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Firearms: Source
Firearms: Source is a modification for Half-Life 2, and a direct sequel to the GoldSrc version for Half-Life, Firearms, hence the name. Like the previous, it stars two teams fighting each other with a vast array of fire-power.
The mod emphasizes the accurate depiction of real-life firearms, not only graphical, but also in behaviour. Strangely enough, the mod does not include ironsights, it relies in the use of crosshairs instead. Also, there is no animation for when the player changes the fire rate of a weapon (as there was in Call of Duty), the 3D models being stuck in one of them. Not to mention the finger being kept constantly on the trigger.
Reloading a weapon when the magazine has not been emptied will make the player store it for later use. Inserting a fresh magazine in a weapon already chambered will grant the player one additional round, in the weapons that allow this. Finally, bleeding wounds must be bandaged to stop health loss.
The mod is still very young and many changes are expected in the course of the next updates. For more info, just head to the official website.
The following weapons are used in the online multiplayer game Firearms: Source.
Here follows an overview of the equipment that can be found in the latest release (1.0f). The player starts with 100 credits that can be invested in a variety of firearms or gear, like body armor and NVG. The list is ordered by credit cost.
The cheapest firearm of the game, the Colt M1911A1, appears selected. In this mod, we are not offered any real information like the manufacturer, caliber, ammo capacity, muzzle velocity or weight. Instead, statistic bars are used, like in fighting games.
For an official (but incomplete) listing with images and/or renders, go to this page.
Colt M1911A1
An original run Colt 1911A1 pistol with wooden grips is featured as the cheapest handgun in FA: Source. It's the only .45 caliber handgun in the mod for the moment and packs a punch despite its cheap cost (8 credits). It can be fired semi-auto only, and it holds 7 (+1) rounds. It is referred to as "M1911" ingame.

IWI Desert Eagle
The Desert Eagle is featured in FA:S as the heavy-hitting pistol. Despite its caliber, the recoil is relatively similar to a .44 Magnum or .357 Magnum, but this is likely for balancing and gameplay reasons. It accurately uses 7-round magazines, plus one chambered. It costs 13 credits and fires semi-auto only. Named "Desert Eagle" ingame.

Glock 20
The Glock 20 is featured in FA:S as one of the "middle-of-the-road" handguns costing 10 credits. It is a 10mm Auto handgun, with a magazine of 15 (+1) rounds. It fires in semi-auto and is named just "G20" ingame.
It appears to have a flashlight module mounted in the accessories rail under the barrel, but it's not (currently) useable. Also, the tritium sights are not visible in the darkness, whereas the ones used by the H&K USP Match in Half-Life 2 were.

Beretta 92FS
Set to be another of the "middle-of-the-road" handguns at 10 credits. Besides caliber, the 92FS was made to be more accurate compared to the Glock 20 when fired rapidly, however it is still rather weak against most opponents. It uses 15 (+1)-round magazines, fires semi-auto and is named "92FS" in the selection screen. The website states this weapon has a removable suppressor, but it's since been removed.

A live round can be seen inside the chamber after firing, as this weapon does not ejects spent shells, probably due to an oversight by the developers (best seen in the second screenshot):
Beretta 92FS while firing in Firearms: Source.
Beretta 92FS while firing in Firearms: Source (live round chambered).
KBP OTs-33 "Pernach"
Featured as the designated Machine Pistol in FA:S, the OTs-33 "Pernach" ("multi-vaned mace" in Russian) is fully automatic and fires the Russian 9x18mm caliber in 18-round magazines, plus one chambered. It is a favorite of snipers who wish to have an automatic weapon without sacrificing too much on credits (17). Appears as "OTS-33" ingame and fires either semi or full-auto.

Benelli M3 Super 90
The Benelli M3 Super 90 appears in FA:S with a two tone colour combination of a tan barrel and receiver with a black synthetic pistol gripped stock and synthetic fore-grip as well a side saddle shell holder. It is correctly depicted as a semi-automatic shotgun and holds 7 (+1) shells of 12 gauge 00 Buckshot.
It costs 38 credits and is referred to as "M3-S90" ingame. The shotgun has a (currently useless) Picatinny rail above the main body. The reloading animation is somewhat complex, as the player loads the first round directly through the ejection port if the weapon is empty, and the last 6 rounds are taken from the side holder and consequently loaded faster.
Remington 870
The Remington 870 was added in the 1.0e patch. The model was based off the Police Magnum variant with an extended magazine tube that holds 7 + 1 shells.
The shotgun is pump-action only, firing a new round when the mouse button is depressed, and ejecting it and chambering another when it is released. It costs 32 credits and is named "R870".
Sub-Machine Guns
A good submachine gun costing 24 credits, though it lacks the Picatinny-mounted ACOG seen in previous versions. The magazines hold 30 (+1) rounds of 9mm Parabellum and it offers either semi-auto, 3-round burst or full-auto firing modes. Referred to as "MP5-A4" ingame.
Chang Feng CF-05
One of the most obscure firearms added to FA:S. This 24-credit Chinese submachine gun uses 50 (+1)-round helical magazines that are top-loaded on the weapon and fires the 9x19mm Parabellum round. It was added to replace the aging PP-19 Bizon, featured in the GoldSrc version of Firearms. It can fire either in semi or full-auto mode and is named "CF-05".
Ingram MAC-11
The Ingram MAC-11 is featured in FA:S as a cheap submachine gun (20 credits). It carries 32 rounds and fires, semi or full-auto, the .380 ACP round. Named "MAC-11".

