the Milkor MGL cylinder looks off, I think is holds more grenades
I believe the cylinder design looks off probably because Eames dreamed of his Milkor MGL having more grenades. Remember, this is a dream so the people and the projections in it can get any weapon or configurations they could dream of. - Kenny99 21:44, 2 August 2010 (UTC)
I'm pretty sure the cylinder looks off because it's in the middle of rotating (since it's firing in the shot). While in a dream a Milkor with more shell capacity would make sense, you have to keep in mind this is a movie about dreams, and making an extra capacity Milkor probably isn't easy. - Gunmaster45 (for some reason this was deleted by an anonymous user, who has no right to do that...)
I wonder what it would be like if he got a grenade gun that fires fantasy nukes. It would be cool to have in the movie. - 22:33, 19 August 2010 (UTC)
If Eames did have that in the shootout at the warehouse, then the whole team would die due to the massive blast radius of nukes. - Kenny99 22:41, 19 August 2010 (UTC)
Im sure you can get both 6 round and 10 round cylinders for the Milkor, isnt he just using a ten round one? --Captain Snikt 11:56, 20 August 2010 (UTC)
As far as I can find the Milkor is only available as a six round. I am fairly sure the one Eames uses is the MGL Mk 1L, a long chamber variant. I think it is most likely that the props department built a bigger cylinder to make the weapon more impressive and just used CGI for the firing. Westernman1987 10:24, 6 February 2011
Getting a snow mission vibe
For some reason seeing Leonardo dicaprio in that snow camo with rifle, really is remind me of Modern Warfare 2, the snow mission. Excalibur01 04:29, 17 July 2010 (UTC)
same here . i think that they slole it . the oly thing missing is a snowmobile jump . simmons 8492
It's the director's tribute to the Snow Fortress attack at the end of On Her Majesty's Secret Service, which is his favourite bond film.
Leo's rifle is actually the Howa Axiom with the snow camo and wrap on it. If you look closely you can tell.
movie Clip
In one clip they were being attack with men with G3 with sniper scopes. also in the dialogue is is implied that the men attacking them are apart of the dream
Snow mission AR
Saw this last night. Noticed Tom Hardy's character during the snow mission scene used what looked like a SIG SG-551 or 552, with winter camo and a solid stock. Not 100%, though, and I can't find a screencap.
Definitely a SIG assault rifle.
Yeah, it looked like a SIG 556 Excalibur01 04:29, 17 July 2010 (UTC)
Im pretty sure it switched back and forth from a 551 to a 552. Most of the screen time of Tom Hardy had was a 552 but earlier in that section it had a long handguard Mythekal
It didnt have a solid stock, there was a white cloth cover over it so you could only see the skeletonized section if you looked realy close --Captain Snikt 20:14, 22 July 2010 (UTC)
At first, I thought it was a solid stock too, but I closely looked at it, it was a white cloth wrapped over the signature SIG folding stock, and it was definitely a 552, from the mag well shape, and that rectangular-shaped dent on it. cld
Saito's handgun in Level 3
I'm almost certain that Saito uses a Vektor CP1 when he's holding off the projections for Eames.--Toadvine 04:51, 17 July 2010 (UTC)
The front page says he's using a Browning before Eames gives him the Vektor, but I'm certain he has the Vektor the whole time. They were trying to make it look like Eames was just giving Saito back his gun after moving him. --Goondocks (talk) 08:55, 1 June 2017 (EDT)
It was nice to finally see the SCAR-L get some screentime.
I don't think a real one of these has been used in a movie yet (I qualify that because of the CGI'd ones that appear in Alive in Joburg. Badass.
