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The Highwaymen

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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The Highwaymen
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Country Error creating thumbnail: File missing United States
Directed by John Lee Hancock
Release Date 2019
Distributor Netflix
Main Cast
Character Actor
Frank Hamer Kevin Costner
Maney Gault Woody Harrelson
Gov. Miriam "Ma" Ferguson Kathy Bates
Lee Simmons John Carroll Lynch

The following weapons were used in the film The Highwaymen:

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Colt 1911A1 Government Model

John Dillinger (Johnny Depp) carries two Colt 1911A1 Government Model pistol cial Pistol - .45 ACP]]

Single Action Army

The Single Action Army revolver is carried.

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Colt Single Action Army w/ 5.5" barrel known as the "Artillery" model - .45 Long Colt

Colt Model 1902

John "Red" Hamilton (Jason Clarke) fires a Colt Model 1902 at vigilantes and police during the Sioux Falls robbery after his Thompson runs out of ammunition.

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Colt Model 1902 Sporting Model - .38 ACP

Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless

John Dillinger (Johnny Depp) keeps a Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless as a secondary sidearm, most notably as a "pocket pistol" when in hiding in Chicago after the Little Bohemia shootout. It is also seen when he places it down on a hotel room table in Tucson, earlier in the film. The script describes it as a "Colt .380 automatic", which was the pistol Dillinger was supposedly carrying the night he was killed on July 22, 1934 (which would actually make it a Model 1908).

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Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless - .32 ACP

Colt Official Police

The FBI agent who beats Billie Frechette, Harold Reinecke (Adam Mucci), carries a Colt Official Police. An Official Police is also seen inside the gun safe in the Crown Point jail.

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Colt Official Police - .38 Special

Colt Police Positive

John Dillinger (Johnny Depp) takes a Colt Police Positive when he breaks out of Crown Point, tucking it in his waist.

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Colt Police Positive - .38 Special

Colt Detective Special

Several FBI agents are seen with Colt Detective Specials, usually seen in their hip holsters. Melvin Purvis (Christian Bale) is notably seen with one holstered in several scenes.

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Colt Detective Special 1st Gen - .38 Special

Colt New Service

A Colt New Service revolver with a 5 1/2" barrel is seen in a man's hand before Nelson opens fire on him in Sioux Falls.

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Colt New Service - .45 Colt

Smith & Wesson Model 10

When Purvis tells FBI agent Carter Baum (Rory Cochrane) to wait in the alley when going to arrest Nelson in the apartment building, Baum draws a Smith & Wesson Model 10 that he later uses to fruitlessly trade shots with the Thompson-armed Nelson. Several other FBI agents are seen with Model 10s.

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Smith & Wesson Model M&P Revolver with 4" barrel - .38 Special

Submachine Gun, Machine Pistol, & Automatic Rifle

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Colt M1921AC Thompson with 50-round drum - .45 ACP.
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Colt M1921AC Thompson with 20-round magazine - .45 ACP.

Rifles & Carbines

Browning Automatic Rifle

The Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) was Clyde Barrow's preferred weapon in real life, makes a number of appearances in the series, carried by Clyde (Emile Hirsch) and Bonnie (Holliday Grainger).

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Early Browning Automatic Rifle- .30-06
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Clyde's cut down BAR - .30-06

Colt Monitor

Frank Hamer (Kevin Costner), the ex-Texas Ranger tracking the Barrow Gang, carries the Colt R80 Monitor, a Colt-manufactured variant of the BAR with a Cutts compensator.

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Colt R80 Monitor - .30-06

M1903 Springfield

Some of the Indiana State Prison guards at Michigan City carry M1903 Springfield rifles.

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M1903 Mk 1 Springfield Rifle - .30-06 - this one has the 1920s-era finger-grooved stock, as do many in the film

U.S. Krag 1898

The uniformed Ohio police officers aiding in Purvis's pursuit of "Pretty Boy" Floyd carry US Krag rifles, most likely M1898s.

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US Model 1898 Krag-Jørgensen Rifle - .30-40 Krag

Remington Model 81

Frank Hamer (Kevin Costner) carries the Remington Model 81.

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Remington Model 81 Woodmaster - chambered in .30, .32, .35 Rem, and .300 Savage.

Winchester Model 1892

Winchester Model 1892 rifles are used by prison guards at the Michigan City prison.

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Winchester Model 1892 Saddle Ring Carbine - .32WCF/.38-40/.44-40/.25-20.

Winchester 1894

Court officers in Crown Point carry Winchester 1894 rifles.

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Winchester Model 1894 - .30-30


Winchester Model 1897

Many lawmen use the Winchester Model 1897 pump shotgun throughout the film.

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Winchester Model 1897 - 12 gauge

Winchester Model 1897 Trench

FBI agents areseen carrying Winchester Model 1897 "Trench" model with a heat shield and a bayonet lug.

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Winchester Model 1897 "Trench Gun" - 12 gauge. This is an original mint condition 1935 Manufacture commercial trench gun by Winchester.

Double Barreled Hammerless Shotgun

Many officers of the Texas prison system carry hammerless double-barreled shotguns.

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Stevens hammerless side by side shotgun - 12 Gauge