Outbreak is a 1995 thriller directed by Wolfgang Petersen and stars Dustin Hoffman as a US Army doctor who discovers that a deadly virus that has infected an entire California town is on the verge of decimating the entire country. The film's cast includes Rene Russo, Cuba Gooding Jr., Kevin Spacey, Donald Sutherland and Morgan Freeman.
The following weapons were used in the film Outbreak:
US Military personnel including Maj. Salt (Cuba Gooding Jr.) and Brig. Gen. Billy Ford (Morgan Freeman) as well as numerous Army soldiers carry and use the Beretta 92FS standing in for the M9.
Colt M1911A1
Lt. Col. Briggs (Dale Dye) carries a M1911A1 inside a Bianchi M12 holster with chest harness.
The depot guard carries an unknown automatic. Perhaps a SIG-Sauer pistol.
Colt M16A1 with A2 Style Handguards
No soldier carries a M16A2, all use a M16A1 with A2 Style Handguards. From a closer examination of the pictures posted here, some of the M16A2 rifles that were seen in Outbreak were MGC M16 replica rifles that were fitted with M16A2 foregrips and "birdcage" flash hiders to make them look like M16A2s.
Colt XM177E2
Some troops carry an XM177E2 thought most of them appear to be the later version plastic MGC Colt Commando (replica copy of the XM177-E2) that was sold just prior to the rise in popularity of Airsoft versions.
The Delta behind Gen. Ford (Morgan Freeman) carries an unknown M16 rifle. This weapon looks like a Model 654, but if look the shot carefully you can see the M4 barrel. Probably is an M654 resemble to look like a GUU-5/P.
Actually, they don't seem to have M4 barrels at all. They also seem to have SP1-style receivers. The Model 654 is the most likely type, but it's hard to be sure. There are lots of "Franken-M16s" in movies. -MT2008
British L1A1 SLR
A European (mostly likely British) mercenary is seen shooting an British L1A1 SLR (Self Loading Rifle) at the beginning of the film (note the foresight ears and the barrel on the rifle). An African Soldier is also seen using one.
One of the three civilians that try to escape from Cider Creek fires with a Remington 7600 at a U.S. Army helicopter, thanks go to Gunmaster45 for the identification.