It's hard to see, but it's not a reflex sight, it's an MP5 front sight mounted on a riser. If you look carefully at the pic you can see it's got an actual post rather than a projected aim point. Precisely why...Well, it's Black. Sense is not it's strong point. Vangelis 07:50, 27 February 2011 (UTC)
Hmmm, interesting. The pic was too small for me to see it at first glance, it looked like a C-more to me, plus I forgot about the game. XD
Yeah, it's certainly laid out like a C-More: perhaps the developers saw a picture of one, thought it looked cool and didn't bother to check what it was or how it worked. I certainly know of other games made by people who didn't know how reflex sights work (Haze and Blacksite: Area 51 both feature holographic reflex sights that aren't actually switched on, for example). Vangelis 08:30, 27 February 2011 (UTC)
For some reason it makes think of the stupid extra front sight mounted on USP's RIS in F.E.A.R. 2. :) - Mr. Wolf
Just to add here; I thought you were just basing it on the ".380 SMG" thing, which I was nervous about going with since if that is ever visible it's only on the XBox version. Evil Tim 05:33, 14 June 2011 (CDT)
Here's the one I was talking about [[1]], this one's similar too [[2]].
Look at it this way: imagine if someone took a copy of Photoshop and built the shape of the PSG-1 out of a photograph of a DSR-1: extended the handguard, put the magazine and grip where they'd be on a PSG-1, made the barrel project way further forward, and so on. That's basically what the DSG-1 seems to have been. The main clue is in the name; the gun is a PSG-1 / DSR-1, so they went halves on what they called it. Vangelis 10:08, 27 February 2011 (UTC)
Granted, I'm eyeballing, but it looks more like it's got the carbine-length handguard but with the barrel tip from the full-size rifle, it seems just a little too short to be full-size. Vangelis 08:50, 3 March 2011 (UTC)
No its handguard is not carbine-length and on the wall it's longer than the AK. The K is somewhat near the size of an MP5, the in-game looks like a full-size rifle. - Mr. Wolf
I've reverted it back to how you had it. I'm not sure, you are, so we'll go with you. Vangelis 09:20, 3 March 2011 (UTC)
Why thank you :), But Your are right about it being kinda smallish, look at it compared to the FAL. It looks like a slightly shrunk-down G3A4 pretending to be a G3KA4. lol, Thanks Ubisoft. - Mr. Wolf
As for the SVD, it's still an odd hold since you'd have to stick the stock inside your shoulder to get it to look like that. That's largely due to the usual weirdly narrow FPS field of view, mind you; FPS characters only have central vision (and also can't see their own noses). Vangelis 10:12, 3 March 2011 (UTC)
You'll forgive me for being a tiny bit overprotective, it did take me 26 hours to screencap that page. :) Vangelis 10:21, 3 March 2011 (UTC)
It's completely understandable. :) lol, it seems you have quite a few pages here that are your babes. :D I just wanted mainly to "fix" the AR-15 and G3 that have been bugging me for over a year (I joined about a mouth ago). - Mr. Wolf
Well, the idea is it's a quote-unquote AR-16; since it isn't really anything in particular, it would just end up with a mess of weapon pics below it (AR-15s, AR-18s, etc). I think it's best off how it is now, with just the one it's called and isn't. Vangelis 10:41, 3 March 2011 (UTC)
Also, I'm noticing playing through Black now that Far Cry 2's devs seem to have got some of their ideas about weapons from it; specifically, it also has the RPG-7 with a side-mounted iron sight and an M249 with a metal ammo drum. Also doing a Let's Play of Turning Point: Fall of Liberty and marvelling at how the devs managed to get literally everything about everything in it wrong, including three weapons with the safeties on. Vangelis 11:23, 3 March 2011 (UTC)
Interesting. :D I think you meant side-ways mounted iron sights, Oh and you forgot Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's RPG-7. - Mr. Wolf
Far as I'm aware the RPG-7's iron sight is usually mounted on the top, the Far Cry 2 one just rotates the whole mounting 90 degrees to the left, while the Black one puts it there and turns it vertical, so you might even say Black's is the one that's sideways. I guess they prefer the side mount because bringing the RPG-7 to the middle of the screen to aim down the iron sight doesn't really look like it's over your shoulder so much as stuck through your body. Vangelis 11:45, 3 March 2011 (UTC)
Just noticed your edit there; as far as I'm aware, the belt box is correctly called a drum (see this field manual, for example). I'm not sure if it's just in-the-field slang terms (IIRC the smaller cloth drum is also called a "nutsack," but we probably won't be calling it that), but I've certainly never heard bandoleer used to refer to anything but a belt that you wear on your body, usually for storing single rounds for weapons like M203s and shotguns. Vangelis 09:38, 5 March 2011 (MSK)
The result will amuse you, hopefully. Vangelis 12:13, 6 March 2011 (MSK)
lol, that's awesome! XD - Mr. Wolf 12:20, 6 March 2011 (MSK)
(p.s what game is the last one from?)
