Battle: Los Angeles is a 2011 video game license of the movie Battle: Los Angeles, developed by Saber Interactive and published by Konami, and released on the Playstation Network, XBox Live Arcade and Steam digital distribution services. Players assume the role of Corporal Lee Imlay as they follow Staff Sergeant Michael Nantz (Aaron Eckhart reprising his movie role in the game) in his attempts to save a group of civilians and defeat the alien attackers.
The following weapons are used in the video game Battle: Los Angeles:
Battle: Los Angeles uses a two-weapon system with one weapon fixed as the M4A1 Carbine and the other slot allocated to either the M40A1 or Pansarskott m/86; in addition, the player can carry up to four grenades. Ammunition is mainly gained from infinite ammo boxes found throughout the game which refill all equipped weapons to maximum capacity any time the player is near them.
M4A1 Carbine
The M4A1 Carbine is the primary weapon throughout the game, used by all NPCs;. It is given to the player immediately and is impossible to discard; while a serviceable weapon, the quiet firing sound and puny muzzle flash (the "flash" being just an invisible light source flashing on and off at the muzzle of the gun, with no actual effect attached to it to show what might be creating this light) conspire to make it relatively difficult to tell if it is even firing. The reload animation includes the obligatory pointless yank of the charging handle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt M4A1 with 6 position collapsible stock - 5.56x45mm. This version is seen during actual gameplay.Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt M4A1 w/ M68 Aimpoint reflex optic and Knight's Armament railed handguard and vertical forward grip - 5.56x45mm. This version is the most common in cutscenes, though often with an extremely short barrel.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn a blurry still from the movie, several Marines are seen armed with M4A1 carbines.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe same shot from the movie; the only one containing the MV-22 Osprey.Error creating thumbnail: File missingImlay holds his M4A1 carbine during the thrilling finale in which the alien ship rises up from underground and then doesn't do anything.Error creating thumbnail: File missingImlay uses his M4A1 to gun down an alien. The sound, muzzle flash and recoil of the weapon are so puny that it's actually relatively difficult to figure out if it's firing at all at times. This shot shows the muzzle flash effect, which in this brightly-lit area just makes the lighting on the weapon alter very slightly.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIron sights of the M4A1. The iron sight doesn't move even slightly from recoil when the weapon fires, adding to the disagreeable feeling that the barrel is a magic wand that makes bullets appear in front of it.Error creating thumbnail: File missingImlay reloads his M4A1: this animation is glitched, with the magazine travelling faster than Imlay's hand does as he removes it; two frames ago he was holding the bottom of the magazine. Note that the fire selector is in the "Safe" position. Note also the screen tearing near the top of the shot, a hallmark of games lazily ported from the Xbox 360 to the PS3.Error creating thumbnail: File missingImlay, distrustful of his weapon's magazine having a mind of its own, readies an m/86 in case it tries anything.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOddly, cutscenes are rendered using mostly-still comic strips with occasional Flash-grade animation. Equally oddly, everyone's weapons have accessories in these cutscenes but magically turn into the same vanilla M4A1 model once in the game. Here, Lance Corporal Richard Guerrero holds an M4A1 with an AN/PEQ-15 IR laser designator and EOTech sight as he confirms the first Copperhead guided artillery round hit on the alien command ship and demonstrates the expression known as "dull surprise."Error creating thumbnail: File missingHolding M4s with various accessories, everyone reacts with vague indifference as they discover the freeway is blocked by the next level, except the guy in the middle who is trying to figure out what his right hand is doing and why he has a gun hovering without visible support in front of his leg.Error creating thumbnail: File missingNantz dramatically loads his already loaded gun as the bus stops, wondering why the magazine is bigger than the mag well is. Note the very short barrel; it appears to have turned into a Colt Model 933 or Mk. 18 Mod 0, but since Nantz uses an M4A1 in the movie it can be concluded the weapon is simply badly drawn.
The second weapon acquired by the player, the M40A1 Sniper Rifle is the only alternate weapon available for around half the game. It unscopes automatically after each shot is fired so the bolt can be operated, and there is a curious pause after pressing the aim button before the scope is actually bought to the player character's eye. Since combat typically takes place at fairly close range and aliens can take multiple sniper rifle shots anywhere but the head (as opposed to the movie, where the aliens have no vital organs in their heads), it is seldom particularly useful, though several sections require sniper shots to be made against alien Walking Guns. Despite that the weapon model and icon shown do not have a detachable magazine, it is still reloaded as if it does.