There was a SCAR-L used but not fired by Jack Bauer in an episode of 24. And there was also what we think is one seen briefly in an episode of Jericho. Spartan198 12:10, 18 July 2010 (UTC)
When Cillian Murphy's character is given a gun by Leo DiCaprio's character, he holds it to his head, claiming he'll wake up from the dream if he dies. It looked like a Beretta 92SB based on the round trigger guard. - Gunmaster45
Yusuf's handgun in Level 1
I think Yusuf was using a Kahr CW9 when defending the van from projections on the bridge.--Toadvine 01:37, 19 July 2010 (UTC)
On a second viewing I think Yusuf might've been packing a two tone Sig, they don't give you much of a view of the thing.--Toadvine 02:33, 21 July 2010 (UTC)
I thought it was a P226 two-tone, but that's based solely on my now stale memory. I'm certain it was a Sig though, that much was clear, and I doubt it was a Kahr CW9. But I could easily be wrong. That's One Angry Duck 20:50, 2 August 2010 (UTC)
I've seen this movie 7 times and I can say that it was definitely not a SIG handgun.--Pølaris 17:00, 27 August 2010 (UTC)
I agree with the thought that it is a Kahr. The slide did not look angular enough to be a Sig. It did however look like a Glock that had eaten too many a Kahr.-Double Agent M
motorcycle gun men
the driver of motorcycle pulls a hand gun after the passenger with the Sawed-Off shotgun gets knocked off did any one see what he used. I think is was a revolver
Yes it was, it looked to me like it could've been a Taurus Judge but it was hard to tell. That's One Angry Duck 03:18, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
Guns that stood out to me
I wasn't so surprised to see Beretta 92 in there, but I was a little surprised to see Cobb carrying a Beretta Px4 Storm. Mal was seen using a Sig Sauer P232 I believe, and one of the projections was using a Glock 17. A classic and creative gun line up.
Well the SCAR stood out the most Excalibur01 20:32, 20 July 2010 (UTC)
The snow camo'd Blaser was pretty cool. Chris Nolan had one in the Dark Knight too, so maybe he likes that gun. And I believe the Indian dude used some kind of two tone compact SIG on the bridge.
Though I don't think a Blaser would have been my weapon of choice for the snow. I'd prefer semi auto if I'm a sniper on the go Excalibur01 01:09, 21 July 2010 (UTC)
Well the Blazer LOOKS interesting. Its very visually engaging with its interesting stock coupled the barrel makes for an interesting composition. Paint it white and blotchy makes it even more odd.
-Double Agent M
I was really happy to see the Px4 Storm get some screen time PunisherDave 01:31, 21 July 2010
Yeah, we need to see more new guns Excalibur01 01:35, 21 July 2010 (UTC)
Yeah the Blaser does have a distincive look - very 'filmy', and was used in The Dark Knight. Seeing as he went with a bolt-action over a semi-auto though I'm surprised he didn't go with the Accuracy International AWM. Only because it's designed for arctic conditions and...well, he's British and so is the AWM. - bigchiefreefa
In my opinion the Accuracy International would have been a better choice, I have fired both a blaser and AI before and i much prefere the AI, also if it came to a choice between a bolt action rifle and a semi auto, i would nearly always go for the bolt action as it is ever so slightly more accurate, especially over very long distance statichunter
Anyone else think it was cool how Cobb was catching the spent shell casings in the opening scene? (im assuming to not leave evidence of the theft, or to give away his location) Either way it was nice to see a Px4 --Captain Snikt 20:18, 22 July 2010 (UTC)
FUCK YES!!! As soon as that part happened I knew this was probably the coolest movie of the year, I loved it. (Also, not gun related, but JGL was AMAZING)--Pølaris 22:02, 22 July 2010 (UTC)
Ehh. I thought it was cool, but I didn't really get why he was doing it. He was in a dream, his cover was pretty much blown, and I don't think it would have made much difference had the guards heard the brass hit. And I'm pretty sure the last thing he'd be worried about is an evidence trail.
He hadn't been detected at this point and thought he was about to get away with it, the other reason could be as movie silencers are actually silent the sound of the brass hitting the floor could attract attention. In movie land, which this film was definatly set in. And sign your posts! --Captain Snikt 22:56, 22 July 2010 (UTC)
But like I said, at that range, it was pretty much a guaranteed killshot, and I would think his footsteps on the floor would probably have a better chance of alerting the guards than the sound of his brass hitting the floor.--K 13:12, 23 July 2010 (UTC)
I'm just glad they bothered to give the PX4 a threaded barrel. I've never seen a single movie that bothered to include that detail. I don't think James Bond ever had a PPK or P99 that had a threaded barrel, and yet he routinely attaches suppressors all the time. --funkychinaman 04:20, 26 July 2010 (UTC)
The Walters have the threads on the inside of the barrel, meaning the threaded section doesn't stick out like on the Px4. -- ZEKE 09:25, 14 December 2010 (UTC)
I thought the Blaser R93 was a good choice, a very new-age looking rifle, and coupled with the Barrett ballistic computer, (BORS I think) it made a mean package. Leon used it effectively while on the run too. They don't often do that in movies with bolt-actions. Overall, I think the firearms selection and work was superb.