The last one is from Bulletstorm, which is an extremely silly game. Fun game, but the Peacemaker Carbine is one of the most unergonomic and genuinely hideous designs I've ever seen. Vangelis 12:39, 6 March 2011 (MSK)
I agree. At least most HALO weapons seem fairly practical, not including the 12.7x40mm M6 pistols that weigh over 6 lbs. - Mr. Wolf 12:47, 6 March 2011 (MSK)
For why it's a UCP
Click the image and look under where it says "Laser pointer (pistol)." It's got a third control just behind the accessory rail which none of the other three guns have, which suggests most of the HK45-ish features are actually from the UCP; only the milling cut is certainly not from it. As for the P99, I really can't see how it's anything but the grip texture and trigger; the differences could well be because it's also based on the other UCP (see here). Vangelis2 05:40, 6 April 2011 (CDT)
Thing is, with things like that it comes down to I see / you see. Sure, I can see the P99 dismantling button now, but before that it's really just the grip and trigger; I wouldn't say the frame shape is a huge point of calling between P99 and a hybrid of the two UCP designs. I'd say yes, P99 is probably better then. Also, I'm fairly sure Black calls the revolver an Anaconda, I'll have to check to be certain. Certainly it's not like any normal Anaconda created by human hands, but, as ever, this is Black we're talking about.
I never meant to insult you, I'm sorry if I come across as rude at all. I just try to explain as much as possible in case I'm misunderstood. Vangelis2 17:12, 6 April 2011 (CDT)
It's okay. :) But you keep forgetting the trigger guard, which is just like the P99's too, I'm sorry, but a grip, trigger, and trigger guard is more significant than the UCP's "third control lever". On the "Anaconda", don't we on this site identify weapons based on their appearance, not what the developers call it, that's like in a game if they call a M16 a "AK47", we identify it as a "AK47" because they say so. Oh, I was looking at pics of the P99 and UCP and I noticed that their frames look somewhat similar. - Mr. Wolf 14:06, 7 April 2011 (CDT)
Yeah, the trigger guard of the UCP is also fairly similar to the P99, at least to my eye; and the gap between the base of the trigger and the bottom of the guard is much smaller on the SOCOM than on the P99. Probably half-and-half there. As for the Anaconda, I think only the bulked-up barrel is really like that Smith & Wesson; I'll wait until I've got some decent shots of it in-game and see what the rest looks like, since that "in-game" shot looks more like a promo render. This unfortunately means I have to do that damn asylum again to get to Nazran Foundry, since my other game has silver weapons and I don't want to screencap those. Vangelis2 20:42, 8 April 2011 (CDT)
The trigger guard is not like a Anaconda's. Oh, are you gonna change the SOCOM back again. :( I also noticed the mag release on the SOCOM is also from the P99 and the trigger guard is angler like the P99s, the UCPs trigger guard is smoother and a bit more rounded. - Mr. Wolf 21:50, 8 April 2011 (CDT)
No no no, I'm talking about the UCP / P99 trigger guard; they're practically the same shape, and the SOCOM's trigger goes right down to almost touch the guard like the UCP, rather than having a gap like the P99. I'm not changing it back, just re-adding the note that the UCP pictured is a 2004 model since the other one looks totally different. The Anaconda / SW I wouldn't say the trigger guard looked like either of them; I'd be more concerned with what the hammer and cylinder latch looked like, it seems to have a Colt-style latch since if it's like the SW you should be able to see it from that angle. Vangelis2 22:10, 8 April 2011 (CDT)
But the trigger guard on the SOCOM is angler like the P99s, as I said, the UCPs trigger guard is smoother and a bit more rounded. Yes, I do see what you mean about the gap between the trigger and the trigger guard. - Mr. Wolf 22:14, 8 April 2011 (CDT)
I can kinda see what you mean, but I don't think there's much need to disagree over it; they're very close to each other, and I think we've found a decent compromise. Vangelis2 22:20, 8 April 2011 (CDT)
Oaky-Doky. :D - Mr. Wolf 22:25, 8 April 2011 (CDT)
It's basically finished barring proofreading now, at least until I feel like going through the game on Hard to get the M16 with M203; even so, we've got pictures of both those weapons now. Glad you like it, and your checks to my edits have been appreciated, especially correctly pointing out what the Magnum actually was; I'd never have thought to make the Magnum = Dirty Harry connection without that. Evil Tim 22:48, 14 April 2011 (CDT)
Your welcome. ^^ Hey, I just noticed something while looking over the page is that the "M16" is actually modeled after a Colt AR-15A2 Government Carbine, the hand-guard and 16" barrel are too short (both in 1st and 3rd person) and is it has a (poorly done) telescoping carbine stock. - Mr. Wolf 23:01, 14 April 2011 (CDT)
Thanks for spotting that. As for naming, I think to be consistent with my calling the HK94 an HK94 rather than an "MP5," we'll go with saying AR-15A2 in the captions. Evil Tim 23:35, 14 April 2011 (CDT)
To be honest, I wouldn't mind re-doing those caps completely
