Company of Heroes is the 2013 World War II film inspired by the videogame of the same name. The film focuses on a platoon of US Army soldiers who find themselves behind enemy lines in the Ardennes forest in 1944. After engaging enemy forces, the men find that Germany is devising a secret superweapon and resolve to retrieve the bomb for the Allies. The film was directed by Don Michael Paul and stars Chad Michael Collins, Neal McDonough, Vinnie Jones, and Tom Sizemore.
The following weapons were used in the film Company of Heroes (2013):
The Gewehr 43 is used by Nate (Chad Michael Collins) as a sniper rifle. While the rifle was used in World War II, this was a German weapon and it's not explained in the film why US forces were using it. It is missing the front sight and during one battle, Nate works the charging handle like a bolt action rifle.
Lee-Enfield No 4 Mk 1*
Despite the fact that Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk 1* was the standard rifle for the Commonwealth troops and the M1 Garand was the main rifle carried by US troops during World War II, the Lee-Enfield is seen carried by the majority of the US troops in the film.
The Browning M2 Aircraft heavy machine gun appears in the film as the primary armament of U.S. aircraft, specifically the P-51 Mustangs and the B-17 Flying Fortresses.
M9 "Bazooka"
Nate is using an M9 bazooka as well. Because the film takes place in late 1944, the weapon would not be anachronistic.
Axis Weapons
Walther P38
The Walther P38 is carried by German officers in the film. The pistol also is used by Nate and Kestrel (Melia Kreiling).
VZ-24 Czech Mauser
The VZ-24 Czech Mauser is the rifle carried by German troops in the film.
Karabiner 98 Sniper
The Kar98's scoped sniper variant is used by a German sniper at the film's beginning.
The MP40 is used by both German and American troops throughout the film. All of the characters hold the weapon by the magazine, which is the way most often seen in films, but in reality this would often lead to misfeeds.
The MG42 is seen mounted and fired on a German truck during the film's final chase.