SWAT 3: Close Quarters BattleSWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesSWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle
S.W.A.T. 3: Close Quarters Battle is the third entry in the S.W.A.T series of spin-offs for the Police Quest Franchise, moving the series to a first person shooter genre. (After the first was an infamously strict FMV point and click that would game over you for skipping cutscenes as that was intrepreted as you trying to leave a mission briefing prematurely and the second was a basic RTS.)
Unless stated otherwise, a firearm is not available to the player in the original "5-Man Campaign" that the game shipped with, as that uses it's own special loadout menu with limited fitting weapons for your SWAT Team, patches would add a Multiplayer mode with a small amount of additional weapons and official mods by Sierra would add more weapons/make Suspect-only weapons available to the player, the later added "10-Man Campaign" uses the multiplayer interface for a series of missions set in patched-in maps, resulting in the player being able to use modded (By Sierra or unofficially) weapons in that campaign as well.
These "offically modded" weapons will be included as they came on-disc on later versions of SWAT 3 and also included on modern digital versions of the game, the player just needs to enable them via the mod manager included in the game.
By default, the player cannot see their weapon, similar to the older Rainbow Six titles but the "handsup" console command will allow a basic first person view, by making the player's third person model visible to them.
The Following weapons appear in the video game S.W.A.T. 3: Close Quarters Battle:
The only non-M1911 handgun available to SWAT officers in the unmodified game is the Heckler & Koch Mark 23 pistol, which is chambered in .45 ACP, equipped with a weapon light and a Knights Armament suppressor.
The Springfield Armoury M1911-A1 appears in the game as the "Springfield Armory 1911-A1," is chambered in .45 ACP, has a Surefire tactical light and is the standard-issue sidearm of the LAPD SWAT team members ingame.
In the original "5-Man" campaign mode, this is the only handgun available.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingSpringfield Armory M1911-A1 "Mil-Spec" Parkerized version with Springfield logo grips - .45 ACPError creating thumbnail: File missingA SWAT officer draws his M1911.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA Female SWAT officer (An official Sierra Mod, though the custom character models are not included by default in modern re-releases) holds her M1911 infront of a mirror with the "handsup" console command enabled to give a first person view.
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP5A2
The Heckler & Koch MP5A2 is the most common submachine gun seen in the hands of SWAT officers in the game. It is available with a Surefire 628 dedicated weaponlight and the option of an Aimpoint red dot scope.
In 5-man Campaign, only the version without an aimpoint is available.
The Heckler & Koch MP5A3 is another one of the three variants of MP5 guns featured in the game. As with the A2, it uses a Surefire dedicated weaponlight and can mount an Aimpoint scope.
Heckler & Koch MP5A3 - 9x19mm with Surefire 628 dedicated forend weaponlight and safe-semi-two round burst trigger group.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe basic model of the Heckler & Koch MP5A3 featured in the game with the Surefire 628 dedicated forend weaponlight.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA SWAT officer searches the hospital with the Heckler & Koch MP5A3, this time with an Aimpoint mounted on top.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOfficers armed with both MP5A3 variants in the game apprehend a hostage.
Heckler & Koch MP5SD2
The basic model of the Heckler & Koch MP5SD in the game features the A2 fixed stock and an integral suppressor. Available with your choice of Aimpoint sight or not.
In 5-man Campaign, only the version without an aimpoint is available.
Heckler & Koch MP5SD2 - 9x19mmError creating thumbnail: File missingAn officer prepares to make entry into a hostile area with the basic model of the MP5SD2.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA pair of officers prepare to make entry into the stormed Hospital with both variants of the MP5SD2, one with an Aimpoint scope.
Heckler & Koch MP5SD3
This suppressed version of the MP5 with a collapsible stock is offered both with and without an Aimpoint Red Dot Sight when choosing your weapons for the mission, it is not available in 5-Man Campaign.
The Heckler & Koch UMP45 is a second option to the MP5 in the game for SWAT officers. Like the MP5 variants it is available with and without the Aimpoint.
The Benelli M3 Super 90 is the sole shotgun in the game available in 5-Man campaign mode, misidentified as the earlier, semi-auto only Benelli M1. It is only capable of semi-automatic fire, and has a five round magazine capacity. It features a Surefire weaponlight, and can use 00 Buckshot or door breaching shells.
The standard-issue assault rifle used by SWAT officers ingame, the M4A1 is available in a variety of configurations. The basic model can fire Hollow-Point 5.56x45mm NATO rounds or Less Than Lethal rounds, while the other versions let you have your choice between JHP or FMJ bullets. Other versions of the M4 let you equip a Gemtech M4-96D suppressor and/or a Beta C-mag alongside a 4x Trijicon ACOG, Trijicon reflex sight, or an Aimpoint red dot scope.
Only the basic model is available in 5-Man campaign, while being locked to only Hollow-Point and Less Lethal Rounds may sound like an issue, in practice the Hollow-Point 5.56X45mm NATO rounds still take down armored Tangos quickly.
The Less Than Lethal Rounds are fictional "Atlantis Arms Punch" rounds, in-game this is explained as an "specially integrated secondary barrel" that is accessed via a switch on the left side of the M4A1's Handguard, this left-less-lethal barrel can be seen on the weapon's model but due to engine limitations, in-game this secondary barrel isn't used and when switching to the Less Lethal rounds, the player merely swaps magazines like with other firearms that have armor piercing rounds as their secondary ammo type, down to loading and dropping 30-round STANAG Magazines when reloading instead of the 5-round Less Lethal magazines, for the game's slightly futuristic setting (Developed in 1999 and set in 2005), this is the only "advanced" weapon that didn't exist at either the time of the game's creation or now. (Infact this futuristic setting is used to explain the game's HUD as being part of the Motorcycle-like Helmet that is present on all default SWAT models.)