I've never been a fan of those cropped-right-down-to-the-weapon images the CoD pages use, they look dull and they bugger up the perspective by cutting out the rest of the field of view. Evil Tim 23:20, 20 April 2011 (CDT)
Thanks for fixing that page. If you can find some cover art, that would be great. --Ben41 19:07, 21 April 2011 (CDT)
You want me to put that on my rather large list of things I need to cap? I've got a PS3, so it's not like it'd be impossible for me to get around to it. Evil Tim 06:27, 22 April 2011 (CDT)
That'd be cool, I don't have a PS3 and don't know squat about InFamous, though I would love to play it. :/ - Mr. Wolf 15:11, 22 April 2011 (CDT)
M21 Image
you are right when you say that the M21 Image that was up is a M1A rifle with a scope. I have been trying to clean up the M14 pages with the help of a M14 forum that includes a few experts on the M14 history and developments. Unfortunatly I am having trouble uploading a public domain image of a real M21 Rifle the only one I have found is a B&W US Army image. I've been trying to upload it over POI's missnamed Image.Rockwolf66 21:30, 25 April 2011 (CDT)
Rename JPG
Just upload a new image with the new name. I'll delete the other one. --Ben41 17:42, 27 April 2011 (CDT)
The original nomenclature of this site when it was created by Bunni was that we noted the caliber or gauge whenever possible. Only because newer members either did not know this or people got lazy resulted in so much of the site straying from the style standards created when this site was founded. When in doubt, DO NOT REMOVE the calibers or gauges from the descriptions. That is actually truer to the original style of the site. Until the membership decides to officially change that element of the style, it is NOT incorrect to list them. MoviePropMaster2008 23:49, 27 April 2011 (CDT)
Oh BTW, welcome to IMFDB. Though you've been a member since Feb 2011, there are many things which were standard since 2007. Since the influx of new members doing a multitude of pages in differing styles, there may be many inconsistencies within IMFDB. Hopefully these will be addressed by the Mods soon. MoviePropMaster2008 23:54, 27 April 2011 (CDT)
Why did you do that?! It broke every section-specific redirect to that page on the site!--PistolJunkie 17:06, 1 May 2011 (CDT)
Uhh, sorry. ^^; I thought I was just correcting a error, my bad. - Mr. Wolf 22:55, 1 May 2011 (CDT)
Fixing vandalism
If you want to undo a lot of edits at once, just go to the "history" tab and click the date and time of the revision you want to return it to. So with that one, you'd click "21:25, 1 May 2011." This brings up the old revision. Click "edit" and you'll get the normal edit window with the added note "Warning: You are editing an out-of-date revision of this page. If you save it, any changes made since this revision will be lost." Click "save page" and you'll return it to that revision. Evil Tim 05:22, 4 May 2011 (CDT)
We managed to "resurrect" the Peace Walker page, thanks for your help. bozitojugg3rn4ut 15:44, 24 May 2011 (CDT)
Yo welcome. :) - Mr. Wolf 15:45, 24 May 2011 (CDT)
Removing pics
Don't remove pics from gun pages if it qualifies. If it is not a commonly used variant you can MOVE the pic to the discussion page, but it's a no no to remove the pic completely. Thanks. MoviePropMaster2008 00:02, 25 May 2011 (CDT)
When I talk about lever actions, I'm kinda thinking something like the pair on my user page. Yeah, it's kinda unreasonable, but there's nothing that says "gun" like the sound of a levergun and it annoys me that of the only games I can offhand recall having them, one was the BB gun in Fallout 3 and the other had the misfortune of being in Turning Point: Fall of Liberty. Evil Tim 08:44, 26 May 2011 (CDT)
Did you forget Lincoln's Repeater and the Black Water rifle in FO3? In my concept for L4D3 there would be a lever action rifle as a Special weapon. I agree with you, lever-guns don't get enough love in games, but they don't belong in Modern Warfare, sadly, I don't think even in WW1 and WW2 they ever used lever-guns. - Mr. Wolf 14:12, 26 May 2011 (CDT)
I think the Russian army was still using Winchester 1895s in WW1, but the last I can find is the Spanish Civil War. And come on, half the stuff in Modern Warfare doesn't belong in Modern Warfare :P Evil Tim 00:31, 3 June 2011 (CDT)
That was about 80 years ago (*shrug*). Modern Warfare 2, Black Ops, and so it seems Modern Warfare 3 are kinda silly. :P Still a semi-auto rifle or a assault rifle is better than a lever-gun. But I would still include a lever-gun in some games I would create, like in this Sci-fi one I thought of a character that uses a reproduction 1887 lever-shotgun, god I love that gun. :) Mr. Wolf 15:25, 3 June 2011 (CDT)
Well, I could only see a lever action in a manual weapon role (ie sniper and maybe high-precision marksman) or during WW2-era for rifles, but then in the fiction here it's basically the nation's best-loved rifle and bolt-actions never caught on with the military brass. There's five nations shown, each with a tendency towards a different action for their marksman rifle, so you get a lever-action, straight-pull bolt action, traditional bolt-action, semi-auto and pump-action. Then again the lists also include a liquid propellant gun, an underbarrel railgun, shotguns that fire self-forging penetrators, HESH rounds or SACLOS guided missiles, and your support gunner is a 12'8", 1,800-pound ogre with a 350-pound chaingun and a sidearm chambered in 40x127mm; being believable is more a concern than being realistic per se here. Evil Tim 02:30, 14 June 2011 (CDT)
