Beastars (stylized as BEASTARS) is a 2019 anime series that originally aired on Fuji TV in Japan before being brought to Netflix as a "Netflix Original Anime Series" in 2020. Focusing on a world populated by anthropomorphic animals, the show follows carnivores struggling with their natural instinct to hunt while living alongside herbivores. A second season was released in 2021.
The following weapons were used in the anime series Beastars:
M1911A1 pistols are used by nearly all members of the Shishi-Gumi crime organization, and can be first seen in "A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" (S1E10).
SIG-Sauer P220
Louis the red deer is seen with a SIG-Sauer P220 in the beginning of the episode "To the Neon District" (S1E11). It is the early 1st generation model as evident from the uniquely shaped hammer. At different points of the scene it appears in the hammer switches from being cocked to being down and then back again. Louis continues to carry the weapon into the second season, albeit now with wooden grip panels.