--Mitchd6365 03:23, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
What size is Cobb's Beretta Px4 Storm? Is it Full Size, Sub-Compact, or Compact. I can't tell from pictures. Wannamuffin 12:33, 13 July 2012 (CDT)
When DVD Comes Out
When the dvd comes out in the future, will the trailer screencaps be replaced or removed? - Kenny99 21:23, 21 July 2010 (UTC)
If they have better screen caps from the DVD, yeah. That's natural. But say for Transformers 3. Knowing Micheal Bay and the caps we got from the LAST Transformers movie, these are probably some of the clearest shots of the guns we'll ever see outside of production unless one of us goes on set and talk directly to the armorer of the movie and interviews him. I'd love to do that. If I knew they were filming in Chicago, I'd do all I can to get on set and see if I can get a few minutes with the weapons guy Excalibur01 22:09, 21 July 2010 (UTC)
Cobb's Beretta
Is it possible that Cobb's Px4 is a Px4SD? ue to the protruding (and rather wide looking) barrel? Just a thought. --Captain Snikt
Never heard of an SD before. Are you calling it that because it can be silenced? Excalibur01 02:50, 23 July 2010 (UTC)
SD = Special Duty, according to Beretta USA they're suitable for threading, but I don't think black grips are available. --Crazycrankle 03:06, 23 July 2010 (UTC)
Oh...well maybe the armorer took the slide from an SD and placed it over a the black lower of a standard one. Excalibur01 03:38, 23 July 2010 (UTC)
I noticed that, too--definitely an SD, given the threaded compensator doohickey on the end there. Black grips, probably from a regular Px4 stuck on there.
I might be contradicting myself here (see my fisrt post) , but the SD is in .45 ACP and tho the standard models are available in .45, they are most commonly 9mm or 40SW. I think the most likely event is a 45 cal standard model Px4 with the barrel of the SD popped in --Captain Snikt 02:33, 26 July 2010 (UTC)
I also just noticed that the supressor looks like the same make as commonly seen on HK Mk23 SOCOM pistols, further supporting it being in 45 ACP --Captain Snikt 02:36, 26 July 2010 (UTC)
When theres a close up of the gun at the end of the movie it looks like a 9mm.--FIVETWOSEVEN 05:24, 20 February 2011 (UTC)
These are posters of Inception I found online. What Arthur is carrying looks like his FN-SCAR he used in the film. Eames is carrying a Beretta 92FS Inox and Saito probably has that, too. - Kenny99 23:25, 24 July 2010 (UTC)
Judging by the marking, Arthur is carrying the SCAR he uses in the film. - K 00:03, 25 July 2010 (UTC)
Anyone noticed the weapon Mal is carrying? It looks like a two-tone Beretta, but it's too far for any clear shot. - Kenny99
01:49, 7 August 2010 (UTC)
Honestly, that looks like a Inox with possibly Hogue grips to me. The frame, apart from the grip, does not appear to be darker then the slide or the barrel, so I'm betting that the grips are just what makes it look that way. Acora 19:36, 18 August 2010 (UTC)
Hey, thanks for deleting my comment and then taking credit for writing almost the exact same thing. -- K 23:06, 19 August 2010 (UTC)
If you're referring to me, I didn't delete your comment. There was no comment that said anything close to that when I posted, but I apologize in any case. Acora 20:14, 9 October 2010 (UTC)
One thing about the guns in this movie made me very happy...
No AK-47. It and the AR-15 being just about the only assault rifles ever shown in movies anymore, seeing something different is always a nice change of pace.
Since when does anyone shows AKs in movies these days (or at least, movies that aren't about wars in Third World countries)? -MT2008 00:07, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
Apparently the world of today according to movies and TV seemed to be criminals capable of getting pricey weapons Excalibur01 02:50, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
they make it seam like you could get a full auto H&K 416 at the corner store . simmons 8492
Or they made it appear that they just have enough money to buy the AR-15s and convert it with HK416 parts. --Cld 09:13, 8 January 2011 (UTC)
Motorcycle Guys?
