Insurgency is the standalone version of the Half-Life 2 Mod Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat. The game follows a simple team-based conflict with various objectives from capturing objectives to increase territory and spawn waves to search-and-destroy missions on weapon caches. Going for realism, the game lacks most typical HUDs seen on today's first-person shooters, such as no ammo counter and no crosshair on screen. The team members are separated into two squads, each with its own special classes meant for specific roles such as rifleman, sniper, demolitions, support, and such. Players are able to customize their loadout from their classes' options, including a selection of primary weapons, sidearms, grenades, and armor and vest accessories, though they may choose to ignore any or all of them. This is done by using Supply Points, which are given at the start of a game and in some modes, can be increased by completing objectives or progressing through the next round. Each team, the Security Forces and Insurgents, has nine to ten classes, each with differing weapons and equipment choices.
In January 27, 2016, the game was further developed with a mod expansion titled Day of Infamy. The mod takes the game away from the modern setting back into World War II. Currently, the expansion allows the player to play as the American, Commonwealth, and German armies. Day of Infamy became a standalone title on March 23, 2017.
The Smith & Wesson Model 10 is normally available to just the Insurgents, but is available to the Security in certain co-op modes. It can be loaded with a speedloader or simply putting one bullet at time. It costs 0 supply points, along with the Makarov PM. A decent sidearm for low to no armor enemies, the Model 10's critical flaw is the weakness of AP ammo requiring double and triple taps to drop heavy troops.
The Makarov PM is used by the Insurgents by default, though either team can use it. It can equip several accessories and holds 8+1 rounds. It costs 0 supply point. The Specialist, Scout, Sapper, Sharpshooter, and Sniper classes get exclusive access to a suppressor. The PM is an incredibly reliable sidearm, with fairly decent damage and night sights outweigh the 8-round magazine.
The Beretta M9 is used exclusively by the Security, though it was previously available to both teams. It holds 15+1 rounds and can equip several accessories. It costs 1 supply point. The Security Specialist, Recon, Breacher, Designated Marksman, and Sniper classes have exclusive access to a suppressor for it. The M9 is the PM's counterpart, with a larger magazine and similar damage that only loses out in the "lack of night sight" department.
The M9 is also the only handgun in the game to use a Insight M3X on a custom mount that attaches to the trigger guard, rather than the generic handgun weaponlight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingWith updated animations, the player racks the slide on the first draw, M3X attached. The updated animations for all pistols except the Makarov are identical.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDucking for cover, the operator shows us a reload from dry, giving us a better look at the M3X.
M45 / MEU(SOC)
The M45 is used exclusively by the Security team. It can equip several accessories and holds 7+1 rounds. It costs 1 supply point. Before December 19 update, it is simply retexture of the Insurgents M1911, but is now modeled correctly. While being the same as the Insurgent M1911, the M45 is a gun that rewards accuracy. While limited to standard mags outside of the extended magazine attachment, the almost guaranteed 1-shot kill with AP rounds and solid accuracy make the M1911 and M45 solid choices in sidearms.
The M16A4 is used by the Security. It holds 30+1 rounds can be equipped with several accessories and is capable of shooting in burst fire and semi auto. It costs 1 supply point. Previously, the M16A4 used a top rail with a folding rear sight, though as of the Nightfall update it has a carry handle instead when no optics are used. It can be used by the Rifleman, Sniper, Designated Marksman, Demolitions, and Specialist classes. One thing to note is the fire selector is incorrectly modeled with the safety on. The M16A4 is both one of the cheapest rifle choices, but also one of the best in the game. With no weird velocity downsides that the Mk 18 suffer from, plus the ability to be made into a budget DMR make it a solid choice for anyone who thinks full-auto is over rated.
The Demolition, Breacher, and Specialist classes in the game allows the M16A4 to be wielded with an M203 Grenade Launcher that can, depending on class, use smoke shells or HE shells.
The M4A1 is used by the Security and it can be equipped with several accessories. It holds 30+1 rounds. It costs 4 supply points. Its recoil and stats are a mid-point between the larger M16A4 and the shorter Mk 18. It can be used by the Rifleman, Recon, and Demolitions classes. The M4A1 is the same interim weapon as the AK-74, offering full-auto firepower without the weird velocity drop that the shorter Mk 18 and AKS-74U suffer from.
The Mk 18 Mod 0 is used by the Security. It holds 30+1 rounds. It can be equipped with several accessories and costs 3 supply points. It has some tan parts, unlike the M16A4 and M4A1. It can be used by the Specialist and Recon classes. The Mk 18 is a curious rifle once you play around for a bit. While it is shorter and easier to maneuver around corners, it suffers from a lower velocity over the other 2 AR pattern rifles, meaning more double taps than are enjoyable.
The H&K MP5KA4 is used by the Security. The old MP5KN model has been replaced with the MP5KA4. It holds 30+1 rounds and can use semi-auto, three-round burst, or automatic fire. It costs 2 supply points and always has its front grip. It can be used by the Specialist. The MP5KA4 is a fairly fun weapon for a character who desires to go fast and only fast, with lackluster damage and shaky stability payed back with high rate of fire and decent damage with AP rounds.