Also, re: Resi 4, I think the rule is that longbows and crossbows are allowed if (a) they fire explosive arrows (the Rambo exemption) or (b) the precise make and model of the bow is identifiable for trivia purposes. Krauser's bow and the Bow Gun get (a), though I'd be tempted to remove them to the talk page for now because there's no pictures. Evil Tim 04:49, 14 June 2011 (CDT)
Looks like you're having the same issue I was. Seems the server's taking a while (sometimes hours) to notice alterations to file pages. Just leave it, it does update by itself eventually. Evil Tim 20:30, 19 June 2011 (CDT)
Ugh, stupid server, blarg. -_- Mr. Wolf 20:36, 19 June 2011 (CDT)
Thanks, man
Thank you for cleaning up the grammar a bit on the Kane & Lynch: Dead Men page. I was mostly building off the comments that were there before, so I didn't really check them. BeardedHoplite 07:56, 22 June 2011 (CDT)
I was in the middle of adding those extra sections/entries when you made your corrections. Nonetheless, I did add what I thought were all the corrections you made - Guess I missed some. Anyway, we were both editing at the same time so there's you explanation. Good job on making the little typo corrections. StanTheMan 19:58, 30 June 2011 (CDT)
It's alright and danke. :) - Mr. Wolf 19:59, 30 June 2011 (CDT)
Vegas 2 Mossberg
Just wondering how can that be a Cruiser if it has a full stock?
The second is in the game, not the first. - bozitojugg3rn4ut 10:24, 7 July 2011 (CDT)
Opps, sorry, my mistake. - Mr. Wolf 18:04, 7 July 2011 (CDT)
Done a little 3D modelling myself, you see...
Example. And, well, rotational copies on the progam I used, you define the axis of rotation and then type in the number of degrees to shift each copy, then enter the number of repeats. So creating a minigun with 5, 6, 10, 36 barrels, it's all just a matter of what numbers you type (though I imagine with 36 they'd overlap). The thing does have M134 barrel clamps, which is more what I was focusing on. Plus Terminator 3 has oversized M134s still ID'd as M134s, so I figure it's ok when it's this obvious. Evil Tim 06:54, 9 July 2011 (CDT)
Alright, your reworked descriptions work fine. :) lol, I'm only good with Photoshop. :D - Mr. Wolf 07:04, 9 July 2011 (CDT)
On a completely unrelated note, if you can think of any Bofors 40mm guns in movies, games or TV shows, feel free to add them. I know I'm missing a lot there. Evil Tim 09:58, 9 July 2011 (CDT)
lol, I am a small-arms guy not an artillery guy. :D - Mr. Wolf 13:37, 9 July 2011 (CDT)
Calibres on lines
It's not something I normally do, but MPM did say up there on this very page that if a page already does it it's not correct to remove it, so I figure that I should just stick to pattern. It's not something I personally think looks all that good (and it makes captions harder to write), but hey. Also, got a couple pistols there on the talk page if you want to take a look. Evil Tim 17:52, 11 July 2011 (CDT)
That kind of a silly rule. :| - Mr. Wolf 17:56, 11 July 2011 (CDT)
Well, yes. I can't say I really understand what it's for myself. Still, it's funny looking at a caption you've just written and realising you have to rephrase it so you're not saying Josh Lucas fires 5.56mm NATO rounds, and the laugh was worth the hassle. Evil Tim 18:02, 11 July 2011 (CDT)
Would be alright if I removed ALL the caliber mentions in the caps in one edit? - Mr. Wolf 18:05, 11 July 2011 (CDT)
MPM up there said no. You'd have to take it up with him. Evil Tim 18:06, 11 July 2011 (CDT)
I ain't a Amin, I got no power. lol :D - Mr. Wolf 18:11, 11 July 2011 (CDT)
Chronological placed weapons and calibers in caps are things I hate the most in pages, but Stealth sucks so I really don't care. But please for the sake of God nobody EVER do that in future pages. D: - Mr. Wolf 18:41, 11 July 2011 (CDT)
Not a fan of either thing myself, but I am a fan of the way this wiki allows a certain amount of individuality in pages. It just means sometimes you're writing a page in a way you wouldn't personally do if it was your page, is all. Evil Tim 18:45, 11 July 2011 (CDT)
Yeah, I guess they added that shell holder using the Black "make the weapon look complicated" logic. You have to admit, the AA-12 looks like a paintball gun if you just depict it stock. Not without precident in the series, either, Blops had a WA2000 with a stock saddle. Also, shouldn't all the firearm images be one size rather than some being 500 and some 450? Evil Tim 05:14, 13 July 2011 (CDT)
I go with what looks best on the page to me. :\ Is it a problem, does it look bad to you? I've done the same on many other pages. - Mr. Wolf 17:58, 13 July 2011 (CDT)
P.S. The AA-12 doesn't look like a paintball gun to me. It looks like a plastic and stainless steel auto-shotgun. :D - Mr. Wolf 18:05, 13 July 2011 (CDT)
I dunno, lately I've just been putting gun pics at 400 and screencaps at 600 by default. I think it gives the page a nice uniformity if every section has the images done the same way, though, so all of them at 450 or 500px would probably be best than some one and some the other. Obviously with the exception of things like grenades and boxy subguns like MACs and other things that end up really big if they're the same size as landscape pics of rifles.
