Post Scriptum
Release Date:
August 9, 2018
Periscope Games
Offworld Industries
First-Person Shooter
Post Scriptum is a large scale, WWII-set first person tactical shooter developed by UK-based Periscope Games as an offshoot of Squad and is published by Squad' s developer, Offworld Industries. The project began in March 2016 and officially released on Steam Early Access on August 9th, 2018. It initially released as Post Scriptum: The Bloody Seventh as first released chapter of the game focused on the engagement of the British 1st Airborne Division against German Wehrmacht and SS units during Operation Market Garden in 1944. It was further expanded to include engagements that involved American airborne units. The second chapter, Plan Juane , was released on January 9th, 2020, which depicts the Manstein Plan (Fall Gelb) battle between the French Army and Wehrmacht in 1940. The the third chapter is Day of Days , which portrays the landings of Allied forces in Normandy during Operation Overlord. It released on April 23, 2020.
As with its parent game, Post Scriptum is a multiplayer-only game focused on teamwork and cooperation, featuring combined arms gameplay and highly realistic, detailed weaponry. It has numerous factions depending on the setting of a match, and asymmetrical gameplay and classes between the Allied units and Axis forces.
The following weapons appear in the video game Squad 44 :
Post Scriptum portrays historical engagements of Allies and German forces across mainland Europe in both 1940 and 1944. The early era of the game's second chapter depicts the French Army's 21 Regiment d'Infanterie engagement of the Wehrmacht during the Fall Gelb operation. The later '44-set levels are from the first and third chapters and portray the Allied Operations of Market Garden and Overlord, respectively. Operation Market Garden features the British 1st Airborne Division, the Polish Brigade, and the American 82nd Airborne infantry forces supported by Britain's XXX Corps armor against a more developed Wehrmacht and 9.SS-Panzer Division. The Normandy battles of Operation Overlord include American 4th Infantry Division, the 101st Airborne, and the 70th Tank Battalion versus the Wehrmacht's 91st Infantry Division and the 6 Fallschirmjägerregiment.
The Squad system from the parent game has been developed for a faction to have three separate sections for its units - the Infantry Section encompasses most of the regular classes. The Logistics Section takes over the FOB/Construction roles from Squad and has regular riflemen, an NCO, medic, and Combat Engineers. The last section is the Armored Section and incorporates tank commanders and tankers into their various fighting vehicles.
The general classes of Post Scriptum are:
Officer - technically its own "Platoon Commander" section, the Officer role assumes the top of the team's chain of command. The class is meant to be paired with the Infantry Section's Radioman to call in air and artillery support. Officers can opt for a standard rifle or SMG; the latter is the sole option for the Germans.
NCO - The head class of each Infantry and Logistic squad, and the intermediary between them and the Platoon Commander. NCOs have either the standard rifle or SMG for their faction, and in the case of the 1944 Germans, the Gruppenführer has exclusive use of the StG 44.
Radioman - An Infantry class meant to directly follow the Officer and allow the use of indirect fire support. The latewar kits have the Gewehr 41 for the Funker , and the M1/M1A1 Carbine for Allied units. The early war variants use standard Kar98ks and MAS-36s.
Rifleman - Bog-standard Infantry and Logistics personnel that use each faction's standard service rifle, in addition to frag and smoke grenades. Latewar Allied units have sidearms and the French Fusiliers and Recrues only use their older WWI-era rifles. Infantry also bear sandbags, while the Logistics have repair tools.
Machine Gunner - the specialized automatic rifleman Infantry kit. Depending on the faction and era, some have Light Machine Guns that offer more mobility and unsupported aiming, while the Medium Machine Guns have to be deployed on bipods to be aimed effectively but have increased ammunition counts. Sidearms, frag, and smoke grenades are included.
Marksman - Low-count Infantry kit that is issued a scoped bolt-action rifle, a pistol, grenades, and binoculars.
Medic - Generally given a standard rifle, sidearm, grenades, and a Morphine injector as its main tool to resuscitate fallen allies. Available to both Infantry and Logistics, the latter has the repair tool.
Grenadier - Infantry-exclusive kit equipped with Rifle Grenade Launchers and regular hand grenades. Available to all factions except the French; the German Schiessbecher is not available in that era as a balance measure.
Sapper - Infantry class given SMGs and pistols, and explosives for dealing with enemy vehicles and emplacements.
Anti-Tank - Generally dived into Light (LAT) and Heavy (HAT) variations. All bear rifles; the Germans use the Panzerfaust and the Panzerschreck respectively. The British only have a LAT role equipped with the PIAT; the Americans' Bazooka role is a HAT. The latewar Allies have pistol sidearms. A subvariation is also present in the early 1940 era with Fusilier antichar and Panzerabwehrschütze AT Rifle kits, as these battles predate the widespread use of handheld rocket launchers
Light Mortar - Equipped with a regular rifle, pistol, and a Light Mortar that can be used in the prone position. The class is in all Infantry Sections except the US Forces.
Combat Engineer - The principal kit of Logistics Sections for constructing emplacements. Generally has three variations - HE that uses an explosive similar to Sappers, AT carries antivehicle mines, and AP has antipersonnel mines. Issued with regular rifles, pistols, grenades, sandbags, E-tools, and repair wrenches.
