A prison guard hired to assassinate Paul Vitti uses a suppressed Beretta 92FS. Anthony Bella (Anthony LaPaglia) has a 92FS as "Nicky Caesar" on the set of Little Caesar, seen locked open when he is arguing with the armored car officers in the climax. It should be noted that no suppressed semi-automatic pistol is quiet enough to shoot in a quiet, all concrete and steel prison and have no one hear it. Even if he'd completely silenced the gunshot, the slide racking would be quite audible.
Lou Rigazzi (Frank Gio) uses a suppressed Beretta Cheetah when his men bring the failed gunman into his office. Paul Vitti (Robert De Niro) also carries an unsuppressed Cheetah, drawing it from a hiding place in his trailer on the set of Little Caesar.
Paul Vitti (Robert De Niro) keeps a third-generation Glock 17 under his couch cushions in his trailer, which he tosses into a bag when hiding out from the police and Rigazzi's men. "Al Pacino" (William DeMeo) carries one during the planning and execution of the heist. The armored car officers also carry them in holsters.
Jelly (Joe Viterelli) carries a nickel Smith & Wesson Model 36, which he draws when a Little Caesar crew member enters Vitti's trailer. One of the Little Caesar cast members also uses one during filming.
Dr. Ben Sobel (Billy Crystal) asks Jelly if he can use a nickel snubnose Colt Python instead of one of the larger assault rifles. Jelly holds the gun laughing, remembering a lot of "good times" from the revolver, then hands it to him. Eddie DeVol (Raymond Franza) also carries a blued snubnose model.
A character on Little Caesar, the fictional TV show in the film meant to resemble The Sopranos, carries out a mob hit with an Ithaca 37. Jelly (Joe Viterelli) also has a pistol-gripped Ithaca in his armory that he offers to Dr. Sobel before the armored car heist.
One of the gunmen chasing Vitti and Sobel fires a Cobray M11/9 from the window of his car. Jelly also keeps one in his armory that he offers to Sobel.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingCobray M11/9 - 9x19mm. This is the semiautomatic pistol, note how the selector switch is on the opposite side of the receiver and the pins are in different places on the receiver.
One of Vitti's men carries an "Heckler & Koch MP5SD" during the armored car heist but it is actually an UHC airsoft gun as noted by the finger groves on the handguard.
Jelly has an M16A2 in his collection, asking Dr. Sobel if he can handle an M16. When Sobel asks if he means to shoot it, Jelly sarcastically tells him he wants him to twirl it around his finger.
Jelly asks Dr. Sobel if he wants an "AK" or a "Kalashnikov", referring to both the two Norinco Type 56s and Type 56-1 he has on the table.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingNorinco Type 56 (Imported into the U.S. as the Norinco AKS-47 or AKS-47 Sporter) - 7.62x39mm. Rather than having the underfolder pig sticker Bayonet assembly, this has the standard Bayonet lug underneath the gas block as the AKM and later variants.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe SPAS-12 shotgun and Norinco Type 56 This shot is a continuity error from the full shots (as can be seen by comparing with the table layout above.)Error creating thumbnail: File missingOne of Vitti's men with his Type 56 during the heist.
Machine Guns
When Jelly offers a bulletproof vest to Dr. Sobel, an M60 machine gun is visible on the table next to the vest.