And you know what I mean, that stuff that looks like a rubbery non-slip coating on the whole gun makes it look rather weird.Evil Tim 18:10, 13 July 2011 (CDT)
Hey, pretty is, as pretty does. ;) - Mr. Wolf 18:15, 13 July 2011 (CDT)
There's a method to my madness, I kinda do it from smaller firearm to larger firearm. The way I do pages is that I do caps at 600px, then I do handguns at 350px to 400px (sometimes 450px for handguns like the DE, Mark 23, and large revolvers), and firearms larger than pistols will be 400px to 500px depending on what type of firearm it is. I don't know, what looks better, assault rifles being the same size as a pistol or bigger than a pistol? Bottom line I just like nice sized weapon images that fit accordingly to weapon type. :) - Mr. Wolf 18:39, 13 July 2011 (CDT)
I guess it's just my mouse (one of those fancy-ass Logitech ones with the flywheel for a scrollwheel); I like to go past uniform sections as I go down a page, it gives me the ability to pretend I'm good at keeping things tidy. :D Also, the 200-pixel difference makes it easy to tell when I'm passing each new entry, it's like a section tab or something. Evil Tim 18:56, 13 July 2011 (CDT)
LOL, My cheap HP mouse is better than fancy-ass Logitech. XD See the Rainbow Six: Vegas page for an example of my work, I don't know, maybe I'll change my ways for people like you with "fancy-ass" Logitech mouses. :D - Mr. Wolf 19:07, 13 July 2011 (CDT)
Yeah, it also hits issues when you get images like the G3KA4 and Steyr Scout Tactical which are only 400 and 417 pixels across, so you end up with rifles being shown smaller than some of the pistols as on that page. I find most of our gun images are at least 400px, so it's a good baseline. Evil Tim 19:12, 13 July 2011 (CDT)
350px for handguns and 400px most other weapons might work just fine. :) - Mr. Wolf 19:56, 13 July 2011 (CDT)
Update: No it isn't, it's too small for me. :\ - Mr. Wolf 20:06, 13 July 2011 (CDT)
By the way, do you have Skype? If you do, PM me your name on the forums, I'm sure we'll save a lot of time editing each other's talk pages if we can IM each other. :D Evil Tim 12:31, 14 July 2011 (CDT)
Nope, I don't, I'm just a gun nut country boy who actually prefers verbal conversation over texting. :D - Mr. Wolf 18:17, 14 July 2011 (CDT)
Well, then we're going to have to rig up a tin can on a string across the Atlantic or something. No other way. :D Evil Tim 18:21, 14 July 2011 (CDT)
30-round 7.62mm NATO magazines for G3-type rifles
You mentioned in your edit notes for Rainbow Six Vegas that they exist, but I've never, EVER seen what they look like, or even know that they exist. Mind sharing some images or additional info? --HashiriyaR32 20:52, 14 July 2011 (CDT)
Here's a HK91 (Civilian legal G3) fitted with a 30-round mag.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother shot of Phillips with the HK91 fitted with a 30-round magazine. (from 44 Minutes: The North Hollywood Shootout)
Heckler & Koch G3KA4 with 20-round magazine
It's simply just a longer version of the 20-rounder, I think their mostly used for the lightmachine gun variants of the G3. - Mr. Wolf 21:08, 14 July 2011 (CDT)
Singularity revolver
Looking at the end of the barrel and the way it extends out past the front sight, it looks more like they were going for SW500 than Model 629. What do you reckon? Evil Tim 01:39, 28 July 2011 (CDT)
It's way too small to be a SW500 and it has a six-shot cylinder. - Mr. Wolf 04:08, 28 July 2011 (CDT)
Yeah, but at very least I'd say it's a 629 with an SW500 barrel stuck on it. Less Franken than most of the guns, mind you. Evil Tim 04:46, 28 July 2011 (CDT)
Yeah I noticed that too, I'd say a SW500 "like" barrel, maybe a PC/custom barrel? - Mr. Wolf 13:33, 28 July 2011 (CDT)
five year olds don't do periods at all. :D - Mr. Wolf 15:03, 30 July 2011 (CDT)
Minor things
Firstly, that Saboteur thing: I figured it was the SW version of the M1917 (which looks a lot like the hand ejector) but Jackbel changed it to the Colt version because of the front sight (even though the grip is nothing like the Colt version). The initial "Colt Official Police" was just my first attempt to translate the other guy's writing into English.