I found it kinda odd that they were carrying such relatively old guns compared to their pals. One of them had a sawn off, and the other was carrying a revolver that looked alot like an old Smith and Wesson at a glance. Kinda struck me as odd when everybody else had M4s and MP5s. -- K 11:19, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
Well, you figure if you're on the back of a motorcycle as it's weaving in and out of traffic, you'd want a weapon where you don't have to be precise and can also potentially fire one handed. As for person actually operating the motorcycle, I don't see how he could shoot at all. You need both hands (and feet) to operate a motorcycle. Maybe if you're on the highway and you don't have to constantly shift gears, but they were in the middle of the city. --funkychinaman 17:25, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
And seriously, an M4 on a motorcycle? An MP5K maybe, but not a full size anything. Excalibur01 19:21, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
You're both missing my point. :P I never said give the guy a full sized gun, I was just wondering why he was using something so old compared to everything his buddies had. I mean, he easily could have had an MP5K or an OA-93, and I'd certainly take some kind of high capacity pistol if I were shooting on the move, rather than a six shot revolver. You'd have to aim all six of your shots, whereas with, say, a Glock 17, you'd have alot more bullets that could potentially hit your target. And as for him not being able to shoot and drive a motorcycle at the same time, remember they're in a dream. ;) -- K 21:54, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
You would think a Sawed off shotgun would knock the shooter right off the bike.--Spades of Columbia 22:05, 30 July 2010 (UTC)
This is also a dream and the subconscious guys can get whatever guns they can think of. Excalibur01 05:56, 31 July 2010 (UTC)
EXACTLY! So why a wheelgun and two shot sawed off?? .....oh nevermind. -K
I believe that the subconscious guard chose the sawed-off shotgun probably because of its wide pellet spread, thinking that the large spread could wake up the team (though not realizing that killing in a heavily sedated dream causes the limbo state). I'm not sure why they chose the revolver, but maybe because of its magnum power. - Kenny99 01:22, 14 September 2010 (UTC)
The reason that they have revolvers and saw off shotguns in because the can only use 1 hand and it is hard to pull back the slide of a beretta with one hand and the same goes for the shotgun. It is the same reason why military dog handlers in the 50's and 60's were issued revolvers instead of 1911's.
If they get a pre-loaded gun, don't you think they'd have it pre-chambered too? And once the gun is empty(which will happen in under half the time as it would with a high capacity semi-auto), you think pulling back the slide would be harder than opening a cylinder, emptying it, and reloading a revolver? DKS01 04:34, 5 January 2011 (UTC)
What do you mean pulling back the slide? If you aren't aware, a semi auto handgun will lock the slide back when empty. There are a few compact guns that are designed not to have the slide lock back. You could reload an automatic with one hand, like pinching it between your armpit or between your legs (unless you are on a motorcycle. Then you insert fresh mag and press the slide release. With a revolver, it would be very hard to reload it while on a motorcycle. It'll be hard if you are driving a car even with a speed loaded because you need to keep the chamber out without accidently pushing it back in. Also before today, old school law enforcements love the revolvers because of the reputation for reliablity. It was a preference choice by departments. Semi autos even after WWII were slowly being favored over revolvers., Excalibur01 04:45, 5 January 2011 (UTC)
It's not about loading the pistol, it's about if there's a stoppage, no way to clear a semi auto one handed safely while on a bike, a revolver just pull the trigger again and new round. You're more likely to do a limp wrist while on a high speed motorcycle, and what does limp wrist lead to? Misfeeds. I would imagine that was the logic behind the revolver. No clue as to the sawn off though! Statichunter
I honestly wasn't paying too much attention to the guns in Inception, but can we really say that the FAL used was a C1A1? The only thing that really distinguishes a C1 from any other inch-pattern FAL is the rear sight and I don't think there was a clear shot of it anywhere in the movie. Shouldn't we just call it an L1A1 or FAL? Much as I'd think it was cool if it was a C1, I doubt it was. - Nyles