Tank Commander - Head kit of Armored Sections, equipped with both a SMG and sidearm. Both this and its subordinate kit have repair tools.
Tank Crew - Armored vehicle operator, only given a sidearm and grenades, and also has the building tool.
The high degree of weapon functionality is shared from Squad . The game tracks reserve ammunition by individual magazines, fire selectors have an animation where applicable, and many long arms have sights that can be zeroed or dialed in with correspondingly accurate adjustments made to the actual rear sights. For the sake of simplicity and consistency, all weapons zero by meters (British and American systems typically used imperial yards in reality during WWII).
Chamelot-Delvigne Model 1873
Most classes for the French 21 Regiment d'Infanterie have the archaic Chamelot-Delvigne Model 1873 revolver as an issued sidearm. It is referred to as the MAS Mle. 1873 in game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Chamelot-Delvigne Mle. 1873 - 11x17.8mmR
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A French NCO with the Mle. 1873 in the Belgian city of Dinant.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming the revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading round by round.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Closing the cylinder latch.
Enfield No. 2
The Enfield No. 2 revolver is the principal sidearm of the British units in Post Scriptum , named Enfield No. 2 Mk. 1 . All kits of the faction as well as their tankers get the No. 2 revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Enfield No. 2 Mk. I - .38 S&W
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Enfield No. 2 in-game, in Holland.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Looking through the sights.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The start of a reload with the Enfield revolver - the rounds come out, but the ejector doesn't move.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Unfortunately, each .38 S&W has to be loaded by hand without the help of any speedloaders.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Closing up the No. 2.
The American forces have M1911A1 pistols issued to all classes.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt M1911A1 - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A US GI draws and chambers his .45 sidearm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M1911 pistol in idle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ADS of the M1911A1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Letting out a spent magazine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sliding in a new one.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Thumbing the slide release.
Mauser C96
The Mauser C96 is issued in place of the Walther P38 for Wehrmacht kits (except for the Sanitäter ) in the 1940 levels.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mauser C96 "Pre-War Commercial" - 7.63x25mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Mauser C96 on the Stonne level. It doesn't have its holster-stock attached, but is held in carbine fashion anyway.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Using the C96's sights - they cannot actually be adjusted in-game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing As with other games, the Mauser pistol is incorrectly shown as having a non-empty bolt hold open feature - the user would have to manually hold it open with one of his hands.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Withdrawing a partially-used stripper clip results in the bolt correctly going into battery.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Empty-reloading the C96.
Luger P.08
Simply indexed as Luger in-game, the Luger P08 is issued to the officer/NCO ranked classes for all German units.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Luger P.08 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Luger P.08 in the hands of a Fallschirmjaeger.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ADS of the P.08.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Luger toggle action cycling, with a spent round flying out.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the pistol from empty.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Palming the toggle into battery.
SACM M1935A pistols are exclusively available to the Fusilier antichar and Chief ingenieur kits for the 1940 era French Army. It is named PA 1935A in-game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing French SACM M1935A Pistol - 7.65 MAS/7.65 x 22mm Long
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The SACM M1935A in-game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming the handgun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the M1935A.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Releasing the slide.
Walther P38
Most of the specialized German kits have the standard Walther P38 pistol as their sidearm in the 1944-set levels. It is only available to the Sanitäter in the earlywar 1940 era levels.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther P38 pistol - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Drawing the Walther - the user cocks the hammer.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A SS soldier with the P38 in Arnhem.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming at the stacked crate.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pulling out an empty magazine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sliding in a new one with the palm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Walter is rechambered by having its slide powerstroked.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Holstering the P38 - the user reengages the safety and decocks the pistol.
Submachine Guns
M1A1 Thompson
American Officers and NCOs are equipped with the M1A1 Thompson submachinegun, with the exception of logistics NCOs, who use the Grease Gun listed below.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1A1 Thompson with 30-round magazine - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A US Infantry Officer holds his Thompson in the high ready position while riding into Utah Beach.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Posting up behind a derelict Higgins boat with the M1A1 Thompson.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The iron sights - only the rear peep is usable.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Thumbing the firemode selector.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the Thompson. On empty, the character smacks a new magazine along the side of the receiver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Inserting it.
M3 Grease Gun
The M3 Grease Gun is used by US Sappers, logistics NCOs and by tank commanders of the 70th Tank Battalion.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M3 "Grease Gun" - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M3 Grease Gun out on the test range.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming with the peep sight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the M3.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pulling back the crank style charging handle.
MAS-38 SMGs are available to French Officers and NCOs, and are also used by the combat engineers and by Chef de char tank commanders.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MAS-38 - 7.65x20mm Longue
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The MAS-38 in the hands of a French soldier outside of Dinant.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming the MAS-38. This is the 100m rear aperture, the 200m can also be used.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading with a new 7.65mm magazine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cycling the bolt back.
MP 40
The MP 40 is the standard submachinegun used by various classes across the German forces.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MP 40 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Panzer commander armed with the MP 40.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming down the sights.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing After running dry, the character quickly tosses out the magazine...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...locks the bolt back into its safety notch...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...slides in a new mag...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...and smacks the bolt back into place.
