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World War II Online: Battleground Europe
Work In Progress This article is still under construction. It may contain factual errors. See Talk:World War II Online: Battleground Europe for current discussions. Content is subject to change. |
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World War II Online: Battleground Europe is a realistic MMO set in World War II Western Europe, featuring hundreds of towns and cities in a huge, zone-less map where battles rage for days and campaigns for weeks. With over 100 weapons and vehicles accurately modeled and utilizing military-grade physics, there is more than enough variety to keep players hooked for a long time.
Realism is taken to a new level in this WWII MMO. The weapons and vehicles are modeled utilizing historical data after hundreds of hours of research.
The advanced physics and ballistics systems create a military-grade simulation. The game is a constant work in progress meaning it is always in development and new features, updates, weapons and vehicles get added over time.
This list only shows the infantry portion of the game, there are also about 90 vehicles of different types (air, land and sea).
HUD (Heads Up Display) has been disabled in those screenshots.
For more information about the game visit:
The following firearms are seen in the MMO video game World War II Online: Battleground Europe:
Webley Mk IV
The Webley Mk IV revolver is the standard sidearm for the British soldiers. Used at short ranges it can be quite deadly indeed. It is reloaded using a speedloader ingame.
The French Forces fielded various handguns in WW2. The developers of the game chose the SACM M1935A semi-automatic pistol. It has an 8 round magazine capacity.
Luger P08
The pistol of choice for the German Armed Forces ingame is the very famous Luger P08. It features a 8 round magazine and fires the 9x19mm round.
M1911A1 Colt
Naturally the M1911A1 Colt is the handgun of choice for the US Forces.
Submachine Guns
Thompson M1928
The Thompson M1928 is the main weapon for the British SMG class. Due to the .45 ACP round it is a very powerful gun, the downside is the somewhat higher recoil. In real life the Thompson M1928 model could accept 50-round drum magazines, but ingame you can only use the 30rd box magazine which was also supplied in real life.
Sten Mk II
The well known Sten Mk II SMG is available for the British Forces later in the campaign to supplement the Thompson M1928.
Although the MAS-38 was very rare in real life and only about 3400 were produced during the war, it was chosen for the French SMG class as it is a very iconic, unique and interesting weapon. It fires the weaker 7.65 pistol round but you can use this to your advantage as this also results in a lower recoil.
The game also features the early war MP34 for the German SMG class. It has the larger magazine variant being 32 rounds. It has really nice iron sights and is very easy to use.
The MP40 is the standard weapon for the German SMG class. It fires the 9x19mm Parabellum ammunition, which works very well for close combat and in buildings. The recoil can be controlled quite well and the dispersion is rather low. As it's real life counterpart it is a very effective weapon design when used in the right circumstances.
M1A1 Thompson
US submachine gunners can spawn the famous late variant M1A1 Thompson. It has a rather high rate of fire and kicks quite a bit due to the powerful .45 ACP round.
M3A1 "Grease Gun"
The second SMG for the US is the M3A1 "Grease Gun" which gets introduced later during the campaign. It has a lower rate of fire than the M1A1 Thompson which makes it more controllable. It fires the same powerful .45 ACP round. As in real life, the French Force ingame also use this weapon.
Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I
The Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I is the standard main armament for the British soldiers ingame. It has twice as many rounds in its magazine than the German counterpart, this can be very important in combat. Logically it will take longer to reload once it is empty.
Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I (T) with No.32 Scope
The Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I (T) is the sniper version of the standard No.4 MK I. It has a top mounted scope type No.32 (3.5x magnification).
Lebel 1886/M93
The Lebel 1886/M93 has a very long history in the French army starting in 1887 when it was adopted into French service. It has a very unique tubular magazine, meaning you cannot use stripper clips for reload, each round has to be loaded separately. This results in a longer reload time, but you can load 8 rounds instead of 5 like most of the other military rifles of that time. Ingame this weapon is generally excellent to use as it has very good iron sights. It is the main weapon of the French grenadier class.
Lebel 1886/M93 with APX Mle 1921 Scope
The French sniper class uses the Lebel 1886/M93 with APX Mle 1921 Scope (3x zoom). The reticle of the scope is a rather unusual design, being an inverted V. Sniping ingame can be quite tricky as the game simulates real life ballistics and bullet drop. You always have to keep this in mind when aiming at long range targets. Luckily the game also features adjustable sights, so once you figured out the range you can adjust your sights to zero your rifle at the desired range.
The MAS-36 is the standard bolt action rifle for the French Forces. It is easy to handle and the modern 7.5x54 rifle round performs very well in mid range engagements. 5 round stripper clips are used to reload. Earlier versions of the game had a sniper variant available of the MAS-36 but this has since been removed and has been replaced with the more historical Lebel 1886/M93 with APX Mle 1921 Scope.