The H&K UMP45 is used by the Security. It features a 2-round burst mode despite the weapon's textures not having a pictogram for it. It can equip several accessories and costs 2 supply points. It is shown with a front grip attached by default. The UMP is a fairly enjoyable SMG, with the low rate of fire and powerful .45 round making it a reliable weapon for popping skinnies, with no overall downsides besides the 25 round mags.
The Mossberg 590 is used by the Security. It can be equipped with slug ammo and other accessories. It costs 1 supply point and can be used by the Breacher and Engineer classes. It holds 8+1 shells, and previously, when reloading from empty the gun is not pumped until the reload is done, though as of the October 2015 update, the reloads are performed correctly. The Mossberg is a fairly powerful weapon if one wants to roleplay as a cop who doesn't realize he is in a war, with reliable one-shot kills at close to medium range.
The M249 is used by the Security. It holds 200 rounds and can be equipped with several accessories. It costs 4 supply points and has a bipod permanently attached and can only be used by the Support class. The counterpart to the RPK, the SAW prefers spreading bullets around from the bipod over the shoulder. While it has the 200 round drums and high rate of fire, firing from the shoulder is really hard to control.
The IMI Galil ARM/SAR is available for the Security team. In-game it is identified by the "Galil SAR" but the model still presents some feature of the Galil ARM. While it packs the SAR shorter barrel, the gun still has an ARM style stock to fit the bipod. The Galil is a fairly enjoyable gun with even more flexibility over the M16A4. Besides main rifle and close quarters carbine, mods can make the SAR into a makeshift light machine gun at a cost of controlability.
The Mk 14 Mod 1 EBR is used by the Security and is incorrectly named "M14 EBR". It can be equipped with several accessories and holds 20+1 rounds. It is one of two weapons capable of using the Mk. 4 Scope. Unlike several depictions of the EBR, it has a functional fire selector and can be used in automatic. Used only by the Sniper, Designated Marksman, and oddly the Support class. The Mk. 14 is a high power option over the Insurgent SKS, with more stopping power and accuracy at a cost of higher recoil and a pretty much useless full auto fire.
The L1A1 SLR is available for the Security team, as a counterpart to the Insurgents' FN FAL. It correctly shoots in semi-auto and can accept various accessories, plus, both FN FAL and L1A1 can accept the 30 round magazine by using the "extended magazine" accessory in the customization screen. The L1A1 is a reliable rifle for someone who is willing to sacrifice full-auto for the ability to make Rhodesia jokes at every opportunity.
The Ruger AC556 is used by the Security. The model is still the default Mini 14 and has a 20+1 round magazine. It can equip several accessories. It costs 2 supply points and can be used by the Rifleman, Recon, and Designated Marksman classes. The Security counterpart to the M1 Carbine, the AC556 benefits from a selector switch, larger magazines and the ability to make A-Team jokes at every occasion.
The M40A1 is used by the Security. It is one of two weapons capable of using the Mk. 4 Scope and holds 5 rounds in its internal magazine. Used by the Sniper and Designated Marksman classes. Uniquely, when the last round is fired the player character does not operate the bolt, a sign to reload for the attentive. The M40A1 is a fairly normal sniper rifle, good at range, bad in close quarters and hilarious if shoved into situations that it was not programmed for.
The M136 AT4 is used by the Security as their primary rocket launcher. It is usable only by the Demolitions class and costs 5 points to use. I'd make some witty joke here, but the AT4 is exactly the same as the Insurgent RPG-7, even down to the re-use of the RPG-7 rocket.
A modified M1911A1 is used by the Insurgents. It has a ring hammer, M45/MEU(SOC) sights, a long M1911 trigger, and smooth wood grips. It can equip several accessories and holds 7+1 rounds. It costs 1 supply point. The Specialist, Scout, Sapper, Sharpshooter, and Sniper classes get exclusive access to a suppressor. Nothing much to put here, exactly the same as the M45 but with a more boring texture.
The AK-74N is used by insurgents. It holds 30+1 rounds and it can equip several accessories and costs 2 supply points. It is usable by the Fighter, Specialist, Striker, and Militant classes. The AK-74N is the interim rifle between the full-size AKM and tiny AKS-74U, with a high rate of fire and powerful rounds compensated by its very meh stability on long bursts.
The AKMS is used by the Insurgents. It is incorrectly named "AKM" (so close yet so far) and can be fitted with several accessories. It's the only weapon that doesn't require supply points (0 supply points). Any Insurgent class except the Sniper can use it. The AKM is a spin of the M16A4, boasting higher damage over modularity. And yes while the AKMS can easily shred armored troops without AP rounds, you need good trigger control so you can skirt around the very bad stability of the AKMS on long bursts.
The Sapper, Striker, and Bomber classes in the game allows the AKMS to be wielded with a GP-25. Depending on their class, the user can choose smoke shells or HE shells.