Sten Mk V
British Airborne Officers and NCOs, Sappers, and Tank Commanders have the Sten Mk V as a primary weapon. It is the only SMG that can be equipped with a bayonet.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sten Mk V - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A British Para patrols behind the Arnhem cathedral with his Sten Mk V.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Using the Mk V's sights.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Removing a spent magazine from the Sten.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading with a new mag.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Working the bolt back - the ejection port always shows it forward, though.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Affixing the Lee-Enfield No.4 bayonet to the Mk V. Here the vertical grip can be easily seen.
Steyr MP34
Steyr MP34s are issued instead of MP40s for 1940 Wehrmacht classes on the Dinant and Stonne levels. It is indexed as the MP34(ö) ; the abbreviation refers to Österreich (Austria's name in German). Despite having a bayonet lug, the functionality is not used in-game, unlike the Sten Mk V above.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Steyr-Solothurn S1-100/MP34 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The MP34 in-game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Using the Steyr's sights.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Actuating the fire selector - it has an animation, but doesn't actually move.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the MP34.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pulling the bolt back.
Berthier Mle. 1892 M16
Berthier Mle 1916 rifles are used by the French 21 Regiment d'Infanterie Commandant, Combat Engineer, Rifleman, and Sapper kits.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Berthier Model 1916 Carabine - 8x50mmR Lebel
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A French Sappeur armed with the Berthier carbine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming reveals a shallow rear notch and ultra-thin front post.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cycling the Berthier's action.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading with a new Mannlicher style clip.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M1916 can be topped off with loose rounds - three are always shown loaded, regardless of how many have been ejected.
Boys Anti-Tank Rifle
The Boys Antitank Rifle is used by the French Antitank riflemen kits.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Boys MkI Anti-Tank Rifle - .55 Boys
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Boys MkI near the vehicle area on the test range.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Boys deployed on the short cobblestone wall.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming down the small but open sights.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Slowly working the Boys' gargantuan bolt action.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pulling out the magazine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Getting a good view of the .55 cartridge before loading in the new one.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Boys is always rechambered at the end of its reload.
Gewehr 41(W)
Wehrmacht Funker radiomen are equipped with the rare Walther model of the Gewehr 41 , the immediate predecessor of the Gewehr 43 . As its magazine is fixed, it only loads from clips, but it does have the ability to mount a bayonet.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther Gewehr 41 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Polish Paratrooper with the Walther G41 on the rifle range.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ADS view.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the Gewehr 41 from empty - the soldier holds the second clip in his palm while loading the first.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Setting in the second clip after loading and thumbing out the first. Offsetting the bottom three rounds to the left is a very accurate detail to how cartridges tend to feed off clips and into the internal magazine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing About to rechamber the G41...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...which sends the second clip flying out. The none-empty reload animation is performed by locking the bolt back and ejecting a round, and then loading in one five-shot clip regardless of how many rounds are in the magazine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Affixing the G41's bayonet.
Gewehr 43
In turn, the 9.SS-Panzer radioman class uses the Gewehr 43 rifle, with eight magazines rather than clips for reloads.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gewehr 43 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Gewehr 43, out on a Dutch farm in the rain.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming the G43.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rocking in a new magazine during the reload.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Chambering the Gewehr.
Karabiner 98k
The Karabiner 98k is the standard issue service rifle for the German military in Post Scriptum . The Scharfschütze kits use a Zeiss ZF39 equipped Kar98k as their sniper rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Karabiner 98k - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Karabiner 98k, in a square of Carentan.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sighting in the rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Working the bolt-action after firing a shot.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the Kar 98k with a stripper clip.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kicking out the empty clip by driving the bolt home.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing As with some other weapons in the game, the K98k is also topped off from full stripper clips. The character withdraws and saves the extra rounds.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Affixing the Karabiner's bayonet.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Karabiner 98k sniper rifle with Zeiss ZF39 scope - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A German sniper equipped with the Kar98k + ZF39 in the early days of the war.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The game darkens out the peripheral vision when looking through sniper scopes.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Opening the action up on a reload.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading with individual rounds.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The user turns the rifle over to inspect the chamber...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ....and mashes the bolt home.
Lebel Mle. 1886 M93
French Fusilier and Recrue infantry are issued with old Lebel Mle 1886 rifles. The Tireur d'elite sharpshooter uses the Lebel with the APX 1917 scope as the French never issued MAS-36 with scopes in WWII.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lebel Model 1886 - 8x50mmR Lebel
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A French Infantrymen of the 21 Regiment, armed with a Lebel rifle in Foqueux.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bringing up the Mle. 1886 to sight in the rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Opening the Lebel's action after firing the last shot.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Depressing the cartridge elevator...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...and filling it up with 8mm rounds.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Equipping the Lebel's bayonet.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lebel Model 1886 Rifle fitted with APX Mle 1917 sniper scope
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Lebel sniper variant ingame.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming with the APX 1917 scope.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rechambering the Lebel sniper.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the rifle.
Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk 1
The Lee-Enfield No. 4 rifle is the standard battle rifle of the UK Armed Forces in Post Scriptum.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk I - .303 British
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk 1 in the hands of a British Para standing next to a Universal Carrier - note the "mad-minute" posture.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Looking through the 100m battle sights.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The flip aperture set at the next increment of 200m. It goes up to 1000m.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cycling the Enfield's distinctive "clickity-clack" fast action.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading a five shot charger clip - the partial reload always shows one full one loaded, regardless.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Both clips are thumbed out, and the bolt is driven home.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Affixing the No.4's spike bayonet.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing In idle, the Para grips the rifle by its stock.
Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk 1 (T)
British and Polish Airborne snipers use the Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk 1 (T) sniper rifle. Unlike the other scoped rifles in-game, the Lee-Enfield sniper can rechamber while maintain ADS through the scope.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk 1 (T) - .303 British
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Lee-Enfield sniper rifle out on the practice range - it is held normally, rather than the mad-minute posture of the infantry pattern.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The view through the No. 32 Telescopic sight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the Enfield sniper - the fired round is ejected.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading with individual rounds.
M1 Garand
The M1 Garand rifle is the standard service rifle for American forces.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1 Garand - .30-06
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Posting up just outside of Carentan, with the M1 rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Post Scriptum portrays the Garand's sights very realistically, most games usually give the M1 a psuedo ghost ring for a rear sight. This is likely to balance it out as the Germans have less issued self loading rifles in turn. The sights also dial from 100 - 600m.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pinging out an empty clip, the M1 Garand's signature feature.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Carefully dropping in a new clip.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Though, as with a lot of other more modern depictions of the Garand, the en-bloc can be withdrawn for tactical reloads.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Attaching the bayonet.
M1 Carbine
M1 Carbines are available to the US 4th Infantry forces introduced in the "Day of Days" chapter.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1 Carbine - .30 Carbine
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M1 Carbine out on the Normandy beaches.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ADS with the rear sight set to the 300m setting.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the carbine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing About to rechamber.
M1A1 Carbine
The M1A1 Carbine is issued to the US Airborne Radioman, Medic, and Combat Engineer classes. British Airborne radiomen kits also have access to the M1A1 Paratrooper carbine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1A1 Carbine - .30 Carbine
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A member of the 101st Airborne cautiously approaches Cafe de Normandie with the M1A1 Paratrooper Carbine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming at the chimney - the early style rear sight is adjustable.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the fifteen-shot magazine with the left hand.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Chambering the M1A1 with the right.
M1903A3 Springfield
The M1903A3 Springfield is available to US Army infantry and logistics riflemen as an alternative to the M1 rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington Arms M1903A3 Rifle - .30-06
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An 82nd Airborne rifleman with his Springfield after dropping into the Netherlands.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming with the M1903A3's distinct aperture sights.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ejecting a spent .30-06 round out of the rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M1903A3 also tops off with loose rounds.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The empty reload starts with grabbing the clip of .30-06 first, and then opening up the action.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Feeding the cartridges into the magazine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Flicking out the empty clip before driving the bolt home.
M1903A4 Springfield
American marksmen use the M1903A4 Springfield sniper rifle, the signature sniper rifle of the US Army in the European theater.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1903A4 Springfield with Model 330 Weaver scope - .30-06
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M1903A4 out in the fields of Normandy.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The view down the Weaver scope.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Operating the bolt.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the M1903A4.
The MAS-36 is the standard battle rifle for the French Army, though it is issued to specialized kits - NCOs, Radio Operators, Medics, AT and Chief Engineers, and Light Mortarmen. The general riflemen roles are supplemented with its older WWI predecessors.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MAS-36 - 7.5x54mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Observing a creek with the MAS-36.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The MAS-36 features a good set of open battle sights.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Operating the bolt.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the rifle with more 7.5mm French cartridges.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Chambering the MAS-36.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The non-empty reload has four shots loaded, and the last one removed with the clip.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Unstowing the MAS's signature French style spike bayonet.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Screwing it into place.
Panzerbüchse 39
German Panzerbüchse kits use the Panzerbüchse 39 , exclusively in the 1940 era. For the later set maps, German forces instead have the more effective man portable rocket launchers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing PzB 39 Anti-tank rifle with spare ammunition box - 7.92x94 mm (Patrone 318)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Deploying the PzB 39 on a chicken coop - the user opens up the right cartridge hopper.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming the Panzerbüchse.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Opening the action up after firing a shot.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Loading in a new Patrone 318.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Chambering the PzB.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The hopper can be manually reloaded with another.
StG 44
The Sturmgewehr 44 is included and only available in one of the Gruppenführer loadouts for the latewar German forces.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sturmgewehr 44 - 7.92x33mm Kurz
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The StG 44 in the hands of a SS soldier.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming the assault rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Removing a magazine on the reload.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing As with the Thompson, the empty reload has the user smack the fresh magazine along the side of the StG.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rocking in the 7.92mm Kurz magazine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Charging the StG 44.
