're trying to assassinate someone's clothes.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Operative holds his suppressed P226R as he admires some random bucket-wheel excavators attempting to colonise an African mine. The character is never named, and even the fact that The Operative is male is basically an educated guess.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe P226R in "zoom" mode; while some weapons come close to using their iron sights, none actually make the leap to it. While stealth in Bodycount is basically pointless, the P226 has very tight crosshairs, making headshots easier than with most of the other weapons.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReloading the P226R shows off the aforementioned "magic slide."Error creating thumbnail: File missingBeing a highly skilled professional, The Operative runs with the P226R pointed at the sky with his finger around the trigger. With this kind of training, The Network presumably has a big problem with losing agents when they trip and blow their own brains out.
Heckler & Koch USP Tactical
A suppressed Heckler & Koch USP Tactical pistol icon appeared in an old version of the HUD in one of the gameplay trailers. This could be either a severely incorrect icon for the final game's P226R, or a weapon which was scrapped during development. The final HUD design has a radar where this icon was shown.
A fictional heavy pistol called the "CQB.45" is unlocked once the Africa missions are completed, it closely resembles a Beretta 87FS Target Pistol but with the slide-mounted safety of a Beretta 92FS. It has a 10-round magazine and can kill most regular enemies with a single shot; slightly odd behaviour, since even the game itself only claims it's a .45 and has a .45 SMG which doesn't do anything like as much damage - never mind the real thing is a .22 target pistol. In addition, the firing sound is closer to a cannon than a .45 pistol. As with the SIG, the CQB has a magic slide which locks open by itself when the magazine is released.
It appears to be copied from the "Redtail pistol" seen in Dead to Rights: Retribution, minus the chunky LAM-like front end.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBeretta 87FS Target Pistol - .22 LRError creating thumbnail: File missingSelection icon for the "CQB.45." Obviously a very useful weapon if you need to kill a slow-moving surface.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Operative sneaks up on a sniper, brandishing his hand-cannon and grumbling about the weather.Error creating thumbnail: File missingZoomed view of the "CQB.45," showing off a nice set of illuminated sights that the game doesn't feel like using.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Operative reloads his "CQB.45" as he fights his way inside a secret Target base. Despite using a perfectly normal sidearm calibre, the CQB is capable of killing Target soldiers in their ridicu-armour in a single headshot, something even the G36K can only dream of doing. One can only assume they were thinking of a .45 Magnum cartridge, which wouldn't inherently be fictional; a few exist, like .45 Winchester Magnum or .45 Super, both ACP rounds loaded to higher pressures.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRunning with the "CQB.45;" again, with the gun pointed at the sky.
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP7A1
One of the weapons initially given to the player, the Heckler & Koch MP7 is shown as good for "shredding" cover, but has limited range and is not particularly powerful or accurate. While it is modeled with 30-round magazines, it holds an impossible 55 rounds.
The TDI Vector, called the "KRISS" in game, becomes available once the Africa missions are complete. It is shown with a 50-round magazine, despite the game claiming it has a "low ammunition capacity."
The second starting weapon in the game, the Benelli M4 is called the "Super90" (with no space). The weapon is shown with side RIS rails mounted either side of the barrel ahead of the front grip, and the stock is shown collapsed. The M4 is correctly shown as semi-automatic; it does surprisingly little damage to scenery for a shotgun. It is shown with a 9-round tube magazine instead of the correct 7+1 (6+1 for 3" shells) for a military version, and ejects to the left.
The G36K is available from the beginning of the second level; the weapon is shown with the rail top carrying handle, but has four vents in the handguard, meaning it is not a G36C. As with the G36C in Black, the weapon fires in fullauto with the fire selector on semi-auto, and the reload features the traditional pointless pull of the charging handle. Like the MP7, it has a 55-round magazine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeckler & Koch G36KV with rail top carry handle (originally introduced for G36C) - 5.56x45mmError creating thumbnail: File missingSelection icon for the G36K. Note the confusing talk of the weapon's "class;" the only other assault rifle in the game is the Tavor, which fires more slowly than the G36K and has a larger magazine, so it is unclear how the weapons are being grouped here.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Operative brandishes his G36K as rebel militiamen and government troops have an exploding contest under the local overpassError creating thumbnail: File missingThe fun over and done, The Operative reloads his G36K. Note the fire selector on semi-auto and the lack of trigger discipline.
Heckler & Koch G36C
Enemies carry the Heckler & Koch G36C as well as the G36K, seemingly with a preference for the shorter version.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeckler & Koch G36C - 5.56x45mmError creating thumbnail: File missingThe winner of 2011's "things not to wear in combat" award on the right brandishes a G36C; note only two vents in the handguard. Getting this close to enemies is usually a bad idea, much as it was here.