Notably, unlike it's successor S.W.A.T. 4, aiming for the face (Though body shots will never kill or require an absurd amount of shots,) with Less than Lethal Ammo will be instantly lethal to the target, though this is less of an issue than it sounds as SWAT 3's campaign doesn't actually penalize unauthorized use of deadly force like 4 does as it only leads to a loss of the Leadership score instead of preventing access to the next mission. (Which effects how much AI SWAT trusts the player, most notably their tolerance for friendly fire.)
This semi-automatic .308 rifle based on the M14 rifle is the sole battle rifle available ingame. A variety of buttstocks are available, from unpainted walnut wood, synthetic, or forest camouflage. The rifle uses 20 round box magazines with the options of JHP or FMJ rounds.
This full-size version included in the multiplayer updates is mistakenly fully-auto like an M14 instead of semi-automatic, the later added M14/M1A Scout Rifles correct this.
This variety of grenade is used to disorient suspects before SWAT enters a room. Due to the blinding effect requiring line of sight, it is not as effective against suspects behind cover.
Note: Some of these weapons are added to the player's arsenal with the official "Commander" and "Tier One" add-ons, they aren't usable in the original campaign but in the new 10-man campaign and multiplayer.
CZ 75B
The 9mm chambered CZ 75B pistol is a fairly common handgun seen in the hands of suspects throughout many missions of the game. The "Tier One" addon allows the player to use this.
If your average pistol wielding suspect in a mission isn't carrying the CZ-75 he's probably carrying a 2nd-generation Glock 17 which he may be wearing on him in a hip, shoulder, or ankle holster. It is the most common pistol you will come across. The "Tier One" addon reuses the model for two separate weapons added to the player's arsenal, the slightly smaller Glock 19 and the .45 ACP Glock 21.
Seen frequently in suspect hands throughout the game; the 9x18mm chambered Makarov PM is cheap and small. It's usually in the hands of a primary suspect in hiding. The "Tier One" addon allows the player to use this as well.
The Sa vz. 61 Skorpion is a common machine pistol found within suspects' hands. The "Tier One" addon allows the player to use it, though it is misidentified as the later vz. 82 in 9x18mm Makarov.
A common submachine gun you will find in the hands of suspects and terrorists ingame is the IMI Mini Uzi. Both a standard and suppressed version are added to the player's arsenal with the "Commander" addon.
The 9mm submachine gun version of the Steyr AUG with a black stock can be seen in the hands of better-equipped suspects in the game, and will cut you down fast if you find yourself under fire from it.
Some Suspects will use the weapon one-handed despite it's large size and foregrip, sometimes from their left-hand.
This is the only official weapon not to have been made available to the player in official mods. (The only other semi-exception is the specific model of AR-15 used by the terrorists.)
The Remington Model 11-87 loaded with 00 buckshot is seen occasionally in the hands of suspects and will ruin your day fast if you bust into the wrong room too fast. A terrorist suspect in the Hostage Rescue, Import Store tends to be armed with one. The "Commander" addon allows the player to use this weapon.
Seen in the hands of various terrorists and other suspects the Norinco Type 56 assault rifle is usually equipped with a 30 round magazine. The "Commander" addon allows the player to use this weapon, misidentified as the original AK-47, with varying combinations of a Kobra red dot sight, suppressor, and RPK drum magazine; the model is also modified to add the AK-74 and AKS-74U to the player's arsenal.
One of the more common varieties of heavy firepower you'll find in the hands of well-equipped suspects and terrorists alike is a full size AR-15 variant that is capable of fully automatic fire, while the M4/some versions of the M16 are available to the player, this specific unmodified AR-15 isn't available to the player.
The Winchester Model 70 is predominantly seen in the Barricaded Suspect, East LA mission in which a suspect named Martin Brenner has been sniping motorists on the freeway near his home. The caliber is unknown, possibly .223, .308, or 30-06. Once the player and the rest of the SWAT team forcibly enter his house he generally won't hesitate to shoot at the SWAT team with it, though it can also be found left in the attic with him on another floor. Versions of the weapon with synthetic furniture (black or olive drab), identified as firing .308 Winchester, can be used by the player with the "Tier One" addon.
SWAT can encounter what seems to be an M136 AT4 mounted on a tripod in a couple missions, such as Hostage Siege, LAX Tower, where they must prevent the destruction of certain aircraft by disarming these missile launchers. The briefing for at least one mission misidentifies it as an FGM-148 Javelin.
The Colt 9mm Submachine Gun (R0991) appears as inaccurately as the "CAR15" chambered in 9mm, it and the M1A are added in the final "TD Weapon pack" official mod by Sierra, like the later released offical skins/maps, it's not included by default in digital versions due to them being based on the GOTY edition as it comes out the box. (Including the previously released weapon pack mods "Commander", "Tier 1" and the M79 mod.)
The M1A Scout civilian version of the M14 Rifle appears in the same weapon pack as the Colt 9MM Submachine gun as the "M1A Scout", also added is a "Scout" version of the M14, which is physically identical to the M1A (both in-game and in the gear selection men) just with fully automatic fire instead of single shot only.
The EXP-1 prototype variant of the Ares Shrike appears as one of the official mod weapons, under the somewhat generic name "M-16 Belt-Fed LMG"; options include an ACOG, a reflex sight, or an RDS.
The M79 grenade launcher was added in the Game of the Year edition of the game in it's own seperate mod, like the ARWEN 37, it fires either Tear Gas or Flashbang Grenades, it is only available with a Jungle Camo.