Machine Guns
Bren Mk III
The Mk III variant of the Bren machine gun is the machine gun available for British Airborne, XXX Corps soldiers, and the Polish Brigade. It is a lightened development of the Mk II that was issued in July 1944.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bren Mk2 - .303 British
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Bren Mk III out in the rain.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming - the sights can be adjusted out to 600m.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pulling out a dry .303 magazine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing About to put in a new one, and then lock the action back.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Deploying the Bren on a post.
Chauchat Mle. 1915
The Chauchat machine gun is one of the two options for French machine gunners.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Chauchat Mle 1915 - 8x50mmR Lebel
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Chauchat Mle. 1915 on the Stonne map.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming down the sights.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Unloading an empty magazine out of the Mle. 1915.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rocking in a new one.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pulling the bolt back from empty.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Examing the Chauchat with the bolt locked back.
Chatellerault FM24/29
Chatellerault M1924/29 machine guns are the second option available to French gunners.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FM 24/29 - 7.5x54mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Standing alongside the Meuse River with the Chatellerault machine gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Using the FM 24/29's distinct sights.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Empty reloads start with the bolt being pulled back first.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Swapping out the magazine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Deploying the Chatellerault on the improvised bridge.
FG 42
The German Fallschirmjaeger has a distinct "FG-42 Schütze" class equipped with the second pattern FG 42 . The combination of the muzzle break and buffered stock results in surprisingly good recoil control even when shooting offhand.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FG 42 second model - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The FG 42 in Carentan.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming; the drum rear sight can adjust up to 1000m.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Working the fire selector - the game does not portray the complex automatic-open bolt/semiauto-closed bolt procedure.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the FG 42.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rocking in a new mag.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rechambering the automatic rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Handling the FG 42's bipod. The bayonet is unusable, in favor of the more practical bipod.
M1918A2 BAR
The M1918A2 BAR is one of the two machine guns used by the American forces, offering better mobility and the ability to be aimed offhand compared to its belt-fed brother below.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle - .30-06
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Advancing on the German defenses on Utah Beach with the M1918A2 BAR.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The BAR's default 100m rear sight...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...and its aperture, used from 200m here to 1000m.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Deploying the Browning on sandbags.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Removing a used magazine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Inspecting a new one before loading it in. The hand positions are a bit out of whack here due the bipod-deployed state.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Charging the BAR.
M1919A6 Browning
American forces also have a machine gunner class equipped with the Browning M1919A6 machine gun, offering a more volume-of-fire oriented choice compared to the maneuverable BAR.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M1919A6 - .30-06 Springfield
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Holding the Browning M1919A6 from the hip, with the carry handle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Browning set up on the sandbags.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming the M1919A6 with the standard 100m notch.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The adjustable 200 - 1000m leaf aperture, same as the BAR.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Handling the top cover on a reload.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Placing in a new .30-06 belt.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing On empty, the gunner charges the M1919A6.
MG 34
German machine gunners are primarily issued with MG 34 machine guns, feeding from 75-round Gurtrommel 34 drums. As a medium machine gun, it is only usable in hipfire until deployed on cover or in prone. The fire-selector functionality allows for the single shot trigger to be used. The MG 34 is used in a stationary emplacement on the Lafette tripod, and is mounted in a few vehicles such as the BMW R75 sidecar and one variant of the Sd.Kfz.251.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MG 34 with Gurtrommel 34 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Examining the MG 34 as seen from the hip.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming the MG after deploying it on the rock.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Empty reloads have the bolt locked back first.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the belt drum.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pulling out the 7.92mm belt.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Closing the top cover.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MG34 on Lafette tripod - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A prebuilt example of the MG 34 Lafette on the training range.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Looking at the R75 sidecar equipped MG 34.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing As seen from riding in the sidecar.
MG 42
The MG 42 is available to German units in the 1944 levels, both as a man-portable MMG feeding from the assault drums, or as a FOB emplacement. It is also mounted in one variation of the Sd.Kfz. 251 halftrack.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MG42 with Gurtrommel 34 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A MG 42 posted up on the Wehrmacht's defenses on Utah Beach.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Looking through the MG 42's sights.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Locking the bolt back at the start of an empty reload.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Removing an empty assault drum.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Feeding in the belt from a new one.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Palming down the top cover.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The MG 42 Lafette tripod configuration.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The MG 42 atop a Hanomag .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Manning the armored MG.
ZB-26 machine guns are issued in place of the then non-existent MG 42 for the Wehrmacht in the 1940 maps. It is indexed under its Wehrmacht designation, MG-26(t) , in-game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ZB-26 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The ZB-26 in the German deployment zone at Stonne.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming the ZB.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Toggling the fire selector.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Unloading a spent magazine from the ZB-26.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Setting in a new one.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Charging the machine gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The ZB-26 deployed on the sandbags.
Enfield Cup Grenade Launcher
The Enfield Cup Grenade Launcher , affixed to the Lee-Enfield No. 4 is issued to the British Forces' Grenadiers, with 4 Mills Bomb projectiles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lee-Enfield No. 1 Mk III* with grenade launcher
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Grenadier Enfield out in the Osterbeek countryside.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing It can be dialed in from 25m to 25m - the Mills grenades are heavy projectiles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pulling the pin off a Mills at the start of a reload.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Setting the projectile in the cup.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Loading in a "blank" cartridge.