The AKS-74U is used by the Insurgents. It holds 30+1 rounds and can equip several accessories. It costs 2 supply points and can be used by the Fighter, Specialist, and Striker. While it suffers the same muzzle velocity weirdness that plagues the Mk. 18, the AKS-74U is much more enjoyable and practical to use. It comes with a night sight, high rate of fire and the absurd power of 5.45 AP rounds.
The Norinco SKS-D can be used by the Insurgents. It is also modeled with the truncated barrel of the Chinese "Paratrooper" import model that was made for the US civilian market. It can equip several accessories, and comes with a detachable 20 round magazine. It costs 1 supply point. It can be used by the Fighter, Marksman, Scout, Sharpshooter, and Sniper. The SKS is the counter to the AC556 and balances its higher accuracy with no selector switch.
The FN FAL can be used by the Insurgents. It can equip several accessories. It holds 20+1 rounds and costs 3 supply points. Usable by all classes except the Machine Gunner and Bomber, the FAL allows you to slot floppies with the best of them. Rhodesia jokes aside, the FAL is slightly more useful than the M14 and L1A1, boasting a marginally controllble full auto fire.
The TOZ-194 (simply called "TOZ" in-game) is used by Insurgents. Like the Mossberg, it can be equipped with slug ammo and can equip several accessories. It costs 1 supply point. It holds 6+1 shells and also now reloads correctly. The TOZ is a basic port of the 590 and vice versa, and only has the downside of a slightly more cluttered sight picture.
The Romanian RPK is used by Insurgents. This RPK has an AKM like muzzle brake and the different receiver instead of it original flat receiver. Like in the mod, it comes with a 75 rounds drum magazine and can be equipped with several accessories. It costs 2 supply points. Only the Machine Gunner class can use it. The RPK has the definite advantage over the M249, while lacking on capacity and rate of fire, makes up for being usable when shooting from the shoulder.
The IMI Galil ARM is available for both teams, mainly focused to be used from insurgents though. It costs 3 supply points, it can be equipped with various accessories, but also with its standard bipod and a drum magazine. While it has a longer barrel over the Security SAR, the ARM has the same pros and cons as the shortie version.
The Mosin Nagant is used by the Insurgents. It can equip several accessories. It costs 1 supply point. It can be used by the Sniper and Sharpshooter classes. While places like /k/ will preach the holiness of the Mosin, in-game it is a simple re-skin of the M40 but with a slower cycling action and a desire to curse in Russian.
The M1 Carbine is used by the Insurgents. It can equip several accessories. It is semi-automatic and holds 15+1 rounds, but it can extended by using the extended magazine accessories, which will then use its 30 rounds magazine. It costs 2 supply points and can be used by the Bomber, Sharpshooter, Specialist, and Striker. The M1 Carbine is a fairly alright rifle, with no real advantages or disadvantages over other weapons in the Insurgent lineup.
The MP40 is used by the Insurgents. It is correctly shown holding 32 rounds and being unable to chamber one. It can equip several accessories. It costs 2 supply points. While the MP40 isn't as petite and tactical as the MP5KA4, the MP40 is the Insurgent option offering a more controllable rate of fire over the swarm of bees that is the KA4.
The Sterling Mk. IV is used by the Insurgents. It costs 2 supply points, and it can accept various attachments. In-game it is full-auto only whereas the real weapon is select fire. Furthermore, the Player Characters ill-advisedly hold it by the magazine with their left hand. The Sterling's slow rate of fire makes it more on-par with the UMP over the KA4, with overly controllable full auto and the option for a tactical suppressor.
If a suppressor is attached, the Sterling acquires the Sterling Patchett suppressor, but without the grip underneath it. Rather hilariously, if one opts for the laser or flashlight attachments, they'd be mounted to the gun with zipties a-la Left 4 Dead 2.
The RPG-7 is used by the Insurgents. It can only be bought by the Striker class and costs 5 points. Besides the Jihad jokes, the RPG-7 is the same as the AT4, with the only difference being you are more likely to find RPG-7's over AT4's in any battle.
The F1 hand grenade is the standard hand grenade of the Insurgents team. It costs 2 supply points. Two grenades are required to destroy enemy weapon caches in cache-based objective modes. There's a joke I could make about the grenades, but stat wise they are identical.
The M67 hand grenade is the standard hand grenade for the Security Team. It costs 2 supply points. Two grenades are required to destroy enemy weapon caches in cache-based objective modes.
The M18 smoke grenade can be used by both teams. It costs 1 supply point and does exactly what you'd expect a smoke grenade to do.
M18 Smoke GrenadeError creating thumbnail: File missingToday on Military Issue Jackass, watch this operator hit himself in the face with his own grenade.
AN-M14 Incendiary Grenade
The AN-M14 Incendiary Grenade can be equipped by the Security team. It costs 3 supply points. Both the AN-M14 and the Molotov are the only grenades that can destroy a cache with only 1 of them. Besides that, they are identical stat-wise with the only difference being in the fires they ignite.
The Heckler & Koch P2A1 Flare Pistol is available for both teams. It costs 1 supply point and can only be purchased on night time maps. While it does no damage to players, the Flare Gun can be used to impressive effect as either an illuminator of an area or a way to burn the retinas out of your enemies if they're wearing night vision goggles.