Could somebody determine what Beretta is used there? Is it M9A1 like in the first game? At first I even thought that the trigger guard is rounded, indicating it's not F/FS, but then I realized that it was the flashlight that hid the guard's shape.
UPD: probably it's 92 Compact With Rail, a shortened M9A1 version.
First off, please put your name on these, and second, I'm fairly sure it's a M9A1 with a Brigadier-style barrel. --PaperCake 00:42 10 April 2015 (EST).
I got it. Are you sure it's a M9A1? It has got the usual trigger guard from 92FS/M9 and it looks short. --Blondie (talk) 14:26, 10 April 2015 (EDT)
Fairly certain it is a M9A1. The trigger guard is the same as a normal M9A1, just hard to see courtesy of the tac-light mounted on the front rail. As for it looking short, it's probably been modeled with a Brigadier-style barrel, which are usually flush with the front of the slide. --PaperCake 19:05, 10 April 2015 (EST).
If you look closely, flashlight doesn't cover trigger guard that much to distort its shape.
Anyway, it's not the proof that the gun is not M9A1, I also added it in article as M9A1 as the most possible variant. We'll have to wait for the release to tell for sure. :3
And the gun lacks M9A1 checkered back strap too.--Blondie (talk) 19:46, 10 April 2015 (EDT)
First off, I don't believe we allow the weapon's icon to enter into discussion of what the actual player-held weapon is (as many times in games they don't match up with each other), so whatever the icon is is irrelevant in this instance. Next, it should be noted that, even by this stage with HD graphics, video game weapons can't and likely won't be able to exactly precisely emulate a real world firearm 100%, for a number of reasons, and therefore it's possible we can't and won't ever get a 'exact' model' ID. We often don't get 'exact IDs' for films or TV shows that actually have real weapons and not renderings, again, for a number of reasons. Omission or switching of features, like the lack of a backstrap checkering, trigger guard shape, slide design etc, definitely shouldn't be so scrutinized in a video game, especially when we're talking pre-release. Such details might still remain to be finalized, and otherwise could likely be mere oversights and/or liberties taken on the weapon's look by the game's artists. Since we have such a mismatch of details - rail and front and rear slide serrations of M9A1, M9/92FS trigger guard, the one image and images on the main page seem to have a Brigadier slide while the other here on the talk page has an M9A1 slide, and flush barrel with the slide, no backstrap checkering - We simply won't be able to make an exact ID since there's no Beretta that matches that exact configuration from the factory as far as I know.
Not to sound snobby, but again, I think this is being over-thought a bit. If this were a real weapon, it might be worthy of speculating, as they would have be physical changes to an actual weapon, but a rendering in a video game? Especially for a game that hasn't even released yet? Bah. I'd go about listing it as we would on film/TV pages - List it as what it matches best (in this case, an M9A1) and note all the features and their particular distinctions/differences as part of the section's writeup and leave it at that for the time being. StanTheMan (talk) 22:26, 10 April 2015 (EDT)
Yeah, I think we should leave it to be listed at M9A1 and note all these small discrepancies. But there was a moment when I thought that the gun was not M9A1 (indicated by the rail) with wrong backstrap checkering, trigger guard shape, slide design, but M9/92FS with wrong presence of the rail, but correct M9/92FS features in all other respects.--Blondie (talk) 10:52, 11 April 2015 (EDT)
PaperCake's minor edits
Why remove useful info? Most of PaperCake's small corrections are a nice touch, but
1. Why replace "Performing an ammo check" to "he player peers at the M9A1's magazine before loading it in", while in reality it's an actual ammo check, not a usual reloading. A unique animation is played when played tries to reload a gun with already full magazine. This feature is present in many Tripwire projects and it is one of their trade marks. I think it's worth mentioning, not a lot of games have got such details.
2. Why remove notes about M9A1? While I won't argue it should be listed as M9A1, I added several comparisons with the same gun from the first game and with real M9A1. I always enjoyed such things when I was reading IMFDB before.