this is cbeattie the 44 pistol on the saboteur is the SW 44 Hand ejector 2ND model with a target configuration.
Phillb36 was the one said it was S&W 44 Hand Ejector 2ND Model in the first place. - Mr. Wolf 13:59, 30 July 2011 (CDT)
Second, IIRC the soldier / Marine / operator / etc distinction is only among the American services; over here I've never heard of anyone being bothered by it, and "soldier" is just a generic for "guy who fights on land." I think you're only correct calling an SAS guy an operative if he specifically isn't on a combat mission, otherwise he's a soldier. Evil Tim 04:11, 30 July 2011 (CDT)
Oh, alright. :) - Mr. Wolf 13:53, 30 July 2011 (CDT)
Uh... Go look on the page... It's a S&W 44 Hand Ejector 2ND Model with a Colt M1917's barrel, it seems to be a franken gun. -_- Mr. Wolf 13:05, 30 July 2011 (CDT)
How would I know, There's no screen cap and I haven't played the game. - Mr. Wolf 13:34, 30 July 2011 (CDT)
It looks like a updated vesion of a us pederson rifle
Ok... And that helps me how? - Mr. Wolf 13:40, 30 July 2011 (CDT)
Just saying what the rifle is
We need a cap of it to confirm it and sign your posts... - Mr. Wolf 13:51, 30 July 2011 (CDT)
Going back to the revolver it is a S & W 44 hand ejector 2ND with an colt style cylinder roduser:cbeattie 19:57
I'm the one who said that! Why are you taking my credit?! - Mr. Wolf 14:02, 30 July 2011 (CDT)
No I am not stealing your credit you said it had a colt barrel I'm saying it has a colt cylinder rod not a colt barrel user:cbeattie20:07
And the front sight, so it pretty much has a Colt M1917's barrel. :| - Mr. Wolf 14:12, 30 July 2011 (CDT)
Actually if you ve played the game you'll see that the front sight is that of S & W that you put on the saboteur page (target configuration ) cbeattie20:18
Alright, alright, I going off the screen caps the best I could. :\ - Mr. Wolf 14:22, 30 July 2011 (CDT)
I'm wondering if this guy isn't either (a) that troll from before again or (b) inexperienced with English to the extent that he's asking questions like they're knock-knock jokes ("Do you know why...?" "No" "...Because of X is why.") Either way, it's rather exasperating. Evil Tim 03:14, 31 July 2011 (CDT)
I am nethier I'm just telling Mr. Wolf what the 44 pistol is and if he know's what the terror scoped rifle is :/user:cbeattie
Terror Scoped rifle from The Saboteur
sorry to be annoying but could you find out what the terror scoped rifle is there's pictures on the saboteur wiki website.user:cbeattie15:30
This is the best image I could find on the web. --> [3] I have no idea what it's based on as of now, looks like a generic detachable magazine-fed rifle like a lot of game developers make, it's defiantly not a Gewehr 43. Maybe you can help Tim. - Mr. Wolf 13:59, 31 July 2011 (CDT)
Well I looked through the entire Rifle Category, even the Flintlocks, and couldn't find a single rifle that matched it. :\ - Mr. Wolf 17:19, 31 July 2011 (CDT)
Looks like one parent was an SVT-40 and the other was a junkyard. Evil Tim 02:38, 1 August 2011 (CDT)
The magazine is too close to the trigger guard to be related to the SVT-40. :\ - Mr. Wolf 02:46, 1 August 2011 (CDT)
Yeah, I'm more looking at the SVT's barrel versus that one's forestock top, it's the only WW2 rifle I can think of that would have anything that might get turned into what looks more like a shotgun heat shield. I guess by a concept artist who doesn't know one end of a gun from the other. Evil Tim 02:49, 1 August 2011 (CDT)
cheers guys defintly looks like a metal SVT-40 with loads of mod's in the game it also fires shotgun shells and it fires automatically.user:cbeattie10:21
No it doesn't, it looks like the product of an artist with no idea what he was doing drawing a WW2 rifle with the aid of a half-burned photograph of an SVT-40 that he'd spilled beer on and then eaten. It's just some fictional frankengun. Evil Tim 04:24, 1 August 2011 (CDT)
What the crap, did Cbeattie just describe the Terror Shotgun?! - Mr. Wolf 04:47, 1 August 2011 (CDT)
I think this is why asprin was invented. Evil Tim 04:49, 1 August 2011 (CDT)
Whoa, what's with the hostility?! - Mr. Wolf 18:22, 1 August 2011 (CDT)
I think with the "go off visuals" we need to go with it being a Mark 1 with no trigger guard rather than a Mark 2 that occasionally spontaneously saws itself in half. Evil Tim 04:10, 1 August 2011 (CDT)
It's not sawn in half, it's drawn too short in the first two caps, then it's full length in the last cap. :\ - Mr. Wolf 04:42, 1 August 2011 (CDT)
