American Soldiers: A Day in IraqAmerican Soldiers: A Day in Iraq - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesAmerican Soldiers: A Day in Iraq
American Soldiers: A Day in Iraq (which also was released under the title American Soldiers) is a 2005 Iraq War film directed by Sidney J. Furie (Iron Eagle). Based on a true story and set in April 12, 2004, the film follows the story of a small patrol unit from the 1st Calvary, US Army, as they endure that hardships of patrolling the streets of Baghdad while holding off several attacks by insurgents.
The following weapon appear in the film American Soldiers: A Day in Iraq:
The Beretta 92FS, standing in for the standard issue Beretta M9, is carried by most of the American soldiers, also by Lt. Ahmed (Vince Salonia) and the undercover insurgent dressed as an Iraqi police officer.
PFC Dowdy (Paul Sturino), SPC Cohen (Jordan Brown) and SPC Romeo (Brett Ryan) all carry the Colt Model 727 carbine as their primary weapon. Dowdy and Romeo have standard M727 with a M203 grenade launcher attached while Cohen has a custom variant, fitted with a KAC M4-style railed handguard, a SureFire WeaponLight, RIS foregrip and a Magpul M93 Modular buttstock. The use of the M727 is probably likely standing in for the M4A1, which was the primary weapon of most front-line US soldiers in 2004.
The M4A1 is carried by SGT Delvecchio (Zan Calabretta), SGT Ron Stalker (Shaun Taylor), PFC Johnson (Michael Belisaro), and PFC Aikens (Ben Gilbank). Both Delvecchio's and Stalker's M4A1s are fitted with an A.R.M.S. SIR system (which is not used by regular infantry troops), a vertical foregrip, an Aimpoint M68 CCO, and a SureFire WeaponLight, while both Johnson's and Aiken's M4A1s has the same configuration only with a SureFire M73 rail handguard (also not used by regular infantry troops).
The M16A4 is carried by SPC Deke Carver (Philippe Buckland), fitted with a Trijicon TA11 3.5x35 ACOG, a 20-round magazine and a Harris bipod, making him the squad's designated marksman. Another M16A4 is carried by LT Banning, a guard in the prison and by an Iraqi insurgent during the last battle. Both Banning's and the insurgent's M16A4s are fitted with a C-More red dot sight.
The RPG-7 is seen fire many times by an Iraqi insurgent, both on the American soldiers and Iraqi police. SGT Delvecchio briefly uses it to blow up an Iraqi insurgent's mortar unit on a truck during the final battle.