I agree. I don't think many people looked at that and thought C1A1, unless they're Canadian. That's One Angry Duck 01:38, 1 August 2010 (UTC)
Uh wrong. I immediately perked up when I saw the wooden foreend and started really looking at the gun. Since it outwardly LOOKs like a C1A1, it will be called C1A1 unless otherwise proved. It 'could' be an L1A1 with C1A1 furniture, but so what? We list Thompson models based on what we can see, not what the receiver says. MoviePropMaster2008 01:42, 1 August 2010 (UTC)
(EDIT) Sorry, I didn't mean wrong as in your theory is wrong. :) I meant 'wrong' as in it's wrong to assume that no one was paying attention to the gun unless they were Canadian ;) LOL I'm no Canuck and I was staring at that gun! ;) LOL MoviePropMaster2008 03:57, 1 August 2010 (UTC)
We could also say that because these are dream weapons, the excuse is that they don't HAVE to be completely accurate to reality. Excalibur01 02:53, 1 August 2010 (UTC)
Well, unless we get better pictures I guess we'll have to disagree. Incidentally, I just noticed the C1A1 picture isn't correct. That's not a C1A1 topcover, no clip guides. Doesn't have the flip-up disk sight either. Also, where did you get your information that C1s ever had slotted handguards? All the ones I've ever handled were solid, except the original EX1 trials rifles. - Nyles
Got the marked C1A1 from a Fal Collector, however, I admit that the top cover looked like a replacement. Since YOU'RE the bloody Canuck gun expert, help us out. Get a good CU shot of the C1A1 so I can fix the gun and rephotograph it. Guns change when they travel and change hands. :) MoviePropMaster2008 05:26, 1 August 2010 (UTC)
Best I could find online - it's a build with a fanricated top cover, and the background isn't very nice, but it's good resolution and the configuration is correct, other than the upper receiver and the top cover they're all Canadian parts. It's an 8L series for the Ontario Provincial Police, so the front sight ears are slightly different from the Army-issued rifles, but otherwise its standard. Nyles
Great. Thanks! :) Of course I can't upgrade my FAL with correct parts yet, but I'll put that on my list of things to do. I'm NOT a big expert on FALs. I just take them as I get them. An overseas visitor pointed out to me that the folding stocks on my 50.61s were South African and not Belgian, which was something I had never noticed in over 20 years. I have been meaning to put a correct Belgian stock on the paras and rephotograph them. MPM
Here's another pic with close-ups of Canadian-specific parts (other than the solid handguard). It also had an arctic trigger guard that folded down for use with mitts. We have the same thing on the C7. I've never heard of it actually being used, as that's goddamned dangerous in the field. I'm certainly no FAL expert either, I just try and know Canadian guns. - Nyles
I think that the reason this is carried by the Japanese Guard is because it looks very similar to the Howa Type 64 battle rifle, which is illegal to own or export outside of Japan for any reason. The wooden furniture on the rifle makes me jump to that conclusion, as almost all Type 64's were fitted with wooden stocks and hand guards. - Scattergun
Eames' H&K
The article says Eames carries a USP Compact, but I think it's a P2000. If you look at the capture that's up, you can see that the slide has the thin long single groove that extends past the ejection port, unlike the USP Compact. I also recall from a few viewings that the slide was chamfered torward the muzzle (again, unlike the USP Compact), but lacked front serrations (i.e. distinguishing it from a P30). I am fairly confident that when the close-up of Eames from the warehouse is put up, it'll reveal this is a P2000 and not a USP Compact; anyone else agree based on the current pic, and/or their own viewing?
I concur, looks like a P2000 to me.--Pølaris 01:31, 29 September 2010 (UTC)
Yep, me too... But why was it changed? When I saw it in the theater I thought of it as a P2000 --Warejaws 20:27, 9 October 2010 (UTC)
Yes it is defitely a HK P2000 based on the way it sits on the table, as well as in supercloseup on the table you can see the roll mark has italics. This is only on the p2000 series. Thought it might be a HK45C or HKP30 until you notice that there are no rail sets on the front.
BTW,The ambi slide release makes it sit that way, having both on the table before opposed to the compact USP that would lie flat.
It is also the German V2 variety in that it does not have a safety and bobbed hammer. --GSCOT
I know it's a dream, but...