Yeah, but the only way a Welrod would ever get that short is if the front of the suppressor was taken off, in which case the front sight would be more or less exactly where it is in the caps on a Mark 1. And really, it's just as easy to believe they gave a reference image of a Mark 1 with the front of the suppressor removed to some of the animators as that a gun-obsessed anime with a reasonably large budget would make such a basic scale error. Evil Tim 04:49, 1 August 2011 (CDT)
If they based it off a Mark 1 than why does it not have a trigger guard? - Mr. Wolf 04:57, 1 August 2011 (CDT)
Well, this goes in circles: if they based it on a mark 2, why is it drawn as short as a broken-down Mark 1 in two shots? Missing a wire trigger guard that might have fallen off a pictured reference is one thing, but only one Welrod can ever get that short under any circumstances (and certainly only one has any way of changing length), so I think we kinda have to say it's that one, even if it doesn't make much sense why it changes length. Evil Tim 05:10, 1 August 2011 (CDT)
"If they based it on a mark 2, why is it drawn as short as a broken-down Mark 1 in two shots?" Because like you said, it's a scaling error. Question: were all the gunshots suppressed? - Mr. Wolf 05:12, 1 August 2011 (CDT)
I have no idea, I edited that page to begin with because I've read the comics, I haven't seen the anime. Still, even if it's a scaling error, we still have pictures of a Welrod that can change size, and I think half the barrel vanishing is more of an identifying feature than the trigger guard vanishing. Wouldn't matter, anyway, IIRC the Welrod can't be fired safely with the front of the suppressor removed, it's for concealment (same reason the grip is part of the magazine). Evil Tim 05:54, 1 August 2011 (CDT)
I thought it being an artist error was an easy enough explanation. So it's a Mark I that at the last second grew its suppressor for the last shot? So should I say that the M1A in High School of the Dead has a custom ginormous charging handle installed just because of an artist error? :P You know that goofs like this happen in Animes all the time. - Mr. Wolf 06:11, 1 August 2011 (CDT)
Well, if there was a production M1A version with a ginormous charging handle, I'd have said you'd have to say it was that version in that shot. :P Evil Tim 01:12, 2 August 2011 (CDT)
You might like this :D Evil Tim 01:23, 4 August 2011 (CDT)
For the love of God! That is so... Awesome! XD I would have posted on the form but it won't let me, I've activated my account twice but it keeps saying "Your account has been activated but you are currently in the moderation queue to be added to the forum'". I can't even view my Profile or get a Avatar. :( - Mr. Wolf 03:03, 4 August 2011 (CDT)
I had that too, you should speak to MT2008 about it. Evil Tim 03:16, 4 August 2011 (CDT)
As an addition, I've finally got around to finishing Homefront on Youtube. :D Evil Tim 02:55, 8 August 2011 (CDT)
Sniper 3
I'm working on this page right now, and I ask that you please let me finish my changes first. --Ben41 04:12, 4 August 2011 (CDT)
Hi, I'm not sure I have the ability to approve you. I thought I did, but when Evil Tim wanted to join the forum, I repeatedly tried to activate his account to no avail. It may also just be that I'm incompetent and can't figure out the system, but long story short, Tim only got approved when Bunni did it for him. So as much as I hate to give you a copout response, I'm going to suggest you message Bunni (by email, not talk page) and ask him instead. Sorry, -MT2008 10:23, 4 August 2011 (CDT)
How do I contact Bunni? - Mr. Wolf 11:55, 4 August 2011 (CDT)
I recall he once told me that he gets an email every time someone leaves a message on his talk page. Evil Tim 02:07, 5 August 2011 (CDT)
Help Wanted
Hi. I saw movie called 13 today and I am planning to screencap it. There is one problem, however. It is full of stupid revolvers which I hate. I checked every single revolver page but I could not find a gun that matched the ones in the film. I was wondering if you could help me with those f'ing revolvers, since according to your user page you are "nearly a master at identifying firearms". :) So can I count on you? I have cookies... *puppy dog face* - bozitojugg3rn4ut 15:30, 6 August 2011 (CDT)
Is there a page of it on this site? If so, I'll do my best. D:< - Mr. Wolf 15:34, 6 August 2011 (CDT)
