008: Operation Exterminate (1965, original title: A 008, operazione Sterminio) is an Italian spy movie directed by Umberto Lenzi. American agent MacDonald, agent 008 (Ingrid Schoeller) and British agent Frank Smith, agent 606 (Alberto Lupo) team up to find an anti-radar device, and it's inventor, who was abducted. The trail leads to Egypt, where Kemp (Ivano Staccioli, credited as John Heston), freelancing agent, prepares to use the device to turn the great powers against each other.
The following firearms can be seen in the film 008: Operation Exterminate:
Agent 008 (Ingrid Schoeller) carries a Remington 1866 Derringer throughout the movie. At one point she incorrectly states, that it uses "32 caliber Winchester supersonic" bullets.
Frank Smith, several of Kemp's thugs and the Egyptian policemen have Browning Hi-Power pistols. Smith gives his pistol to 008, when they infiltrate Kemp's base, but they get captured. One of the thugs threatens Smith with throwing him into an oven, and to demonstrate it, he puts Smith's gun into the oven, where it melts.
Some of Kemp’s thugs are armed with Port Said sub-machine guns (the movie was shot in Egypt). When 008 and Smith infiltrate Kemp’s base, Smith knocks out a guard and takes away his machine gun, however, because of a continuity mistake, it turns into a Sten Mk.II. when they enter the building. Later, when the egyptian police attacks Kemp’s base, the police lieutenant (Nando Angelini) also has a Port Said.
As a continuity mistake, Smith’s Port Said sub-machine gun turns into a Sten Mk.II. sub-machine gun, when he and 008 enter Kemp’s base. When they are captured, a thug takes away the Sten, but Smith manages to take it back, while the thug searches him. Another thug also uses a Sten, when Prof. Mainz (Domenico Ravenna) is abducted.