Alamases's Gorge (Ushchelye Alamasov )
Alamases's Gorge (Russian: Ущелье Аламасов ; Ushchelye Alamasov ) is a 1937 Soviet adventure movie. A group of Soviet-Mongolian explorers enter a wild mountain range far from civilization to locate a valuable oil field. The native peoples don't enter this region due to mysterious creatures called Almas that live in the mountains. The explorers reach their destination and find hostile soldiers (the hostile state isn't named, but the uniform and weaponry of the soldiers resembles that of the Imperial Japanese Army), which have secretly invaded Mongolia. Now, they must fight to defend their discovery and unravel the mystery of the Almas.
Note: An Almas is a mysterious humanoid creature from the folk religions of Central Asian native peoples, whose existence currently has never been proven, but never disproven. It is often described as a large, hairy, bipedal creature, not unlike North America's Bigfoot.
The following weapons were used in the film Alamases's Gorge (Ushchelye Alamasov) :
Mauser C96 "Broomhandle"
The enemy commander (Ir. Kan) and several of his soldiers uses Mauser C96 "Broomhandle" pistols.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mauser C96 "Pre-War Commercial" - 7.63x25mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The enemy commander (Ir. Kan) draws his Mauser.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An enemy soldier tries to use his pisto, while being killed.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The enemy commander brandishes his Mauser.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An enemy soldier with the Mauser.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The escaping enemy commander fires his pistol at his pursuer.
Tokarev TT-33
Vyacheslav Antonovich Viskovsky (Ivan Koval-Samborsky ) carries a Tokarev TT-33 in a holster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tokarev TT-33 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev. Pre-1947 version.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An enemy soldier disarms Vyacheslav Antonovich Viskovsky of his sidearm.
Mosin Nagant M1891
Various characters carry Mosin Nagant Rifles . Most of them are original Mosin Nagant M1891 Dragoon rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Imperial Russian Mosin Nagant M1891 Dragoon - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dyndyp (Daniil Sagal ) with the rifle on his shoulder. Note the lack of cleaning rod.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Andrey Svetlanov (Pyotr Savin ) with the rifle on his shoulder.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of Andrey's rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Native guides with the rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Partisans put a rifle on the ground.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jamboon (Boris Erdman) and several Soviet-Mongolian explorers with the rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Vyacheslav Antonovich Viskovsky (Ivan Koval-Samborsky ) and several other Soviet-Mongolian explorers with the rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Vyacheslav Antonovich Viskovsky and Jamboon aim their rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Yú Láng (Yuliya Tsay ) charges her rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Krylatkin (Nikolay Poplavsky) fires.
Mosin Nagant M1907 Carbine
Mosin Nagant M1907 Carbines are also used by the explorers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mosin Nagant Model 1907 Carbine - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The barrel of M1907 Carbine is seen at the far left. Note the position of the sling slot just near the top barrel band and the short barrel.
Mauser Gewehr 1898
At least one of the Soviet-Mongolian explorers is armed with a German Gewehr 98 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mauser Gewehr 1898 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The rifle can be seen in the background between Jamboon and another explorer.
Several characters including Dyndyp, Granya Steblina (Aleksandra Popova), and Krylatkin (Nikolay Poplavsky) use TOZ-8 rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing TOZ-8 - .22LR
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Granya Steblina with the rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Good view of the rifle's shape.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Krylatkin carries rifle on his shoulder.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The stock is seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Arisaka Type 38
Bayonet-attached Arisaka Type 38s are the standard long gun of the enemy soldiers. Several partisans, including their commander Wáng Jì Liáng (Li Den Ten), are armed with the Arisaka Type 38 . Vyacheslav Antonovich Viskovsky also carries an Arisaka Type 38 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Arisaka Type 38 rifle - 6.5x50mmSR Arisaka
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An enemy soldier with the rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bayonets are seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hostile soldiers fire their rifles at the Soviet-Mongolian explorers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Vyacheslav Antonovich Viskovsky (at the right) with the rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A partisan with the rifle. The muzzle shape is seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another partisan cleans his rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Wáng Jì Liáng puts his rifle on the ground.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Wáng Jì Liáng with the rifle.
Machine Guns
Lewis Gun
An enemy soldier uses a Lewis Gun . It isn't fired onscreen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lewis Gun - .303 British
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An enemy soldier at the center aims the machine gun. It has a standard bipod, unlike the one seen below.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lewis Gun, produced by Savage Arms Company, on Light Ground Mount support - .30-06
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An enemy soldier loads his Lewis. This is particular Lewis Gun is a Savage Arms Company produced machine gun, identified by the Light Ground Mount three-leg support (unlike the bipod of a British Lewis).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The same enemy soldier fires.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The enemy commander (Ir. Kan) fires.
Colt 1895 Automatic Machine Gun
Several enemy soldiers fire Colt 1895 Automatic Machine Guns . Dyndyp captures one. These machine guns are most likely Russian contract M1895/14 models.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt 1895/14 machine gun, Russian contract version - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An enemy soldier fires.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of the same scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dyndyp kills the enemy gunner.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dyndyp readies the captured machine gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dyndyp fires.
Lewis Model 1924
A Soviet R-5 combat plane is equipped with Twin Lewis Model 1924 machine guns. Note: The "Model 1924" is a Soviet designation for infantry Lewis machine guns converted for aircraft service. They were used on some Soviet planes in the late 1920s until replaced by the Degtyaryov DA . Unlike "true" aircraft Lewis Guns, the "Model 1924" still had the radiator fins and was fitted only with 47-round drum magazines.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Twin Lewis Model 1924 on Tur-6 mounting on a Soviet TB-1 bomber.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A perfect view of the machine gun.
Improvised Grenades
Several Soviet-Mongolian explorers use improvised grenades made from tin cans.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Improvised "Jam Tin Grenade"
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Krylatkin throws a grenade.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Granya Steblina takes a grenade from the hands of another injured explorer.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jamboon prepares to use a grenade.
R-5 combat plane
A Soviet R-5 combat plane is seen at the film's climax.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing View from the front...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...left...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...and right side of the plane.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Perfect view of the frontal part of the plane.