Bells Without Joy (Carillons sans joie )
Movie Poster
Carillons Sans Joie is a 1962 French World War II movie directed by Charles Brabant. In 1942 amidst Operation Torch, a Vichy French Army unit is sent to keep a bridge and deny access to Allied and Axis troops. Lead by Captain de Lambérieux, he has to buy time as a German armored unit approaches, intent on capturing their position.
The following weapons were used in the film Carillons Sans Joie :
Rifles and Carbines
The MAS-36 is used by almost all Vichy French soldiers. The hooded front sight indicates that these are second type rifles produced after WWII.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MAS-36 - 7.5x54mm French
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Line of hidden MAS-36 in the church at the beginning of the movie.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing French soldiers facing Germans soldiers with Chatellerault M1924/29 and MAS-36 at ready when the German ultimatum expires.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing French soldier shooting his MAS-36 at Germans.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A French soldier shoots a German before getting stabbed by another rushing enemy soldier.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A French soldier tries to wake up his fallen comrade.
A anachronistic MAS-36/51 is also seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MAS-36/51 - 7.5x54mm French
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The muzzle of an anachronistic MAS-36/51 is briefly seen when French soldiers take rifles from hiding places.
Karabiner 98k
Very few German soldiers are armed with rifles. No shots afford a clear look at the rifles; they could be Mauser Gewehr 1898s , or more likely Karabiner 98ks based on the profile.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Karabiner 98k - German manufacture 1937 date - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Germans soldiers are towing artillery with rifles over their shoulders.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A German soldier advances with a Karabiner 98k in hand.
M1 Carbine
US Army scout soldiers who arrive at the French camp are armed with post-WWII M1 Carbines with bayonet lugs.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Korean War Era M1 Carbine, with birch stock, adjustable sight, bayonet lug, and twin magazine pouch - .30 Carbine
Error creating thumbnail: File missing US soldiers are seen with post-war M1 Carbines with bayonet lugs.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing US soldiers arriving at the French camp.
Submachine Guns
The Vichy French Army is equipped with MAS-38 submachine guns, but they are never seen fired.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MAS-38 - 7.65x20mm Longue
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MAS-38s are seen in the church hiding place.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A French sergeant is seen with a MAS-38 when patrolling.
The majority of German soldiers are armed with the MP40 , although in real life, most German soldiers would have been armed with the Kar98k. During the final battle, it's the only weapon fired by German forces.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MP40 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing German officers salute the French flag. The soldier on the left is armed with an MP40 without blank adaptor.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A German soldier shooting at the French with his MP40.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A fallen German with an MP40 across his chest
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A German stands at the ready, while the French Captain rides a white horse through the battlefield. Note the grenade in his boot.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A German soldier aims his MP40 at the French Captain. The blank adaptor is clearly visible.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing German soldiers guarding French POWs. Note the blank adaptor.
Machine Guns
FM 24/29
The FM 24/29 is the primary support weapon used by French troops, principally used by NCOs. The Vichy French Army wasn't allowed by armistice convention to have heavy machine guns.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Chatellerault M1924/29 Light Machine Gun - 7.5x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing French soldiers facing Germans soldiers with Chatellerault M1924/29 and MAS-36 at ready when the German ultimatum expires.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A French soldier shooting a Chatellerault M1924/29 from a machine gun nest.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing French soldiers firing at approaching Germans.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heavy combat with the Chatellerault M1924/29.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A French soldier guns down a German soldier with his 24/29.
A motorcycle side-car is equipped with what appears to be an MG34 when the French company crosses paths with German soldiers near the beginning of the movie. The shot, however, is not clear enough to be sure. An MG34 Panzerlauf is used by German troops in an infantry support role.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MG34 with front and rear sights folded down - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing German soldiers salute the French officer. A probable MG34 is mounted on the side-car.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MG34 Panzerlauf with stock fitted - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The MG34 Panzerlauf used by Germans.
When the German ultimatum comes to pass, both sides stand ready to fight. An MG42 in a machine gun nest is seen on the German side.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MG42 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The MG42 in a German MG nest.
Browning M2 Heavy Barrel
A US half-track is equipped with four Browning M2 Heavy Barrels in an M45 Quadmount. At the end of the movie, a French and US soldier try to shoot down a German plane, thus provoking the battle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M2HB - .50 BMG
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M2HBs in M45 Quadmount mounted on M51 Multiple Machine Gun Carriage - .50 BMG
Error creating thumbnail: File missing US soldiers drive a half-track with M45 Quadmount mounted.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing US soldiers shoot at a German plane.
Mle 1892 Revolver
Some Mle 1892 Revolver are seen but never used.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Modèle d’Ordonnance Mle 1892 Revolver - 8x27mm SR
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Line of Mle 1892 Revolvers .
Walther P38
The Maréchal des Logis (sergeant) Charles Bourgeon (Raymond Pellegrin ), carries a Walther P38 as his sidearm and uses it to kill a German soldier.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther P38 WWII dated with black grips - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bourgeon guns down an enemy soldier with a Walther P38 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The gun jams after he kills the German.
Captain de Lambérieux (Paul Meurisse ) carries a holster for a Ruby pistol. No pistol is ever drawn and it is unknown if there is even a pistol in the holster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gabilondo Ruby - .32 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Captain de Lambérieux salutes the Nazi flag, to give back the respect shown when the Germans saluted the French flag. The French NCOs refuse to do it.
Grenades and Explosives
Model 24 Stielhandgranate
During the final battle, Germans are seen using Model 24 Stielhandgranate against the French troops.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Model 24 Stielhandgranate "Potato Masher" high-explosive fragmentation hand grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing When the ultimatum expires, Germans soldiers face French lines with an MG42 at ready. A few Model 24 Stielhandgranates can be seen in the MG nest.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bourgeon throws back a German Model 24 Stielhandgranate .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bourgeon takes cover from another grenade behind a dead German soldier he shot with his P38.
DF 37 hand grenade
At the end of the film, a French soldier who successfully escaped works with a young civilian to ambush a German car by throwing DF 37 hand grenades .
DF 37/46 hand grenade with Mle 1935 fuse
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The French soldier and a young civilian prepare to ambush a German car with DF 37 hand grenades .
Mortar Mle 27/31
What appears to be a Mortier de 81 mm Mle 27/31 is in the possession of Vichy forces. It is never used, however, as a soldier tells his sergeant they got the wrong shells.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mortier de 81 mm Mle 27/31
Error creating thumbnail: File missing During the dispatching of the weapons on the perimeter, a soldier is seen with a Mortier de 81 mm Mle 27/31 on his shoulder
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Over the revolvers we can see mortars. Under the revolvers are the plate bases.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The soldier displays mortar shells incompatible with their weapon system. However, this appears to be an 81mm shell that would indeed fit in the Mle 27/31.
Fake Mines
In order to deter enemy vehicles from crossing the bridge and generally waste the time of German forces, French soldiers lay fake mines made from plates.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing French soldiers lay "mines".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The German delegation walking through the "minefield".
German troops use artillery against the French position.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Canon de 75 mm Mle. 1897.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The armored vehicle which killed Captain de Lambérieux when he stood in front of it.