Karabiner 98k
Developed by the company Mauser the Karabiner 98k was accepted as standard issue for the German rifleman in 1935 and stayed the main armament of the German Army throughout the whole war although newer, more modern weapon systems were invented. It has a 5 round integral box magazine loaded by stripper clips. The sighting system is fantastic and it fires the very powerful 7,92x57mm infantry cartridge. As in real life this rifle is also very accurate in the game. Enemy targets can be tracked easily and after a few hours of training every player will love this piece of equipment.
Karabiner 98k with Zeiss ZF39 Scope
The German sniper class fields the Karabiner 98k with Zeiss ZF39. Basically the same as for the standard rifleman but with a Zielfernrohr 39 (Zf 39) attached to it which has a magnification of 4x. As with all weapons in the game you can set your sights according to your desired range. This may not be important for standard weapons but for the sniper rifles it is very useful.
M1903A3 "Springfield" Rifle
The M1903A3 "Springfield" Rifle is available for the US Rifleman and Engineer classes. The game features the later variant with the improved peep sights. As usual, it loads from a 5 round stripper clip.
M1903A4 "Springfield" Sniper Rifle with Model 330-M8 Weaver Scope
The US sniper can use the M1903A4 "Springfield" Sniper Rifle with Model 330-M8 Weaver Scope. The scope has a magnification of 2.75x and uses the fine cross reticle.
The semi-automatic MAS-40 rifle is available for the French rifleman later in the campaign. It loads with 5 round stripper clips. Although this rifle is considered a prototype by many, it is strongly believed by historians that 50-100 pieces served in WW2 with troop trials.
Gewehr 41 (W)
The Gewehr 41 is a German semi-automatic rifle which unlocks when the Tier 1 weapons set enters the game. As in real life it reloads from two 5 round stripper clips. It is available for the German rifleman.
Gewehr 43
The Gewehr 43 unlocks with the Tier 3 weapons set on the server. It is a box fed semi-automatic rifle and is available for the German rifleman.
Fallschirmjäger Gewehr 42
German paratroopers have the FG 42 available when Tier 2 weapons arrive on the server. Ingame it is referred to as FG42 Ausf. G but in real life the different FG42 models weren't really specified with different model numbers. Instead the weapon was constantly improved so the weapons could have some of the newer features while still featuring some of the older. Ingame it is a rather late model FG42.
M1 Garand
The M1 Garand is available for the US Rifleman class. It makes the usual "PING" sound when the rifle is empty and the en-bloc clip gets ejected. You can even reload the M1 Garand when not empty, something that is rarely seen in video games. The M1 Garand is also shared for the British rifleman ingame.
Boys Mk I Antitank Rifle
The Boys Mk I Antitank Rifle has a very heavy kick and is absolutely deadly against soft skinned vehicles and infantry even on longer ranges. To use it effectively against tanks you have to learn every weak spot of each tank. You can only use this beast while being prone with the monopod deployed. This weapon can be used by US, French and British anti tank soldiers.
Panzerbüchse 39
The Panzerbüchse 39 anti tank rifle fires a small bullet but at a very high muzzle velocity. Due to the enormous recoil you have to deploy it before you can use it. If used against soft skinned vehicles and infantry this weapon is absolutely powerful even at long ranges but it is challenging to use against armored vehicles. If used against tanks you should be at close range and aim for the lighter armored, vulnerable parts of the target like vision ports etc. As the war in the game progresses and later, more advanced vehicles are added to the game over the course of a campaign the Panzerbüchse becomes more or less ineffective.
Machine Guns
Bren Mk I Gun
The Bren Mk I Gun was beloved by the British Forces even after WW2. Also ingame it is quite a good weapon because of it's accuracy. Although the top mounted magazine somewhat hampers your view. To use this gun you have to either go prone and deploy it on the ground or on the geometry of the game world (boxes, walls, windows etc) while standing or in crouched position.
Chatellerault M1924/29
Similar to its British counterpart, the Chatellerault M1924/29 is a very accurate LMG and pretty comfortable to use. It has the same disadvantage of the top mounted magazine decreasing your field of view and as all LMGs ingame, you either have to go prone, stand or crouch near an object to deploy it before you can fire it.
The German MG34 is the standard light machine gun in the German army. It fires the standard 7.92x57 IS rifle cartridge. Ingame it is drum fed bipod version although in real life there was also a tripod mounted beltfed option (MMG). If used correctly, this weapon is an absolute beast in the hands of a skilled player. Like the French and British counterparts you have to either deploy it while being prone or on world objects while standing or crouched.
M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle
The M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle ingame has the carry handle removed. This was sometimes done in the field and was often seen in later stages of the war. It can deployed on the ground and other geometry like walls, boxes etc.
