Carnivores Triassic is a popular, yet unofficial, title in the Carnivores hunting simulator video game franchise. Due to the lackluster response of the series' fourth title, Carnivores Cityscape, many fans of the series treat Triassic as a true sequel to the original three games. Based on the engine used for Carnivores Ice Age, Triassic offers improved AI for prey (dinosaurs and archosaurs in this title), various new anaimals, new maps, and a variety of new weapons. Several of the new weapons are based on the weapons from the previous games, but several completely new weapons appear as well.
The following weapons appear in the video game Carnivores Triassic:
Replacing the previous games' pistol is a Heckler & Koch USP. The model seems to be the same model used for the pistol in the previous games (which weakly resembled a Browning BDA), but it has been re-textured in order to make it look like a USP. Though not that powerful, the gun carries a hefty 14-round magazine that can be pumped into any prehistoric beast that's unlucky enough to get caught in the player's line of sight.
A black Dan Wesson PPC .357 revolver with wooden grips appears as an all new weapon, replacing the series' signature X-Bow weapon. It's more powerful than the USP, but power comes at the cost of only six rounds to fire before having to reload. The reload animation, however, is rather bizarre: After running dry, the Hunter will jerk the revolver backwards, as if trying to eject the spent casings. The thing is, the cylinder doesn't swing out. The Hunter will then lift an empty hand, slap the gun on the back, and call it a day.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingDan Wesson PPC - .357 MagnumError creating thumbnail: File missingThe Dan Wesson on the select screen. Note the lack of a hammer, which is chalked up the fact that this is a "single-action" only revolver. The developers most likely meant "double-action." According to the gun's description, it's loaded with .454 Casull rounds.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Hunter aims his Dan Wesson PPC into the desert.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Hunter fires some rounds into the desert, giving us a good look at the length of the weapon due to the recoil. We also get to see the top of the sights. However, the cylinder does not rotate when fired.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWe can get the best look at the ingame model when the Hunter reloads it. However, one can also get a good look at the strange reload animation. In this image, the Hunter seems to be dumping the spent casings, without opening the cylinder. He then slams an open palm on the back of the gun, which apparently reloads it.
Z-M LR 300
A Z-M LR 300 rifle appears as a new weapon, acting as the series' first assault rifle. It has the fastest rate of fire of any gun in the game, and is fairly powerful. However, the weapon is also very loud, and can scare prey away. On the select screen, the weapon is referred to as both a "LR300" and an "M4 Carbine Assault Rifle." The select screen image also happens to show an M4 styled weapon. The weapon in the select screen does not appear in the most recent version of the game, and appears to be a leftover from a cut or removed weapon.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingZ-M LR 300ML with side-folding stock - 5.56x45mmError creating thumbnail: File missingThe LR 300 ingame, where we see the sights and the charging handle. It's a completely new model for the game, like the previously seen Dan Wesson PPC revolver.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReloading the rifle consists of replacing the magazine and pulling the charging handle. Compared to the other weapons, the LR 300 has a comparatively lower res texture. However, the overall shape and design is still clear.
M4/M4A1 Carbine
Some kind of M4 carbine weapon appears on the weapon select screen, representing the aforementioned LR 300 rifle. Despite being labeled as an LR 300 in the weapon list, the description refers to the pictured M4, which does not actually appear ingame. Other than the general shape, details are difficult to acquire due to how small the image is, though it clearly boasts some kind of optics.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt M4 Carbine with 4 position collapsible stock - 5.56x45mmError creating thumbnail: File missingThe M4 carbine-like rifle on the select screen. This model does not appear within the game itself. Despite the name "LR300" being used in the option box, the description box also refers to the weapon as being an M4 carbine. Note that the weapon appears to have a gray digital pattern. Also note the straight box magazine.
A new weapon appears in the game, labeled as an FN FAL, which comes equipped with "built in crosshairs." The select screen image, however, is clearly based off of the rifle seen in the previous games, which best resembles a KS-23 shotgun. The ingame model for the FN FAL also seems to be based on the existing KS-23 model, but since we only ever see the weapon from the top, it's hard to tell. Note, though, that the scope is placed on the handguard.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingFN FAL "G Series" - 7.62x51mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingAlthough the old rifle model appears on the select screen, the actual ingame model seems to have been visually modified to make it closer resemble an FAL. The scope looks nowhere near as big here as it is shown on the select screen. The weapon doesn't have a reload animation.