... shouldn't firing full auto with an assault rifle into a car at point blank range turn the car, and everyone in it, into swiss cheese? It's easy to say, yeah, it's just a dream, but then why even bother with defenses if that's the case? --funkychinaman 22:04, 2 August 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, they show several bullet holes in the side of the door, shots that from an assault rifle would easily penetrate and most likely hit whoever is there. But hey, it's a movie, y'know? And there have been worse cases of bullets magically missing only the main characters in movies, so I wouldn't waste my breath on this movie in particular. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull anyone? That's One Angry Duck 23:23, 2 August 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, but unlike Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Inception isn't universally regarded as terrible. We got "nuke the fridge" from it, after all. But oh well, you're right, it's just a movie. But when I first saw the scene, I thought it was pretty bold to kill so many main characters so early in the movie. --funkychinaman 04:36, 3 August 2010 (UTC)
Also don't forget that those mercenary projections job is to kill the intruders and not their protected client, who happened to be in the cab so they would know better then to shoot at a car with their "client" in it. So I take it with the combination of having to choose their shots and pooring rain that they weren't able to hit anyone in the cab save for Saito! Choi117
One of the fundamentals of gun safety is to know what's behind your target. Opening fire at point blank range with only sheet metal and human bodies between you and the person you're trying to protect seems like a really bad idea. True, it's be a far less exciting movie if bad guys actually followed gun safety rules, but still... --funkychinaman 14:49, 4 August 2010 (UTC)
Surely it wouldnt have mattered if they killed their client in the dream as that would have simply woke him up, ending the dream --Captain Snikt 19:51, 4 August 2010 (UTC)
Oh, I didn't think of that. But then that just raises the question of why they put Fischer and his godfather in the rear of the van then. Initially, I thought they were being used as human shields, as any bullet fired into the rear of the van would've killed them first, but if the guards' goal was to kill them to wake them up, you'd think Cobb would've put them up front. --funkychinaman 19:59, 4 August 2010 (UTC)
But not on the lower levels. -K
But Fischer wouldn't have known that he was drugged, just that he was asleep and dreaming. --funkychinaman 19:59, 4 August 2010 (UTC)
His subconcious does, though. -protoAuthor
Cobb didn't even find out until he was well into the dream and the Indian guy told him. He obviously had no idea, he was expecting it to be like any other dream. --funkychinaman 19:06, 18 August 2010 (UTC)
Actually, the guys made a big stink about how he DID know and didn't tell them.-protoAuthor
I remember Cobb being pissed at Arthur when they made it into the warehouse, but I don't exactly remember what about. It was either that Arthur did know about limbo, but didn't tell him, or that Arthur didn't know, and thus was negligent since he was the "point man." It's been a month since I saw it, so the details are hazy, but my memory is leaning toward the latter. I remember Cobb saying something like "you're the point man, it's your job to know these things!" --funkychinaman 18:12, 20 August 2010 (UTC)
I think Yusef said that this sedative was so heavy that if they died in the dream they would die in real life. And Weren't they in the back of the van because they made it seem like a kidnapping, hence the bag over the heads?
No, I thought if they died they would fall into "limbo," like Saito had. That's why he was an old man when Cobb finally found him. They were faking a kidnapping, but like I said, since they were in Fischer's head, he would the last person they'd want killed, so you'd think they'd put him in the most protected spot in the van. --funkychinaman 05:05, 5 August 2010 (UTC)
Ohhh yeah I forgot about that "limbo" part. Well I guess Fischer had the A-team protecting his subconcious because they barely hit a damn thing haha.
Sci-Fi or Fantasy
There has been debates if this is either a sci-fi movie or a fantasy movie. In an interview, Christopher Nolan said,
"I think that whilst I enjoy playing with the idea as a science fiction idea, and as a jumping off point for the story, I came away from the experience thinking it was extremely valuable. But our dreams are private and we have the opportunity every night to look at our lives in a different way and process them with no consequences. So, I don’t think it would be a god thing. Also, when you start really thinking about the potential of the human mind and its ability to create an entire world while you’re sleeping, I come away feeling like our minds are not remotely understood by science and that makes it very unlikely that such a technology could exist."
From another source, Christopher Nolan, himself, said that Inception, "deals with levels of reality, and perceptions of reality which is something I'm very interested in. It's an action film set in a contemporary world, but with a slight science-fiction bent to it."
Several support Fantasy as much of the movie is set in dreams and it shows people creating cities and such. What do you guys think? On Wikipedia, the debate doesn't end. - Kenny99 14:25, 14 August 2010 (UTC)
I'd say sci-fi. When I think of movies that are like it, I think the Matrix or Dark City, and those are sci-fi. When I think fantasy, I think Lord of the Rings, or Labyrinth. --funkychinaman 22:51, 14 August 2010 (UTC)
Well there's a thing called Science Fiction and Science Fantasy. Sci-fi is where the technology is all over the place and it's explained more and the plot more or less revolve around it where Science fantasy does have technology involved, but it isn't explained in the overall plot or even brought up. Excalibur01 01:38, 14 September 2010 (UTC)
I wondered what gun saito was using in the Third Dream Level before he's handed the Vector. I'm pretty sure it's the Walther PPK he used early in the movie...
After blowing up the image and looking at it frame by frame, I'm certain it's still the Vektor. The front page says he's using his Browning before Eames gives him the gun, but it definitely isn't. Eames was just giving him back his gun after moving him. --Goondocks (talk) 08:53, 1 June 2017 (EDT)
I read the Glock Autopistols magazine and in an article about Glocks in movies and there is a screen shot from Inception where Arthur is firing a G17L noted by he compensater cuts and longer slide plus the magazine identifies it as a G17L.--Yo dawg 111 19:48, 8 May 2012 (CDT)