Because the game and movie take place in 2011, the M40A1 is anachronistic as it had been superseded by the M40A3 and later M40A5 beginning in 2001.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingRemington M40A1 sniper rifle - 7.62x51mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingImlay holds an M40A1 as he spots the alien Walking Gun pinning down his comrades. The Walking Gun has a health bar to indicate the single hit it takes to kill the operator.Error creating thumbnail: File missingImlay operates the bolt of his M40A1.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe M40's reload is rather transparently designed to avoid having to create a model for the magazine, with the body of the gun concealing the entire process of removing and replacing it. Never mind that this model of M40 doesn't have a detachable magazine to start with.Error creating thumbnail: File missingImlay prepares to give an alien a very close encounter with mister 7.62 NATO, using the mil-dot scope of his M40. One particularly poorly thought-out aspect of this weapon is that shooting makes the scope jump vertically so far that it's impossible to determine whether the shot actually hit the target before the weapon unscopes for the bolt-operating animation.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn-world model of the M40A1.
M26 Hand Grenade
The grenades used by the player are M26 hand grenades (which are anachronistic for the modern US military, who have used the M67 hand grenade for several decades). As with several other shooters, certain important steps are omitted from the process of throwing the grenade.
Mounted Browning M2 heavy machine guns are encountered twice during the game, once during the freeway level where the player is called upon to defend a stranded bus fill of civilians, and later during the finale of the game when Imlay defends Nantz as he calls in a guided artillery strike. They have infinite ammunition, and are not governed by any other measures such as a heat gauge.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBrowning M2HB on vehicle mount - .50BMGError creating thumbnail: File missingImlay gets on a mounted Browning M2, wondering when anyone had time to polish the grips and charging handle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingImlay fires the Browning M2 as he defends a busload of civilians on the freeway. Note the spent casings are ejected from mid-air above the left-hand side of the receiver, and are far smaller than the ones visible in the belt.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe second and final time Imlay uses the M2 is to shoot down about fifteen alien Air Units during the finale while wondering why Nantz has so much more health than he does.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOddly, the "enter" icon for the M2 shows a tripod, even though it is only ever encountered mounted on Humvees.
M240C Machine Gun
Army M1A2 Abrams tanks are seen several times during the game, always abandoned and with their hatch-mounted weapons missing; however, their main M256 120mm smoothbore cannon and coaxial M240C machine gun are still present and correct.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM240C machine gun - 7.62x51mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingImlay holds an m/86 as he looks over an Army M1A2 Abrams main battle tank; the model has the CIS of the A2 model, therefore is not a Marine Corps tank. Note the empty commander's hatch mount. The M240C is visible to the right of the Abrams' main gun.
Pansarskott m/86
The game's rocket launcher is the Pansarskott m/86, a Swedish version of the M136 AT4 with a folding front grip, and is incorrectly shown as reloadable. It is mainly used for fighting the alien "Air Unit" drones which turn up in the second half of the game. The player can hold up to four rockets, one in the launcher and three in reserve.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingPansarskott m/86, Swedish Army version of the M136 AT4 with folding foregrip - 84mmError creating thumbnail: File missingTrying not to be blinded by a ridiculous lens flare, Imlay holds a Pansarskott m/86 as he examines a crashed helicopter. It's not entirely clear how this one managed to land perfectly and end up utterly mangled anyway; given the service lifespan of the average helicopter in a videogame is measured in minutes, it's possible this one just expired of natural causes.Error creating thumbnail: File missingImlay uses the iron sight of his m/86 to sight up an alien "Air Unit." This is the only name ever given for these vehicles, and even appears under their health bar. Strangely, the m/86's target crosshair only appears on screen when the iron sight is being used.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPicking up ammo for the m/86 shows a generic "RPG warhead" icon in the HUD...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...And the game totally glosses over precisely how this can be used in the launcher, instead just having it disappear off-screen briefly after each shot is fired. Note the "fire like this" instruction, which should be level with the front sight on the other side of the launcher.Error creating thumbnail: File missingImlay admires the in-world model of the m/86.
M712 Copperhead
The M712 Copperhead, a 155mm terminally laser-guided artillery round, is used several times to attack the alien command ship, with the player defending Nantz while he points a laser at the target. The round is inaccurately shown with a smoke trail and exhaust flare; the Copperhead is not a missile, and has no on-board propulsion system of any kind, instead using steering vanes to adjust its course as it either follows a ballistic trajectory or glides onto its target.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM712 Copperhead guided artillery round - 155mmError creating thumbnail: File missingTwo M712 Copperhead guided artillery rounds streak towards the upper portion of the alien command ship. Note that Nantz is painting the wrong side of the target; these rounds would have nothing to lock on to. This mistake is repeated in the finale.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDuring the finale, Nantz calls in repeated M712 Copperhead strikes as Imlay defends him and everyone else nags Imlay to defend him.