Assault Rifles
A powerful weapon firing the good, old 7.62x39mm. The AK-47 (named the same way ingame) costs 40 credits and is a good choice for medium to long-range combat, due to its stopping power. The magazines are 30 (+1) rounds and semi or full-auto modes can be selected.
Also, the rifle is fitted with a bayonet that can be used to stab enemy combatants, through the Weapon Melee command key.
Very appreciated by the FA expert players, this assault rifle provides a very high rate of fire for 42 credits. The main drawback is that the magazines hold only 25 (+1) rounds of 5.56x45mm ammunition and it has a high rate of fire, so it will empty magazines in no time.
It's named "FA-MAS" ingame and offers semi-auto, 3-round burst or full-auto firing modes. Interestingly, the trigger guard and old pre-STANAG-4179 mag are those of a F1, but the handguard reminds the more modern G2.
H&K G3A3
40 credits does this piece of metal art cost. The 20 (+1) rounds of 7.62x51mm ammunition pack quite a heavy punch. The cycling rate of the full-auto mode is a bit slow, as this weapon was intended for single, well-aimed, semi-auto shots. Named just "G3A3".
There seems to be some kind of glitch with the 3D ingame model, as the parts that compose it move independently if looked carefully.
H&K G36C
The compact version of the G36 is not a bad option, costing 36 credits. It possess medium stopping power, but has an useful AimPoint red-dot mounted on a Picatinny rail above the carrying handle. It's got options for semi-auto, 2-round (even when the markings indicate 3) burst or full-auto firing modes. Referred to as "G36C".
Colt M16A2
Another classic weapon from FA that couldn't miss the show. This assault rifle costs 36 credits and offers a good accuracy and decent power, in either semi-auto or 3-round burst modes. Magazines are standard NATO 30 (+1) rounds, and the weapon is named "M16-A2" in the menus.
SA M14
No game made by firearms enthusiasts could leave this weapon out. It offers the same powerful punch and low mag capacity (20 + 1 rounds) of the G3A3, just the full-auto mode is not only slower, but more uncontrollable. Be sure to stick with the semi-auto and make every bullet count.
It features a woodland camo and no optical sight like in the GoldSrc version. It costs 36 credits and is named "M14".
~Looks like it could be a Crye Precision Multicam finish on the stock there~ Theonemoo
Colt M4A1
Besides the 3-round burst being replaced by a full-auto firing mode, this rifle shares many properties with the M16A2, including the 30 (+1)-round mags, and costs the same (36 credits). There's nothing specially good or bad to say about it.
It's named "M4-A1", and looks like it had its default handguard replaced by a custom one, that allowed the player to install a forward grip to assist the aiming and firing. But the carrying handle was not changed for an ACOG, oddly.
SAKO Rk 95

This Finnish version of the AK-47 assault rifle is very similar in behaviour to the aforementioned, as it fires the same ammo, and even looks like it. But the cost is a bit higher (42 credits versus 40). Anyway, it's a good choice that can fire 30 (+1) deadly rounds of 7.62x39mm in semi or full-auto.
The name ingame is "Sako 95" and, as with the M4A1, a custom handguard with 3 sets of Picatinny rails (below and to the sides) was installed to allow the use of a forward grip.
SIG SG 550
While not having any long-range sight, this Swiss rifle is capable of hitting enemies at a good distance. It uses magazines of 30 (+1) rounds and lets you shoot in semi or full-auto. It costs 36 credits (same league as the M4A1 and M16A2) and is named "SG550".
Sniper Rifles
Remington M24
The Remington M24 Sniper Weapon System (SWS) is the military version of the model 700. It is an accurate, bolt-action, long-range sniper rifle. It is depicted in FA:S with woodland camo and a folding bipod, to make the gun more stable, that can be used if you prone or move near some places (like barrels, sandbags or... corpses).
The cost is as high as 54 credits and is referred to as "M24". The official website lists it as a M24A2, but this is erroneous, as no detachable external 10-round magazine is seen. Instead, the rifle uses an internal 5-round magazine.
Barrett M82A1
This 70-credit beast is the most expensive weapon in FA:S's arsenal, no doubt why. The "light fifty" can deliver an instant and gruesome death to anyone being so unfortunate as to be shot by this. The 10 (+1)-round magazine can maim equal number of foes, provided that the player is able to handle the enormous kickback of this long-range rifle.
It fires semi-auto and is called "M82A1" ingame. It's the only weapon whose sight offers two different levels of zoom, and it's got a folding bipod, too.
Multi-purpose sniper rifle that is able to fire semi-auto, It looks similar to a M16 (in fact, many parts are interchangeable between both), but fires a completely different cartridge. It costs 48 credits, has a 10 (+1)-round magazine and is named just "SR25". The tan paint remembers that of the M110 SASS.
It comes with a folding bipod (as with the other two sniper rifles), and an useful suppressor that manages to reduce the firing sound a bit.
Machine guns
FN M249-E2 SAW
The heat shield tells us this is the improved, E2 version of the SAW. The 200-round detachable box and the bipod makes this 50-credit machine gun perfect for covering fire. Of course, continuous fire while standing or running will get you nowhere.
Called "M249 SAW" ingame, fires only full-auto. The Picatinny rail is never used.
SD M60E3

