All That Is Tender (Tot, kto nezhnee)All That Is Tender (Tot, kto nezhnee) - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesAll That Is Tender (Tot, kto nezhnee)
All That Is Tender (Тот, кто нежнее; Tot, kto nezhnee) is a 1996 Russian-Kazakh adventure neo-western movie, directed by Abai Karpykov (Fara).
A young man Danesh was hospitalized with a broken leg. The old man, his neighbor in the ward, told Danesh about the two relics: a golden dish and ruby, with their help in the Scorpio Canyon, can be find a treasures. A golden dish was brought from abroad by the Arab sheikhs, who will wait for the messenger from the old man. After the death of the old man, his sisters give Danesh a ruby and a map of the Canyon, and he goes in search of treasure. His rival is the bandit Ramazan, who kidnapped an translator Alyona who can read the Arabic inscription on a dish.
The following weapons were used in the film All That Is Tender:
Several of the Ramazan's mercenaries carries a M1911-series pistols in the holsters. Farkhad-"Tolstyy" (Farkhad Abdraimov) carries the M1911 as his sidearm in second half of the movie. These guns, however, are never visible in action.
The Winchester Model 1300 Defender shotgun is the personal weapon of the main hero Danesh (Bopesh Zhandayev). Several of the Ramazan's mercenaries uses the Winchester Model 1300 Defender 8-Shot shotguns with synthetic furniture.
Baighali (Aristarkh Livanov) carries Izhmash Los 9-1 hunting rifle. Another Izhmash Los 9-1 were used by Gosha (Nikolay Stotskiy). One mercenary also carries Izhmash Los rifle, but had never fires it. The sporter rifle, which is carried by one of the Ramazan's henchmen, probably is also Izhmash Los, but without scope.