Remington 870
The Remington 870 MCS Entry shotgun from the previous two games appears again in the game's select screen, representing a RemingtonModel SP-10 hunting shotgun. Ingame, it's basically an 870 without the rear sights that appeared on the shotguns that appeared before (making it further resemble an 870). The "SP-10" has a leopard camo. There's also a gold 870 on the select screen, called the Golden Lever-Action Rifle (Despite the shotgun clearly having a pump).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingRemington 870 MCS Entry version - 12 GaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingThe leopard 870 on the select screen. It's not clear what kind of backdrop this is supposed to blend into, other than a wall of leopard skins. The description erroneously refers to this shotgun as a Remington Model SP-10.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe original model for the shotgun has had its onscreen angle adjusted, and has had the rear sights removed, making the weapon more closely resemble the Remington 870.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Hunter racks the action very slowly, ejecting a blue casing. According to the description, the shotgun is chambered for 10 Gauge shells. Note that the magazine tube seems to have been shortened slightly, perhaps done in an attempt to make a better look-a-like for the SP-10. However, the SP-10 isn't a pump-action shotgun.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Hunter reloads his garish shotgun, which can only hold three rounds at a time. Although this is a bit more accurate than putting a tiny box magazine directly into the magazine tube (Like in the last two games), the slower reload, coupled with the sluggish racking of the pump, makes this weapon less than ideal to use in most situations.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhat appears to be a solid gold 870 appears, which is called a G-LAR , or Golden Lever-Action Rifle). This name is fairly odd, primarily because the select screen image shows a pump-action shotgun. However, as the gun costs a whopping 2000 points to use, I don't know if the ingame model differs at all. Once I store up the points, I'll get new images.
The rifle from the first game, which actually resembled a KS-23 shotgun with an incorrect box magazine, reappears in Carnivores Triassic in several different styles. Firstly, the KS-23 is used as a select screen image for the aforementioned FN FAL, but with sights removed and replaced with a crude looking scope. The same scoped KS-23 image from the previous games also appears, but this time the weapon is identified as an M40A3 Sniper Rifle, which it only shares a vague similarity with. Finally, a retextured KS-23 is used to represent the SPAS-15 (See the next entry).
A SPAS-15 appears in the game as a new weapon - sort of. It's actually the previously seen KS-23 shotgun model, but completely retextured in order to resemble a SPAS-15. One can make out all of the SPAS-15's details, such as the pump, the magazine, and the receiver. The only things that are amiss are the elongated barrel and the lack of a carrying handle. As the pump is only textured onto the gun, the weapon, perhaps rather obviously, fires in its semi-automatic mode.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingFranchi SPAS-15 - 12 GaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingThe select screen basically shows us a gray KS-23 shotgun. However, you can still see some of the SPAS-15 details, such as the red square on the magazine and an ejection port on the side. But still, go ahead and count all the differences between this and the actual SPAS-15.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Hunter aims his SPAS-15, wondering where the carrying handle wandered off too.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Hunter reloads his SPAS-15 with a tiny magazine. However, here we can see the pump and more details of the SPAS-15 that have been textured onto the gun. As one can guess, the pump isn't workable, and so the gun fires semi-automatically.
Sawed-Off Double-Barreled Shotgun
Some kind of generic Sawed Off Double Barreled Shotgun appears in the hands of poachers, enemies who will come to collect you as a trophy if your dinosaur trophy room starts to get really full. These enemies were actually supposed to appear in Carnivores Ice Age, but were cut for unknown reasons. Triassic has re-implemented the poacher.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingRemington Spartan Sawed Off shotgun - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingA poacher readies his sawed off shotgun. He has traded in his snow camouflage from the last game for desert fatigues. Perhaps ironically, the poachers wear the same outfit that the Hunter does.