German Schiessbecher grenadiers use the K98k equipped with the Gewehrgranatengerät device. It only has the Gewehr-Sprenggranate as the available projectile.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gewehrgranatengerät (a.k.a. Schiessbecher ) - 30x250 mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gewehrgranatengerät mounted on Kar98k rifle
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Gewehrgranatengerät in-game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming at 100m - it zeroes from 25m to 200m.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Loading in the projectile.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing And reloading the launching cartridge.
M7 Rifle Grenade Launcher
The M7 Rifle Grenade Launcher in conjunction with the M1 Garand is issued to American Grenadier kits. It has the most options for projectiles, included Mk. 2 fragmentation warheads for infantry, M9A1 Rifle Grenades for anti-armor/vehicle use, and M16 Smoke Grenades for concealment.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M7 Rifle Grenade Launcher - 22mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M1/M7 combo with the Mk 2 fragmentation round loaded.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming - all rounds zero from 50m to 200m.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Latching in another frag round.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pulling the pin out.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Loading in a blank cartridge.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M9A1 22mm Rifle Grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M9A1 AT grenade in-game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M9A1 aimed at 100m.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the AT grenade.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Idling with the smoke round configuration.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming at 200m.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Loading up another smoke grenade.
M1A1 Bazooka
US 4th Infantry Division Bazooka troops use the M1A1 "Bazooka" rocket launcher.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1A1 Bazooka - 2.36 inch
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M1A1 Bazooka on the practice range.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming the M1A1; the sights adjust from 100 to 200 to 300 meters.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading a HEAT warhead. Unfortunately, the necessary step of connecting the rocket to the battery is skipped.
M9A1 Bazooka
The M9A1 "Bazooka" variant is used by the 82nd and 101st Airborne Bazooka kits.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M9A1 "Bazooka" - 2.36 inch
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Viewing the M9A1 Bazooka tube.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming through the rudimentary optical sight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the rocket warhead.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Setting it in fully.
Panzerfaust 60
The German Forces 1944-era Leichte Panzerabwehr kit has the Panzerfaust 60 disposable launcher.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Panzerfaust 60 - 44mm with 149mm warhead
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Viewing the Panzerfaust 60 launcher.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Using the sights - it can be zeroed at each notch.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pulling the safety pin out of another Panzerfaust.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Flicking up the leaf sight.
The Panzerschreck launcher is used by the German Schwere Panzerabwehr class in the 1944 era levels, and has two rockets. It goes by its full German moniker of Raketenpanzerbüchse 54 in-game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing RPzB 54 "Panzerschreck" rocket launcher - 88mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Panzerschreck in the hands of a SS Panzergrenadier.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Using the RPzB's non-adjustable sights.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing As with many WWII games, it reloads similar to the Bazooka variants despite being a much longer tube.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Post Scriptum also unfortunately emits the necessary step of connecting the rocket to the launching battery.
British and Polish Light AT units utilize the PIAT launcher as their anti-vehicle launcher.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Projector, Infantry, Anti Tank (PIAT) - 3.25 in
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The PIAT out next to the Arnhem Bridge.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming - each of the sights can be used for ranging.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the 3.25 in warhead after blasting the bunkerhouse.
Grenades and Explosives
F1 Grenade
French 21 Regiment forces have the F1 hand grenade as their standard fragmentation grenade.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing F1 hand grenade with Mle1935 fuse
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The F1 Grenade along the Meuse River.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pulling the pin.
Hafthohlladung Anti Tank Mine
The magnetic Hafthohlladung Anti Tank Mine is issued to German Heavy and Light Antitank, and Sapper kits. It has to be manually placed and functions on a timed fuse.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hafthohlladung H3.5
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A German LAT with the HHL mine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The HHL placed on an hapless Dutch phone booth.
Hawkins Grenade/Mine
American and British forces have the Mk-II No. 75 Hawkins Grenade/Mine as an explosive used by their Sapper and Bazooka/PIAT classes. It functions identical to the HHL mine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mk-II No. 75 Hawkins Grenade/Mine
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Hawkins Mine in-game.
M1A1 Mine
M1A1 Mines are used by American Combat Engineers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1 and M1A1 anti-tank mines
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M1A1 Mine in first person.
M2A1 Mine
The M2 Mine is used as the antipersonnel mine for US engineers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M2A3 Anti-personel mine
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Holding the M2A1 AP mine.
M8 Smoke Grenade
The AN/M8 HC smoke grenade is used by American forces, with both white and red versions.
AN/M8 HC smoke grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A US Soldier with the M8 Smoke grenade.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing About to toss a M8 while watching another one release its cloud.
Mills Bomb
Mills Bombs are the offensive grenade of choice for the British units.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing No. 36M Mk. I Mills Bomb
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Mills Bomb in a British encampment.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pulling the pin.
Mle 1935 Mine
The Mle 1935 Mine is a heavy antitank mine used by the French HAT Ingénieur de combat .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Mle 1935 HAT mine, which features a camouflage finish.
