Big Game (Bolshaya igra )
DVD Cover
Main Cast
Dmitriy Y. Stepanov
Vladimir Gostyukhin
Marie Krovs
Elina Kalinova
Miguel Sanchez
Veselin Rankov
Michael Welch
Naum Shopov
CIA Director
Sergei Desnitsky
Marture Ramirez
Petar Slabakov
Georgiy Iordanov
Stefan Danailov
Solomon Shore
Aleksandr Kalyagin
Oleg Basilashvili
Big Game (Bolshaya igra ; Russian: Большая игра, Bulgarian: Golyamata igra , Голямата игра) is a 1988 Soviet-Bulgarian political thriller, based on the novel Press Center by Yulian Semyonov .
During a military coup in an unnamed Latin American country, millionaire Grazio, the financer of a united energy system project in the country, is murdered while a Bulgarian journalist is seriously wounded. Soviet writer and international journalist Dmitriy Stepanov launches an investigation into the connection between these two events...
The following weapons were used in the film Big Game (Bolshaya igra) :
The conspirators who kidnap Grazio are armed with M1911A1 pistols.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pre-War Colt M1911A1 Pistol - Commercial Model known as the "Colt Government Model" - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A conspirator with a Colt M1911A1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A conspirator holds a suppressed Colt M1911A1.
Submachine Guns
Hotchkiss "Type Universal"
During the attempted murder of Miguel Sanchez, one of the conspirators' hitmen uses a Hotchkiss "Type Universal" submachine gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hotchkiss "Type Universal" - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The killer fires a Hotchkiss SMG during the attack.
During the attempted murder of Miguel Sanchez (E01), one of the conspirators' killers uses an Uzi submachine gun. Uzi also uses one of the killers during the second (and successful) attempt (E06).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing IMI Uzi with buttstock collapsed - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A killer fires an Uzi during the attack.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The same character with an Uzi.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Hitman shoots an Uzi during the second attempted murder.
Sa 26
During the attempted murder of Miguel Sanchez, Sanchez's bodyguards use Sa 26 submachine guns. Sa 26 SMGs are also used by the majority of the soldiers during the military coup.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sa 26 - 7.62x25mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Military police officers with Sa 26s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Soldiers with Sa 26s.
Heckler & Koch MP5K
During the second attempt on Miguel Sanchez's life (E06), one of the conspirators' hitmen (Vladimir Bratanov) uses an MP5K submachine gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch MP5K - version with SEF Plastic Trigger Pack - 9x19mm. This is a very well worn motion picture weapon.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close-up look at the H&K MP5K
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The assassin flees with MP5K in hand.
Sterling SMG
One of the conspirators' hired killers uses a Sterling submachine gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sterling Mk. IV Submachine Gun - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The killer with a Sterling SMG during training.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The killer aims the Sterling before the attack. This scene is a little blurry, but the weapon can be easily identified.
ArmaLite AR-10
During the attempted murder of Miguel Sanchez, one of the killers uses an ArmaLite AR-10 battle rifle. AR-10 rifles also later are used by some soldiers during the military coup. Most of them, if not all, seem to be the "Guatemalan" model (one of the rarest serial versions; only about 500 were made).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ArmaLite AR-10, "Guatemalan" model - 7.62x51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A hired killer fires an AR-10 during the attack.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The same character with the AR-10.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A soldier with an AR-10 rifle during the military coup.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Soldiers chase away journalists during the military coup.
Gewehr 43
During the military coup (E06), one of the soldiers is seen with a Gewehr 43 rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gewehr 43 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A soldier holds a Gewehr 43.
L1A1 rifles are used by some soldiers during the military coup.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing L1A1 SLR with wood furniture - 7.62x51mm NATO. Although this model features wood furniture, it has the contoured black fiberglass carry handle which identifies this as a later model L1A1 which has been fitted with after-market furniture.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A soldier carries an L1A1 on his back.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The rifle's barrel seen in the middle.
Machine Guns
During the military coup, one of the soldiers uses a ZB-39 LMG.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ZB 39 Light Machine Gun - 8x56 mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
What appears to be a PKM machine gun is mounted on a replica of the FMC M113 APC.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing PKM with latest version of Flash hider - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The FMC M113 APC replica, as it appears during the military coup.
M9 "Bazooka"
During the military coup, one of the soldiers uses a rocket launcher that appears to be an M9 "Bazooka" .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M9 "Bazooka" - 2.36 inch
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A soldier runs with the rocket launcher.
Other Weapons
"Spy Rifle"
The weapon, used by a killer (E06), is a non-firing movie prop that was specially made for the 1986 film Interception (Perekhvat) . It uses parts of various real guns (some of which were taken from a Heckler & Koch G3 ). Later this movie prop was used in several other Soviet/Russian movies.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The "Spy Rifle" with sniper scope and sound suppressor. This photo is from the Russian magazine "MasterRujyo" (Master Gun), 2004, N 5.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The "Spy Rifle".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A view from another angle.