Big Trouble in Little ChinaBig Trouble in Little China - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesBig Trouble in Little China
Two members of the Chang Sing use the Beretta 92SB pistol in the standoff with the Wing Kong. It is noted as an SB model by the rounded trigger guard and ambidextrous safety.
The Wing Kong Hatchet Man (Gerald Okamura) is seen with two custom Smith & Wesson Model 19 revolvers in cowboy style holsters. The revolvers are gold plated with ivory grips.
A Smith & Wesson Model 29 is presented to Jack (Kurt Russell) by Egg Shen (Victor Wong) just before the final battle with Lo Pan. When explaining guns will do no good against Lo Pan, Egg removes the weapon (which had a 10⅝" barrel which was offered on the Model 29) to Jack saying "Here. This will make you feel better... like Dirty Harry" (the joke being that the movie also takes place in San Francisco).
Eddie (Donald Li) ends up getting stuck with the Smith & Wesson Model 36 during the escape from Lo Pan's prison. Wang Chi (Dennis Dun) first tries to give it to Jack Burton. Jack trades it back to Wang for the TEC-9. Wang Chi then trades it to Eddie and gets the shotgun.
Jack Burton's (Kurt Russell) main weapon during the movie is a 1984-1987 "button" sight Intratec TEC-9 (aside from his Gerber TAC boot knife). He recovers it from one of the Wing Kong in Lo Pan's underground dungeon when Jack knocks two of them out when flying back in the wheelchair he's in. Burton acquires the weapon after trading Wang Chi (Dennis Dun) the Smith & Wesson Model 36 given to him by Wang. Wang then trades the S&W Model 36 to Eddie for the Double Barreled shotgun.
Allegedly, a rubber stunt prop was also used, but it is unknown in which scene in particular given that the gun seen in most scenes is genuine.
One of the Chang Sings uses a Heckler & Koch HK94A3 chopped and converted to resemble a Heckler & Koch MP5A3 during the funeral shoot out with the Wing Kong. Later, a Wing Kong member uses a full-length HK94.
When the three storms show up, one of the Chang Sings uses a Micro Uzi but it's no use. Since he fires only single shots it should be assumed he is armed with an Uzi pistol instead.
Several Type 56 assault rifles are seen being used by Wing Kong gang members. They can be identified as Type 56s given the smooth receivers and unique hooded front sights, but feature AKM slant muzzle brakes as did most American Imported Chinese AKs. Also seen in the hands of Lo Pan's security men during the initial escape from his underground lair.