Mle 1936 Mine
The Mle 1936 is given to the French LAT Engineer, as a smaller yield antivehicle mine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Holding the Mle 1936 mine.
Mle 1939 AP Mine
Mle 1939 Mine s are the last French mine type, used by engineers for antipersonnel use.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Mle 1939 AP mine.
Mk. 2 Hand Grenade
The Mk 2 Hand Grenade is the standard fragmentation grenade for US forces, appearing as the Mk.II Frag in-game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mk 2 "Pineapple"High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Mk 2 Grenade along a street in Graves.
Mk. 2 AP Mine
Mk. II AP Mines are issued to British Combat Engineers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mark II AP Mine
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Holding the Mk. II mine.
Model 24 Stielhandgranate
The German units are equipped with the iconic Model 24 Stielhandgranate for their explosive hand grenade. The Geballte Ladung bundled charge serves as an AT grenade, used by both of the Antitank kits - the Light only gets one bundle, while the Heavy gets two.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Model 24 Stielhandgranate high-explosive fragmentation hand grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M24 Stielhandgranate in the hands of a German paratrooper.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pulling the fuse before tossing the stick grenade.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Model 24 "Geballte Ladung" ("Bundled Charge")
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Wehrmacht Light AT holding the Geballte Ladung .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing About to pull the fuse.
Model 39 Eihandgranate
The 1940-era Wehrmacht uses the Model 39 Eihandgranate instead of stick grenades on the Dinant and Stonne levels.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Model 39 Eihandgranate hand grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A German NCO with the Eihandgranate on top of the Dinant Citadelle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Unscrewing the fuse cap.
Nebelhandgranate 39
Nebelhandgranate 39s are the smoke grenades used by the German forces.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Nebelhandgranate 39
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Nebelhandgranate 39 in the hands of a SS trooper.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Unscrewing the cap before pulling the pin and throwing, just like the Stielhandgranate.
No. 77 WP
British units use the No. 77 Smoke Grenade . Unlike the other harmless smoke grenades, the No. 77 has a lethal detonation of White Phosphorous smoke, although the smoke cloud lingers for a shorter duration than other factions' equivalents.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing No. 77, W.P. MK. 1 Incendiary Smoke hand grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The No. 77 WP grenade in the hands of a Para.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Thumbing off the fuse head before throwing the device.
No. 82 Gammon Grenade
The Gammon Grenade is available to the British LAT, Grenadier, and Sapper classes as an AT grenade. It appears as the Gammon Bomb .
Gammon Grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The No. 82 in-game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Preparing to toss it, similar to the No. 77.
German Kampfingenieurs are equipped with the S-Mine for antipersonnel use.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing S-Mine 35
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Holding a Schrapnellmine .
Tellermine 35
The Tellermine 35 is the standard AT mine for German combat engineers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Tellermine 35 Anti-tank mine
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Looking down on the Tellermine 35, which shows that it is the original version with the brown top.
Brandt Mle 1937
The French Mortier legier is equipped with a Brandt Mle 1937 small mortar.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A French mortarman with the Mle 1937 undeployed.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The mortar set up in Foqueax. It zeroes from an alarmingly close 20m to 420m.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dropping in a round; the tube is set to 250m here.
Granatwerfer 34
The Granatwerfer 34 Mortar is the emplaced medium mortar for the German forces.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing 8-cm Granatwerfer 34 (GrW 34)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The GrW 34 on the Arnhem training range.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Using the mortar.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing As with Squad , a ranging table is provided when aiming through the scope.
Granatwerfer 36
German Leichter Mörser troops use the Granatwerfer 36 Mortar .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing 5-cm leichter Granatwerfer 36 Mortar
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The GrW 36 in hand.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing About to fire a round - the mortar dials in from 65m to 240m.
M2 Mortar
American units have the M2 Mortar as their constructible mortar emplacement.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M2 Mortar - 60mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The unbuilt M2 Mortar set...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...and after construction.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Using the M2.
Ordnance ML 3 inch
The Ordnance ML 3 inch Mortar serves as the emplaced medium mortar for British and French forces.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ordnance ML 3 inch Mortar Mk II - 3.20 in
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An unconstructed ML 3in tube.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The ML built up.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Manning the mortar.
Ordnance ML 4.2 inch
The Ordnance ML 4.2inch is the heavy mortar emplacement for the British and French factions.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The ML 4.2in emplacement.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Manning the ML Mortar.
Ordnance SBML 2 inch
The 1st Airborne Division's Light Mortar class has the Ordnance SBML 2 inch Mortar , with both HE and smoke rounds.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ordnance SBML 2 inch Mortar
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Holding the SBML on the training range.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The tube deployed in the prone position.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Using the left hand to fire the SBML.
Mounted Weapons
APX 47mm
The French Army uses the APX 47mm antitank gun on the Dinant and Stonne levels. It appears as a towable emplacement and also on the Laffly W15TCC truck, in a rear-facing bed mount.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A spawned-in 47mm APX gun, in its original light blue-grey.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing View through the APX's gunsight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The W15TCC-mouned 47mm cannon with a camouflage finish.
