The Suicide Squad is the 2021 sequel to 2016's Suicide Squad. The film features the return of the survivors of "Task Force X", aka the "The Suicide Squad", again comprised of notorious "meta-human" criminals and assigned to infiltrate a South American country and destroy a Nazi-era laboratory. The film was directed and written by James Gunn and the cast features newcomers Idris Elba, David Dastmalchian, and John Cena in addition to returning actors Margot Robbie, Joel Kinnaman, Viola Davis, and Jai Courtney as well as James Gunn regulars Nathan Fillion, Sean Gunn, and Michael Rooker. The Suicide Squad was released both theatrically and on the streaming service HBO MAX in August of 2021.
The following weapons were used in the film The Suicide Squad:
A Corto Maltese soldier appears to be armed with a Beretta 92FS pistol. Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) is seen dual-wielding Beretta 92FS pistols while taking down several soldiers.
Bloodsport (Idris Elba) gives two Glock 45s to Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman) to use in the rescue mission of Harley Quinn in the film. This is the first appearance of the Glock 45 in any film.
Heckler & Koch USP
Several of Amanda Waller's staff at Belle Reve carry Heckler & Koch USP handguns.
IMI/Magnum Research Desert Eagle Mark XIX
Christopher Smith, aka "Peacemaker" (John Cena) is armed with a modified stainless Desert Eagle Mark XIX. Col. Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman) briefly picks up the gun in the fight with Peacemaker before getting it kicked out of his hand.
Smith & Wesson M&P
Two tan-framed Smith & Wesson M&P pistols are seen carried by chest holsters on the vest of Richard "Dick" Hertz , aka Blackguard (Pete Davidson).
Colt 1860 Army
Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) uses an ornately-decorated Colt 1860 Army revolver during a confrontation with Silvio Luna.
Peacemaker can be briefly seen holding a Remington 870 shotgun while walking with Flagg and DuBois.
Several of Sol Soria's rebels also use AKM rifles.
AKS-47 rifles are seen used by Sol Soria (Alice Braga) and her band of rebels.
The FN FAL is used by a few Corto Maltese soldiers.
IWI Tavor
Some enemy soldiers are seen with Tavor assault rifles.
Colt M16A1 rifles are the main weapons used by Corto Maltese soldiers. Harley takes a pair when escaping from their custody. Bloodsport (Idris Elba) holds an M16A1 rifle while walking with Flag and Peacemaker.
Mk 18 Mod 1
Col. Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman) can be seen with what appears to be a Mk 18 Mod 1 carbine, as do the guards at Belle Reve.
Corto Maltese soldiers can be seen carrying the M4A1 carbine.
AirTronic RPG-7
Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) can be seen using an AirTronic RPG-7 launcher (a modernized US manufactured version of the RPG-7) to fire a custom warhead during the beach invasion.
Bloodsport's Custom Weaponry
Similar to the comics, Robert DuBois / Bloodsport (Idris Elba) can summon various custom weaponry from his suit, such as key-shaped pistols and a large rifle.
Luna's Gun Collection
President Silvio Luna keeps a collection of vintage pistols in glass case.