Projector, Infantry, Anti Tank (PIAT)
The British Forces have the Projector, Infantry, Anti Tank (PIAT) at their disposal. It fires the Mk 1A HEAT Bomb ammo type. You have to go prone to use this weapon due to the massive recoil. As this weapon is spring driven, the projectile does not leave a smoke trail. This really helps to stay covered when you are out in the fields to hunt down enemy tanks.
Raketenpanzerbüchse 54 "Panzerschreck"
German Anti Tank soldiers can use the Raketenpanzerbüchse 54 "Panzerschreck". Ingame it features the 4322 Summer ammo type. It can pretty much penetrate any tank ingame given the player aims it at the correct impact angle so the hollow charge can ignite.
M9 "Bazooka" (2.36" Rocket)
US Forces can use the M9 "Bazooka" (2.36" Rocket). It uses the late war improved 2.36" M6A3 HEAT Rocket ammo. In real life this weapon was also supplied to the French Forces, this is also represented in the game.
Ordnance SBML 2 Inch Mortar
British mortarman can use the Ordnance SBML 2 Inch Mortar which fires two different ammo types being the Mk I Mortar Bomb (HE) and the Mk II Smoke Mortar Bomb (Smoke). You have to go prone and deploy the mortar before you can use it.
Lance-grenades de 50 mm mle 37
French mortarmen can use the Lance-grenades de 50 mm mle 37 mortar. It can fire two different ammo types ingame being the Grenade de 50 mm 3NT (HE) and Grenade fumigène de 50 mm (Smoke). The player has to go prone and deploy the weapon in order to use it. Currently this weapon is also shared with the US mortarman.
5 cm leichter Granatwerfer 36
The 5cm leichter Granatenwerfer 36 can be used by the German mortar class. It can fire two different grenade types being the red colored Wurf Granate 36 (HE) and the blue colored Wurf Granate 36 Nebel FS (Smoke). Players have to go prone and deploy the mortar before they can use it.
Lee-Enfield Rifle Grenade Cup, No.68 AT rifle grenade
The Lee-Enfield Rifle Grenade Cup ingame is used to launch the No.68 HEAT anti tank rifle grenade. Because of the relatively low penetration power and small fuze detonation arc this weapon is quite challenging to use, but in the hands of a trained soldier it can be quite effective until the heavy tanks arrive.
Vivien-Bessière Tromblon, VB AP rifle grenade
The Vivien-Bessière Tromblon can be attached to the Lebel 1886/M93 rifle. You can launch time fuzed (8 seconds) HE grenades with this device, a good way to clear bunkers and other buildings from a distance.
Karabiner 98k Gewehrgranatgerät, GewSprGr.30 AP rifle grenade
The German rifle grenadier class is able to attach the Gewehrgranatgerät to the standard Karabiner 98k rifle. It is used to launch the Gewehrsprenggranate 30 anti-personnel HE grenade which has an impact fuze. It is best used in a direct fire role against soft skinned vehicles, infantry and other buildings.
Grenades & Explosives
Mills Bomb No.36M (HE Grenade)
The Mills Bomb No.36M HE Grenade is the standard hand grenade for the British infantry classes. As all grenades, the Mills is not very effective in open terrain, but it is excellent to clear bunkers and other enclosed spaces.
Grenade OF (HE Grenade)
Although the French OF was developed during WWI, it was still one of the most numerous models available at the breakout of WW2. As the name suggests it was an offensive grenade, meaning it has a thin walled sheet metal body, limited fragmentation effect and relied mostly on the concussive effect. As all grenades ingame it is best used in closed spaces. This grenade uses the "Brilliant Mle 1916" fuze type (5 seconds delay).
Stielhandgranate 24 (HE Grenade)
The standard Stielhandgranate 24 fragmentation hand grenade can be used by German players.
Mk 2 Frag Grenade (HE Grenade)
As everybody would expect, the Mk II Frag Grenade is available for the US Forces.
No. 77, W.P. MK. 1 (Smoke Grenade)
The No. 77, W.P. MK. 1 Incendiary Smoke Hand Grenade is a white phosphorus chemical grenade which produces a huge white plume of smoke when thrown. It uses an impact fuze.
Grenade Fumigène Mle 1916 (Smoke Grenade)
Nebelhandgranate 39 (Smoke Grenade)
The German smoke grenade is the Nebelhandgranate 39. It creates a thick smoke screen for a certain amount of time blocking everybodies view.
AN/M8 HC smoke grenade
Players can use the AN/M8 HC smoke grenade to create smoke screens and for signaling purposes (e.g. mark targets for the ground attack planes).

Satchel Charge "Explosive"
The Satchel Charge can either be used to sap enemy tanks or to blow up enemy fire bases and other buildings. The US, French and British share the same model and there are 2 variants available ingame, a HE and HEAT version.
Satchel Charge "Sprengladung"
The Germans got their own model for the Satchel Charge ingame. As the Allied version, there are also 2 variants being HE and HEAT.