FlaK 38
The 2cm FlaK 38 antiaircraft cannon is a constructible German FOB emplacement. Sd.KFz.8 trucks also have a single FlaK 38 emplaced on their rear beds.
2 cm FlaK 38 in single mounting - 20x138mm B
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The FlaK 38 in its truck emplacement.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Using the default scope.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The alternate pendulum sight view can be used, but it is static and only really works with horizontal tracking and the default vertical point of aim.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The standalone FlaK 38. A FlaK 36 is visible behind it.
Hotchkiss Mle 1914
Hotchkiss M1914 machine guns are buildable MG emplacements for the 1940 French forces.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hotchkiss M1914 with tripod - 8x50mmR Lebel
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Hotchkiss Mle 1914 built out on Stonne.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Using the Mle 1914.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming the machine gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The feed strip correctly feeds through the Hotchkiss as it fires. It can be reloaded from non-empty states, but the partial strip simply vanishes.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading another strip - the charging handle is never used.
KwK 30
Several German armored vehicles have 2 cm KwK 30 L/55 autocannons, such as the 1940-era Panzer II and the 1944s Sd.Kfz.222
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The KwK 30 in the PzKpfw II turret, alongside a co-axial MG 34.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing And as seen on the Sd.Kfz.222. The 1940 era German vehicles come in the default Dunkelgrau gray scheme, while the 1944 models have camoflauge paint.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Manning the armored car's turret position.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The commander's view of the 222's armaments.
M1919A4 Browning
Browning M1919A4 are used by American forces, in both standalone buildable versions and mounted on several different tanks and armored vehicles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M1919A4 on an M2 tripod - .30-06
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M1919A4 on an M31C pedestal mount - .30-06
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A built standalone Browning M1919A4.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Using the .30cal.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ADS of the M1919A4.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Opening the Browning's top cover.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Placing in another .30-06 belt.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing About the charge the M1919 from empty.
M2A1 Browning
The Browning M2 is mounted on the US M3 Halftrack. It reuses the M2A1 model from Squad , which is anachronistic for WWII.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M2A2 / M2 QCB (Quick Change Barrel) with ammo belt on M3 tripod - .50 BMG
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M2HB on vehicle mount - .50 BMG
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M3 Halftrack-mounted M2A1 - here the modern slotted flash hider and QCB handle are obvious.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Entering the M2A1's position involves charging the machine gun, as is standard procedure.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The turret in idle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming the Browning.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading is identical to Squad as well.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Setting in the new ammo belt - the charging handle is pulled again if empty.
MG 34 Panzerlauf
German armored vehicles and Panzers mount the MG 34 Panzerlauf in numerous installations. It does reuse the heatshield of the regular MG 34 rather than the proper reinforced jacket.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MG34 Panzerlauf with stock fitted - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The MG 34 Panzerlauf in the hull installation on a PzKpfw V Panther.
Ordnance QF 6-pounder
The 1944 Allied forces have the Ordnance QF 6-pounder as their towable artillery emplacement.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ordnance QF 6-pounder
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The default QF 6-pounder on the Arnhem test range.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming the cannon.
Pak 36
The 3.7 cm Pak 35/36 is used by the 1940-era Wehrmacht in the Dinant and Stonne maps.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing 3.7 cm Pak 35/36 anti-tank gun - 37×249 mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A freshly spawned Pak 36.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Looking through the Pak's scope.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing It is one of the few cannons where the reload animation is actually visible from the raised viewpoint.
Pak 38
German forces in 1944 have the 5 cm Pak 38 as their antitank artillery piece.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing 5 cm Pak 38 anti-tank gun - 50x419mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Pak 38 in-game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Manning the gun.
Reibel Mle. 1931
The Reibel Mle. 31 , the tank-mounted derivative of the Chatellerault , is mounted in French armored vehicles. It is generally referred to as the "MAC Mle 1931" in the vehicle HUD.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reibel Mle. 31 (in right-feeding configuration, with stock) - 7.5x54mm French
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Mle 1931 machine in the coaxial position on the turret of the Panhard 178. In this particular vehicle it is labeled as the "Reibel."
Vickers K
British Willys Jeeps have a single Vickers K machine gun mounted in the right side passenger seat.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Vickers K Machine Gun - .303 British
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Vickers K mounted on the British Jeep.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Using the Vickers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The zoomed-in ADS view.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the Vickers K.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Working the charging handle from empty.
Vickers Mk1
Vickers Mk1 machine guns are buildable emplacements for all Allied factions in Post Scriptum.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Vickers gun with ribbed water jacket - .303 British
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Vickers Mk1 in-game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Manning the Vickers, with additional cover built up.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Using the iron sights.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the Mk1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Charging the MG.
The ZB-53 machine gun is mounted in the 1940-era German Panzer 38(t), and the BSA produced Besa variant is used in British armored vehicles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ZB 53 / vz. 37 machine gun - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Getting a good look at the Pz. 38(t)'s armament.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The alternate view of the radio operator's ZB-53 - it can be aimed by tracer fire, actually.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing British Besa tank machine gun - 7.92×57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A dirty Besa MG on the British Daimler Armored Car.