Black Cats (Chyornye koshki)Black Cats (Chyornye koshki) - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesBlack Cats (Chyornye koshki)
Black Cats (Chyornye koshki) is a 2013 Russian detective TV series. The plot is set in 1947 in the city of Rostov-na-Donu in the Southern Russia. The head of the Counter-banditry Department Maj. Egor Nikitich Dragun (Pavel Derevyanko) investigates a number of robberies and murders. After a time it turns out that not only mere criminals are involved in the events but also a group of saboteurs, former members of German Abwehr special force Brandenburg who covertly work on some problem that is connected with Nazi Germany nuclear programme.
This page is for the 2013 TV series. For the 2016 TV series Black Cat (Chyornaya koshka) see here.
The following weapons were used in the television series Black Cats (Chyornye koshki):
Nagant M1895 revolvers are used by criminals and Militsiya (police) personnel. There are several screen Nagants, some of those are converted blank-firing guns, but the exact model(s) is unclear. Such revolvers can be identified by the different muzzle bore, dummy rounds in cylinder and grey surface finish.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingNagant M1895 Revolver - 7.62x38R Nagant. Note the angular front sight which was used from 1930s.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLom ("Crowbar") (Bogdan Kolesnik), a bandit of Kalyonyiy's gang, aims a Nagant at Krechet ("Gyrfalcon") (Aleksey Komashko). The revolver is most likely a blank-firing version.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother view of the same scene.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLom's revolver switches to another gun with blued finish (contrary to the grey finish of the first Nagant). This revolver is seen firing on screen that explains the replacement.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDuring the grapple between Lom and Krechet the revolver is again the first model. Note the smaller bore (especially in comparison with a Nagant on the next screenshot) and dummy rounds in the cylinder.Error creating thumbnail: File missingKrechet who turns out to be a former BrandenburgerOberleutnant Maier uses Lom's revolver to kill two mounted Militsioners. This is the blued gun. Note the larger bore (in comparison with the Nagant on previous screenshot) and the empty cylinder.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA Militsioner draws his revolver but has no chance to fire.Error creating thumbnail: File missingKrechet fires his revolver.Error creating thumbnail: File missingMilitsiya Lt. Artyom Potapov (Yaroslav Beliy) holds the revolvers of killed Militsioners. The cylinders are loaded with dummy cartridges. A small pin in the muzzle of the revolver at the left is a sign of deactivated gun.Error creating thumbnail: File missingZhigan (Andrey Miroshnichenko (II)), another bandit of Kalyonyiy's gang, fires a Nagant during the attempt to release his arrested accomplicies.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother view of Zhigan's revolver. This is most likely same gun with blued finish that was earlier seen in hands of Lom and Krechet.
TT-33 pistols are widely used by Militsiya and State Security personnel, notably the main character, the head of the Counter-banditry Department Maj. Egor Nikitich Dragun (Pavel Derevyanko), Dragun's deputy Maj. Fyodor Akimovich (Aleksandr Suvorov), Lt. Col. of State Security Viktor Ivanovich Staryuk (Oleg Simonenko), operatives Lyokha (Sergey Frolov (II)), Yasha (Egor Karelskiy), Armen (Viktor Stepanyan), and driver Mishka (Aleksandr Rud'ko). Crime boss Viktor Kalyonkin aka Kalyonyiy ("Red-hot") (Egor Barinov), members of his gang Kuvalda ("Sledgehammer") (Denis Falyuta) and Burunduk ("Chipmunk") (Valeriy Shvets), and Brandenburgers Drozd ("Thrush") (Viktor Elizarov) and Kurt alias Grif ("Gyp") (Mikhail Khmurov) also use TT-33 pistols. Both pre- and post-1947 models are seen. Due to numerous continuity errors, these versions are constantly changing with each other.
In the scene in the hospital Maj. Dragun holds a mockup TT together with a real pistol. The reason for such combination is unclear.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingDragun holds two TT pistols. The one at the left lacks the hammer and has the solid rear part that allows to identify it as a mockup.
Walther P38
Brandenburgers Krechet (Aleksey Komashko) and Lt. Reinhardt alias Strizh ("Swift") (Aleksey Samokhvalov) use Walther P38 pistols. A P38 is also seen in hands of Anna Antonovna (Olga Lomonosova) who turns out to be the former Abwehr agent Anna Nebel.
When Anna gets in the car, her Beretta M1934 switches to a Beretta 92F-style pistol, incredibly anachronistic for 1947. This pistol is most likely some blank-firing version or even non-firing replica.
PPSh-41 submachine guns are widely used throughout the series. They are seen in hands of Militsiya personnel, including Maj. Egor Nikitich Dragun (Pavel Derevyanko), Maj. Fyodor Akimovich (Aleksandr Suvorov) and Yasha (Egor Karelskiy), Brandenburgers Strizh (Aleksey Samokhvalov), Grif (Mikhail Khmurov) and Drozd (Viktor Elizarov), and criminals Kalyonyiy (Egor Barinov) and Kuvalda (Denis Falyuta).
In the final episode Grif (Mikhail Khmurov) holds an MP38. This submachine gun has uncommon smooth magazine housing like the one, used on early series of MP40, and lacks the resting bar under the barrel. Possibly this gun was assembles of parts of several MP38s and MP40s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingError creating thumbnail: File missingF-1, Mills and RG-42 lookalike grenades are seen in the crate. They look too crude and simplified for real grenades. A stick grenade, seen near the explosive charge, is obviously plastic as the handle and the head are a single detail.
Smoke Grenade
Brandenburgers use smoke grenades to imitate a fire in hospital. These grenades look similar to RDG-2 but may be mere pyrotechnical smoking devices. RDG-2 was issued only in 1950s, and a correct model for 1947 would be the RDG-1 that has a different outlook.