"The Hog" is a bulky, heavy machine gun with a lot of kickback unless fired on a deployed bipod. It feeds with 100-round ammo boxes and fires full-auto.
Called "M60-E3", costs 56 credits. As with the SAW, the Picatinny rail is never used.
HK51B "Vollmer"
According to the official website, this weapon is "a standard HK51, but with a converted upper receiver that can accept belts in 7.62x51mm NATO. Such power compacted into the size of what essentially amounts to an MP5 frame results in terrible kick and poor accuracy". Little else is there to say. Ever tried to tame a horse in the middle of a firefight? Oh, an HK51 is a cut down and modified G3A3, NOT made officially by H&K.
The weapon is referred as to "MC51B Vollmer" ingame and costs 44 credits. Contrary to the other machine guns, a single-auto firing mode is available. Its ammo boxes carry 50 rounds.
The reloading animation is quite curious:
In order to reload his HK51B "Vollmer" in Firearms: Source, the player first pushes the belt handler inside the chamber...
...and pulls it out again from the other side.
Explosives & Launchers
SA M79
Once again, another classy. This single-shot (rechargeable) grenade launcher grants you average power when dealing with groups of opponents. The 40mm High Explosive grenades need to travel a minimum distance before arming themselves, to avoid misusage. If this requirement is not met, a time-delayed fuse detonates the projectile after some seconds.
It costs 45 credits and is named "M79" ingame.

There is no much to say about FA:S's official hand grenade. You can get a couple of these for just 6 credits, but its destructive power is not as high as it should be in real life, because throwing one and stepping onto it as it explodes will only take away less than the 70% of your life. Referred to as "M67 Frag Grenade" ingame.
M18A1 Claymore

A remotely-detonated, directional, anti-personnel explosive device that can be used for setting some good ambushes. It costs 13 credits as is named plainly "Claymore" ingame. There are a couple of ways to control how it goes off. The first one is just to wait near the spot and hit the clacker when an enemy comes in front of it. The second one is the trip mode, in which the Claymore will be detonated when someone walks over it. By crouching or proning, you can get close to the mine and deactivate it.
This mortar does not appear in the loadout screen, as it is issued (unassembled) to the player when he or she earns the "Level 2 Artillery" skill. Then, the player will be able to assemble it anyplace, and fire to designated targets (see "Artillery Marker"). The player can carry up to 5 mortar shells.
Kizlyar DV-2
An ordinary combat knife that is issued to every player by default, in case he or she does not buy the Machete. Has two types of attack: slashing or stabbing. Save it for unaware snipers. Named "DV-2".

Gerber Gator
The website incorrectly lists this as a Becker Patrol (as it is currently outdated), but the "Machete" is in fact a Gerber Gator. It can be optionally bought for 6 credits, replacing then the default KV-2 knife. Its slashes are more powerful, but in a game named "Firearms" there usually aren't (understandably) many opportunities to engage in hand-to-hand combat.

A good way of covering your advance, and an excellent countermeasure against snipers, you can get two M18 "Smoke Grenade" for 6 credits. They produce a thick, green (not red as the one in the above picture) smoke screen for some seconds. Use them wisely.

Where there is a smoke grenade, there is a "Flashbang". It even costs the same (6 credits). Throwing one will produce a blinding flash and a deafening sound that will render enemies defenceless for some seconds, enough to finish them. Just be careful not to look towards it as it goes off.
Artillery Marker
Externally and in behaviour, this looks like a common smoke grenade that lets you mark targets to direct mortar fire. They don't seem to "disappear" with time, you need to place another in a different location instead. The smoke is red in color to allow you to distinguish between these ones and the smoke grenades. There is no associated credit cost, as one marker is issued to the player on respawn if he or she has chosen the "Level 1 Artillery" skill.
Ammo Cache
One of the highest gunnery skills lets you place this anywhere in the map, to allow teammates replenish their ammo. It's supposed to contain all kinds of ammunition.
The "Individual First Aid Kit" appears in the player's inventory after buying the 3-credit "Bandages", or picking some from the field. It allows the player to bandage his or her wounds up to 4 times. This is critical, as a bleeding wound will make you lose some health each second. Also, the skin of the medkit changes between teams.