During the 1900 scene, Korean fighter for national independence An Jung-geun has a FN Model 1900 to try and assassinate Hirobumi Itō, which he used in real life, as seen below in it's box. But when firing, it is switched to an FN Model 1903.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless - .32ACPError creating thumbnail: File missingA FN Model 1903 in the hands of Korean Korean fighter for national independence An Jung-geun - note the spring installed on the slide, indicating the prop is a former Shanghai police issued pistol.
Browning Hi-Power
During the 1909 scene, a Japanese officer used a Browning Hi-Power to shoot An Jung-geun and stopped the assassination of Hirobumi Itō which changed history. Hi-Power, being introduced in 1935, shouldn't have existed in 1909. However, since it was later revealed that this officer was in fact an assassin sent back from 2009, it would explain how he was able to obtain this firearm.
JBI agents Sakamoto and Saigo use Glock 17 pistols as their sidearm. During the raid on the the Inoue Fundation Exhibition, their Glock are equiped with laser aiming device.
The Fureisenjin terrorists use the Heckler & Koch MP5A3 as their primary weapon of choice. The 9mm ammo used by these weapons seems to be able to penetrate the Level IIA body armor worn by the JBI SWAT officers.
The M4A1 is the standard weapon for the JBI SWAT assault team. The M4s in this film are fitted with a variety of attachments, such as scope, rails, forward handgrips. Almost all M4s used by the JBI SWAT team have tactical lights and laser aiming devices attached to them.
It is interesting to note that all JBI SWAT officers in the film are shown to display great firearm discipline, firing only in semi-automatic mode, sometimes in rapid succession. However, when the script deemed it necessary for them to die pointlessly, all tactics and training are out the window and JBI SWAT officers are shown blindly charging into Fureisenjin's line of fire, without even having their weapons in the ready position.
The Franchi SPAS-12 is the tactical shotgun of choice for the JBI SWAT team. Both the fixed stock version and the folding stock version are seen, some fitted with tactical light. One of the SPAS-12 loaded with breaching rounds was used to breach the locked door at the Inoue Fundation.
A heavily modified M60 machine gun was carried by one of the Fureisenjin terrorist during the incident at the Inoue Fundation. A digital ammo counter is installed in front of the ejection port.
Fureisenjin terrorists used FIM-92A Stinger missiles to attack the Inoue Fundation convoy carrying historical artifacts, and later used it on the protagonists' car.