No, not yet. I will upload the images tomorrow (its 22:50 now at my place) to my userpage. After that please feel free to make edits on it. Thanks in advance! - bozitojugg3rn4ut 15:51, 6 August 2011 (CDT)
I have uploaded the images. Good luck, and thanks again. Like I said just edit my userpage. - bozitojugg3rn4ut 04:27, 7 August 2011 (CDT)
First of all, you Sir, are a LEGEND. You saved me a week of my life by helping with those revolvers. I managed to ID the Python and Model 10 right when you were editing, but the other ones, nothing. So BIG thanks again, I will be in your debt for the rest of my life. Oh, about MOH2010, maybe that one is an exception. :) - bozitojugg3rn4ut 14:26, 7 August 2011 (CDT)
Thank you and your welcome. :) I may have not been able to ID all the revolvers and It took me a long time but I was glad to help. I always like to exercise my ID'ing and researching abilities. :) BTW I'm psyched for BF3. ;P - Mr. Wolf 19:05, 8 August 2011 (CDT)
Hi. Sorry to bother you again, but I think I have figured out Jason Statham's handgun in 13. It looks like a Pre-B CZ 75:
Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Pre-B" CZ 75 - 9x19mmWhen he puts it to his belt the old-style hammer can be seen, as well as the CZ 75 style safety and slide serrations. It has bigger rear sights though. Is it possible to customize those sights?
What do you think? Could it be a 75-clone? - bozitojugg3rn4ut 01:56, 8 August 2011 (CDT)
It's a Pre-B CZ 75 clone due to the fact that it does not have the noticeable milling-cuts on the front of the frame. I think it might be a Solothurn ITM AT84S link. Note the rear sight and lack of milling-cuts on the front of the frame, even the grips match up. BTW you really need Blu-ray. ;P - Mr. Wolf 20:41, 8 August 2011 (CDT)
Red Dead Redemption
hi mr.wolf sorry for seeming hostile the other day do you know what bullets the red dead redemption buffalo rife uses is it the 50-90 sharps or the 50-140 sharps and whitch one does more damage cheers user:cbeattie August 7,20:06
I have no idea, that gun and its ammo are beyond my knowledge, sorry. :\ - Mr. Wolf 14:15, 7 August 2011 (CDT)
I was wondering if I could borrow your keen eye to take a look at the XS-2 Ultimax from Saints Row 2?
User:Cbeattie, who I see you have run into already, has been arguing for several days on the Saints Row Wiki about this, first claiming it was a SPAS 15, then a M1014, and now a Saiga-12.
He's edited the Saints Row 2 page here, claiming it was a SPAS 15, and then changed it to a Saiga-12. I've removed it from the page, since I think it looks nothing like it, other than the fact they're both "shotgun shaped". I'm sure he will add it back in a few hours, so I'd appreciate another opinion on whether it looks anything like it.
He appears to be under the impression that it must be based on a real life weapon, and that the Saiga-12 is the closest thing he can find, therefore it must be based on it. I've looked at some images of the Saiga-12, and none of the features match. (You're not the first person to say he is acting like a troll, or to wonder how old he is.)
I personally have very little experience with weapons, but I can play "spot the difference" very well.
As I'm sure you've noticed, the weapons in Saints Row 2 are all almost identical to real life weapons, which makes me believe that if it was based on anything, then it would also look very similar. -User452 18:13, 16 August 2011 (CDT)
I'm sorry, but I say it's most defiantly a made-up shotgun with no real-life bases. - Mr. Wolf 19:42, 16 August 2011 (CDT)
I m sorrt I have no Idea what your talking about I have no account on any saints row 2 the person you are talking about is a cjbeattie and he seems to be quite good at Identifying weapons.(Cbeattie 13:07, 17 August 2011 (CDT))
What the heck are you guys talking about? I just gave my opinion that it's a made-up shotgun with no real-life bases. If you guy are gonna have a discussion about Saints Row 2, do it on the Saints Row 2 discussion page, not mine. :\ - Mr. Wolf 20:06, 17 August 2011 (CDT)
Sorry about that, it looks like "Cbeattie" here is trying to claim that he is a completely different person than the "cjbeattie" who has been inserting the exact same information on a different wiki.
Thank you very much for confirming that it's a made-up shotgun with no real-life basis, I hope Cbeattie doesn't give you too much trouble here. -User452 21:16, 20 August 2011 (CDT)
I approved your forum account. bunni 18:44, 16 August 2011 (CDT)