3. Why remove explanation about "SA80" part in L85A2 in-game name? As I recall, IMFDB always had a policy to mention wrong or redundant in-game gun names. I just tried to be in keeping with local standards of writing, which encourage noticing and explaining small details and drawbacks.
4. Why add "A player begins to reload his L85A2" when it's not a reloading animation, but draw animation?
5. Why remove explanation that Colt 9mm SMG is not a rifle, but a submachinegun. I've read a lot of articles here and the IMFDB always had a policy to explain wrong assigned weapon class in the game, especially with AKS-74U or 9mm AR-15 derivatives.
I don't mind the style, but minor corrections shouldn't tear out so much useful info. Since I'm a new guy, and PaperCake seems to have been here quite long time, I don't want to just undo his changes, but I think we should discuss it and restore some info.--Blondie (talk) 11:22, 11 April 2015 (EDT)
Well, SA80 is the name of the weapon platform (like AR-15) not the actual name of the gun, so removing it makes sense.--AnActualAK47 (talk) 15:14, 12 September 2015 (EDT)
Better screenshots
A lot of the screenshots in this entry aren't very good, the HUD cluttering up screenshots, a lack of screenshots or poorly taken screenshots. Imma put in some new ones, let's just hope IMFDB doesn't crap it self when i do.--AnActualAK47 (talk) 15:16, 12 September 2015 (EDT)
L85A2 actually an A1?
So there was something i've noticed. The charging handle on the A2 has that little knob on it instead of... well whatever shape it is on the A2. Would that mean the L85 is actually an A1 not an A2? I've heard that there were a few L85A2 made with that knob shape, but only, well, a few.--AnActualAK47 (talk) 14:44, 25 October 2015 (EDT)
But it has the magazine-release fencing of the A2. Mr. Wolf (talk) 15:52, 26 November 2015 (EST)
Should i put them up on the page? I was thinking about doing it, but im not sure.
Also, that 1911 skin is damn ugly, hopefully someone will make a new less crap texture for it.--AnActualAK47 (talk) 15:51, 20 November 2015 (EST)
Oh Great, it's PAYDAY 2's Crimefest fireball all over again. I'm certain I can see how this goes down. The community threatens the dev and saying they're gonna leave, make a big hissyfit like a bunch of whiny babies and end up accomplishing nothing but make the Killing Floor subreddit look very pissy. --PaperCake 18:09, 23 November 2015 (EST)
There's a fairly big difference however, and that's the fact that these skins doesn't affect stats, unlike the skins in Payday 2. On top of that the skins aren't ugly as fuck (atleast some of them aren't) and the people who made the skins gets compensated for the work they've done (no word on how much however)
I'm probably gonna drop some cash on skins as the awful person i am.--AnActualAK47 (talk) 20:37, 23 November 2015 (EST)
Yep, they're adding the patriarch, I identified the minigun on his arm could be a GAU-19 from my best guess. Also, will be doing an edit soon on adding the STG-44's found on Hans Volter, once I get images up into place.
More guns is always fun! As for the boss, I always thought Killing Floor was fun up until the boss.--AnActualAK47 (talk) 11:42, 26 November 2015 (EST)
Be nice if they made a setting where you don't have to fight a boss. Mr. Wolf (talk) 15:09, 26 November 2015 (EST)
Yeah they mentioned adding a horde mode to KF2 where it's practically endless specimens. Thank god with bosses though in Killing Floor 2, we don't have to take on multiple bosses, Killing Floor 1's subway objective map made you fight two Patriarchs, it'd be bloody horrible though to face Hans and the Patriarch though. But I better stop talking before I give them ideas.
As for the Patriarch's wrist-gun, does anyone know if it'll fire rockets, I have a feeling tripwire probably gave him some new secret attack instead or just buffed the hell out of his GAU, either way, i'll be waiting and seeing.
--Lancer (talk) 16:43, 26 November 2015 (EST)
While this is just a theory, i think the minigun might (don't quote me on this) shoot bullets--AnActualAK47 (talk) 17:40, 26 November 2015 (EST)
No he means a rocket launcher along side his GAU-19. Mr. Wolf (talk) 19:40, 27 November 2015 (EST)