IMI Tavor CTAR-21
An IMI Tavor CTAR-21 is the fifth weapon available, fitted with a RIS rail mounting iron sights. Despite being the compact version, it is described as the longest ranged assault rifle. The CTAR is able to fire in single-shot mode with a short pull of the trigger; a longer pull will fire in fullauto, but the weapon will stop firing after three rounds.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingIMI Tavor CTAR-21 with ITL MARS red dot sight - 5.56x45mmError creating thumbnail: File missingSelection icon of the CTAR-21. Note the game claims the weapon has "low capacity;" it actually has a 65-round magazine, one of the largest in the game.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Operative holds a CTAR-21 as he lurks across the rooftops of the "Asian" fishing village, wondering how a settlement this size qualifies as a village.Error creating thumbnail: File missingZoomed-in view of the CTAR-21. Note the black dot inside the rear sight; this is a graphical artifact, and is always visible inside the circle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhile reloading, The Operative ponders who they think they're fooling by calling it "Asia" when there are giant red stars everywhere. Note the short barrel.
Sniper Rifles
DSR-precision GmbH DSR-1
Exclusively used by enemy snipers, the DSR-precision GmbH DSR-1 is shown equipped with a bright red visible laser as per the standard videogame tradition of highly visible snipers. It is relatively difficult to get a shot of this weapon up close, as Bodycount has no weapons with magnifying scopes and snipers will switch to an MP7 if the player gets close to them.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingDSR-Precision GmbH DSR-1 - 7.62x51mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingThe Operative comes across a sniper brandishing his DSR-1, apparently just a little too focused on his job. Note the laser actually comes out of the weapon's barrel.Error creating thumbnail: File missingGetting close to a sniper is rare, but allows the distinctive handguard of the DSR-1 to be seen. Note this sniper's laser has turned off; he is just starting to transition to his MP7.
Machine Guns
FN Minimi SPW
The FN Minimi SPW, noted by the shorter barrel, retractable butt-stock, and missing carrying handle and STANAG adaptor, is the last weapon made available to the player, and is called the "Minimi" in the game. As with the real weapon, it has a 100-round belt box.
African "heavy" enemies carry an enormous HMG loosely based on the Browning M2, with the barrel shroud extended to almost the entire length of the barrel and an overhead grip / horizontal trigger layout similar to that used in the fictional M56 Smart Gun from Aliens.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBrowning M2HB on M3 tripod - .50 BMG.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe "militia commander" from the second level makes his entrance; apparently the African militia chooses officers on the basis of whether they are hulking giants. Note the M2-like receiver, extended barrel shroud and approximation of the M2's barrel change handle, which has seemingly become a shroud changing handle here.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Operative looks over the fallen commander's HMG as he reloads his G36K, giving the charging handle a pointless yank as he is prone to doing.
Handheld DShK
Chinese "heavy" enemies instead carry what appears to be a handheld DShK heavy machine gun, with the same modified grip as the Browning; in addition, the ammunition box has been switched to the right-hand side.
In one of the Target bases, fictional attack helicopters are seen suspended from futuristic gantries, armed with GE M134 Miniguns in their chin installations. They are scaled up to around 20mm, and feature twin exposed ammunition belts. Such a twin-belt layout is used on some aircraft cannons to return spent casings to the ammunition drum instead of ejecting them, but both belts are shown with casings visible; there would only be ammunition in them at all if the helicopter was being readied for takeoff, and even then there would not be spent rounds on board.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingGeneral Electric M134 - 7.62x51mmError creating thumbnail: File missingThe Operative looks down at the Target hangar from the walkway above. Note that the helicopter guns do not have tapered barrels, and therefore were not based on the larger M61 Vulcan.Error creating thumbnail: File missingInside the hangar looking up; a good view of the twin ammunition feeds. It is entirely unclear how the helicopters are supposed to get on or off these rigs, or even into the hangar; the base is underground.
RGD-5 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenadeError creating thumbnail: File missingThe grenade icon is visible in the lower-right, between the counters for mines and ammunition.
M18 smoke grenade
The grenade ammo pickup and the in-game grenade model are thick, cylindrical devices seemingly based on the M18 smoke grenade. Grenades in Bodycount can be thrown in timed or impact mode; Target soldiers have an additional impact version which produces a large blue-white explosion, presumably just to look futuristic since it is the same as the regular grenade in terms of damage and mechanics. Grenades are notable by their absence during the "throw grenade" animation.